Male Human (Mwangi) Medium (Uda Wendo) 1.15 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 T 10 FF 17 | F +3 R +0 W +3 |
Neutral Good
Taldane, Polyglot
About Zisiro the Spirit Eater
Zisiro the Spirit Eater
Male human (Mwangi) medium (uda wendo) 1.15
NG Medium humanoid (human) (affiliations: the Wendo, Dark Archive)
Init +0; Perception +5
DEFENSE AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +1 shield)
HP 12 (1d8+4) +1 FCB Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3
OFFENSE Speed 30 ft.
Melee . . masterwork cold iron meteor hammer +4 (1d10+4, x2, B) or silver dagger +4 (1d4+2, 19x2, P/S) or cold iron short spear +4 (1d6+3, x2, P) or silver short spear +4 (1d6+2, x2 P)
Ranged . . sling +0 (1d4+3, x2, 50 ft, B)
Medium Spellcasting (Caster Level 1st, Concentration +2)
0th . . daze (DC 11), stabilize
STATISTICS Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 13
Intimidating Prowess: add Strength bonus to Intimidate
Spirit Focus (Champion): increases champion spirit bonus by 1
Guiding Spirit: swift action, roll twice on a d20 roll and take the higher
Omen: +1 bonus to intimidate, 1/day demoralize opponent as a swift action
Languages Taldane (common), Polyglot
SQ bonus feat, skilled
Combat Gear masterwork cold iron meteor hammer, silver dagger, masterwork breastplate
Other Gear xx lbs/ xx lbs xx Load Coins: SPECIAL ABILITIES Wendo (Su): Zisiro channels the wendo, otheworldly entities that walk among mortals. This functions like channeling a spirit, except instead of requiring a favored location to channel a wendo, Zisiro must offer the wendo a sacrifice worth at least 50 gp per Hit Die he has. Alternatively, he can instead accept 1 point of burn, as per the kineticist class ability (Occult Adventures pg. 11), instead of sacrificing material wealth. While channeling a wendo, Zisiro gains the 1st-level domain power of one druid animal or terrain domain (Ultimate Magic, pg. 33) or the 1st-level domain power of one of the following cleric domains: Air, Animal, Community, Darkness, Death, Destruction, Earth, Fire, Healing, Knowledge, Protection, Rune, Strength, Sun, Trickery, War, Water, or Weather. He has an effective cleric or druid level equal to half his medium level (minimum 1st) [1st] for the purposes of this ability. In addition, he adds all spells from his chosen domain that are of a spell level he can cast (including modifications to his spellcasting from the archmage arcana or divine surge lesser spirit powers) to his medium spell list and medium spells known as medium spells of their domain spell level.
Zisiro cannot invite allies to a seance to summon a wendo, and by channeling a wendo, he allows the entity to gain 2 points of influence over him.
Spirit Bonus (Su): +1 (+2 for Champion)
. . . Archmage: applies to concentration checks, Intelligence checks, and Intelligence-based skill checks
. . . . . . Seance Boon: +2 spell damage
. . . . . . Archmage Arcana (Lesser, Su): Zisiro can use the spells per day from the Mesmerist table (Table 1-4). For each level of spell he can now cast (including level 0), each time he channels an archmage spirit, he selects a single spell of that level form the sorcerer/wizard spell list to add to the medium spell list and spells known until he loses contact with the archmage. When Zisiro casts these spells, they count as arcane, and thus he must provide verbal and somatic components instead of thought and emotion components.
. . . Champion: appies to attack rolls, non-spell damage rolls, Strength checks, Strength-based skill checks, and Fortitude saves.
. . . . . . Seance Boon: +2 non-spell damage
. . . . . . Champion’s Prowess (Lesser, Su): Zisiro gains proficiency with all martial weapons and in one exotic weapon of his choice, which he chooses each time he channels a champion spirit.
Spirit Surge (Su): After failing a d20 roll that is modified by Zisiro’s spirit bonus, he can allow his spirit to gain 1 additional influence over him in order to add 1d6 to the check’s result without taking an action.
Pathfinder Module: Gallows of Madness (A Foul Breed)
Masterwork shoes (counts as 50 gp of jewelry)
Gunty’s hearty breads (4/4)
Courtier’s outfit
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (3/3)
[_] Pricknettle’s Potions and Poultices: You may check the box that precedes this boon to purchase a potion from Jajara Pricknettle at a 10% discount.
Witch’s End Tavern: Whenever you pay for lodging for yourself or your companion creatures, or other PCs pay for lodging while you are present, reduce the price by 50%.
Pathfinder Module: Gallows of Madness (A Foul Breed) ThrawnCon 4/26/17