Roy Flaxbeater

Zorlun's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Well thank you, I check the "save for later" on the preorders, they have been put in a whishlist, not in the sidecart, but the rest of the order worked after that.
Thank you.

Hello there, I have been pushed here for a problem I am having with the checkout of my order.

I have a full cart with an order, a few preorders and a subscription, but what ever I do the cart keep me in a loop, sending me round and round and round, validating all the steps, entering the back code of the credit card but always finishing back to my cart whithout ever being able to validate the order.

Someone told me that the problem was fixed, but since I find myself in some kind of limbo with my order and starting to become mad I come with a little request rightfully put by Milla Jovovitch in the Fifth Element :
"Please, Help !" :)

Is there a problem with ordering ?
The cart keep me in a loop, sending me rond and rond and rond, always finishing back to my cart whithout ever validating the command.