Amiri has a power feat on her role card that allows her to explore after defeating a barrier. And a feat that allows her to move after her location closes.
Question is: If the henchman or villain is a barrier, and defeating them closes the location, can Amiri move and explore a different location using those two feats?
On first blush, it seems like it should. You cannot take the free explore until the encounter with the barrier is completely resolved, and resolving it includes closing the location. Do the latter, move, then do the former.
Thoughts? Thanks!
"At the end of your turn (□ or when your location closes), you may move."
"When your defeat a barrier, you may examine the top card (□ or top 3 cards) of you location deck. You may put any examined boons on the bottom of the location deck. (□ Then you may explore your location.)"