ZuthaTheEvolutionist's page

9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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HolyFlamingo! wrote:

And then you're stuck feeling like some kind of curmudgeonly old grognard while everybody else sings the praises of the new system and reminisces on how awful those outdated mechanics were. Doubly so in this case, where Starfinder--the last bastion of the 3e era--is explicitly being remade in the image of its more popular and explicitly new-school sibling. It's gotta feel like one of those horrible makeover scenes in a romcom, where a character who had a unique and endearing style is done up to look more like everyone else's idea of pretty, and you get pulled out of the movie because it's trying to insist that this glow-up is something you should want.

Thank you so much for saying this.

I've been feeling terrible about being in any organized Paizo community recently just because I feel like folks are telling me to "get on with the times" when I tell them that the product I love and want to support is not getting more support. I'm glad someone can put what I feel to words better than I can.

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Controversial opinion, but the Evolutionist should come in sooner rather than later. Being the last class in SF1e meant it got way less support than the other classes, and their fnatasy of "adapting to the battlefield and the situation" is such a cool concept that I wish got explored more.

... Huh? What do you mean my name? What do you mean I'm biased? XD

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With the release of the playtest, I became very, very worried about the PF2e compatibility being made a priority for the new edition. While there are problems with Starfinder that ought to be addressed, I don't feel that jumping ship to the 3 Action System and absorbing all of those flaws instead of ironing out the old flaws is a good move.

That said, I wish to be proven wrong. However, the Soldier makes me feel very anxious in that regard, at least from what we've seen: putting Constitution as their main stat makes it very wonky to build a Soldier and have them be comparable to a Fighter, or even a Champion. It feels like a weird middleman that deals in very discreet buffs to a weapon class that we don't know enough about but seem very restrictive. As has been pointed out in a group I frequent, if progression stays the same as is, a Wizard would be just as good as doing the Soldier's job as the Soldier itself. Put the Rottary Laser in the hands of a Fighter, and the Soldier can't even compete.

I don't know, I don't feel very good about this one, lads/ladettes/everyone. If you can assuage my doubts, I'd be very very thankful. Otherwise, seems like someone's gonna have to pick up the slack and develop SF1e content on their own, because "You shouldn't change editions" doesn't seem like valid/acceptable feedback.

PS: I'm aware of the upcoming PF2e remaster, and how that might change the numbers of stuff like Class DCs, but from what I've seen/heard, that's not gonna be too much interference with the points made about soldier up there. Also, while I don't personally think it's a good idea, I am happy to see that people seem engaged and are happy with the edition change. Trust me, I want to be just as happy as you guys are.

PPS: Sorry, I keep adding stuff. I have a fear that other Starfinder classes are just gonna be made to be "Pathfinder2e class, but with a twist and weaker because of it", and I hope hope hope that won't be the case, but the playtest is making me very skeptical.

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Personally, I think I love the flavour of the Evolutionist more than most other classes currently in the game.

However, reading through the class, I don't think they are, overall, very good? Their purpose seems to be all about being adaptable while still being a damage dealer... but they overall just feel like a bad Vanguard in my opinion.

I'm looking for ways to improve the class, for homebrews. How would *you* change the Evolutionist? Or do you think they are fine as is? If so, do help me see them the way you do. I really want to love this class, and I do, but I'd like to also be able to love playing as one...

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Hi! I'm currently playing a Magus as my character in an Age of Ashes campaign. We're in Book 1, Hellknight Hill, and I have a friend who is also playing as a Summoner, but this is specifically about my impressions with the class so far.

I'm currently playing as a Half-Elf Slidecaster Magus, using mostly cantrips and the occasional big damage spell. Our party consists of one Crossbow Ranger, one Giant Instinct Barbarian, one Draconic Summoner, one Life Oracle and me.

So far, nothing beats the feeling of nailing someone with both my sword and spell attacks on the same turn. But I feel like the Magus needs to split their focus between Int and Str/Dex so much that I fear it will get hard to keep up that type of assault consistently at higher levels. Accuracy is a big problem: if you want both of the spells and physical attacks to be balanced, you need to split your stats and lower your accuracy. Maybe something where, when you cast a spell with Combat Casting, you get a bonus to your To Hit roll equal to half the level of the spell stored in your weapon, rounded down, just for the weapon attack?

I've been enjoying the Magus very much, I just think it needs a couple tweaks to be effective as well as fun!

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*Goes to the Starfinder Blog*
*Sees new Iconic*
*reads about new Iconic*
*Pharamsa, being a Good Dad, medic, and a happy death god cultist*