
Zinbah Boreol's page

85 posts. Alias of Eric Swanson.


Male Human Wizard 2


AC 11 T 11; FF 10; CMD 12 HP 13; Currently 13; Concentration +6 FORT +2 REFL +1 WILL +4

About Zinbah Boreol

Zinbah Boreol
Wizard 2
AL: Lawful Evil
Region: Talingarde
DEITY: Asmodeus
Languages: Common, Draconic, Infernal, Elvish, Giant, Celestial

STR 10 +0 0
DEX 13 +1 3
CON 14 +2 5
INT 18 +3 10
WIS 10 +0 0
CHA 15 +2 7


Human Male, 24 years old, 5'9", 152 lb., Reddish-Blonde hair, Dark brown eyes, clean shaven. Branded with the letter "F" on his arm.

This handsome looking young man has the build and mannerisms of a Talingardian noble, with rugged features, and long reddish blonde hair which he keeps tied back in a ponytail. His dark brown eyes sparkle with intelligence and sardonic humor, but at times they get a brooding, intense quality which can leave the casual acquaintance uncomfortable.

He keeps himself clean shaven at all times, going so far as to carry a razor with him at all times.

He dresses conservatively in sturdy, high quality clothing, and prefers the finer things in life, in both food and drink, this, along with his sedentary studies, has led to him being somewhat overweight.

AC 11 Touch 11; FF 10; CMD 12
HP 13 (2d6+4+1; 6/2)
Concentration +6

Init: +1 (dex), Speed 30'
BAB +1, CMB +2
Quarterstaff +1 to hit (1d6, x2, B)
Dagger +1 to hit (1d4, 19-20/x2, range 10', S/P)
Ranged Touch: +2 to hit.
Hand of the Apprentice: +5 to hit (1d6 or 1d4, x2, range 30')

Skills 18 total (4+8 int +1 favored +2 human +4 bonus)
+9 Appraise 2+4 int +3
+4 Diplomacy 2+2 cha
+10 Knowledge (arcana) 2+4 int +3 +1 trait
+10 Knowledge (history) 2+4 int +3 +1 trait
+9 Knowledge (local) 2+4 int +3
+10 Knowledge (planes) 2+4 int +3 +1 trait
+5 Profession (merchant) 2+3
+9 Linguistics 2+4 int +3
+13 Spellcraft 2+4 int +3 class +3 feat +1 trait


  • Combat Casting
  • Skill Focus [Spellcraft]
  • Scribe Scroll
  • Traits Classically Schooled; Twilight Academy Graduate (Regional): You've spent 10 years of your life learning wizardry in the Twilight Academy of Galduria. The school is known for its studies into unusual and dangerous magic. You had to cast spells in difficult situation and try to manipulate powerful magic energy beyond your capabilities. This special training has made your own magic somewhat unusual. Choose one of the following benefit: *Gain a +3 trait bonus to caster level checks to activate scrolls of higher caster level.


Consorting with the Dark Powers (Witchcraft)
You have been found guilty of summoning an evil outsider. Likely you were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you was, “May Mitra have mercy upon your wretched, damned soul.” If only you could get a chance at revenge!
Punishment: Death by burning
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (planes) and Knowledge (arcana) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.


  • Spells:
    0-level: Detect Magic, Flare, Mage Hand, Message, Ray of Frost
    1st level (DC 14): Burning Hands, Charm Person, Mage Armor
  • Arcane Bond (Sp): Masterwork Ring
  • Arcane School (Universalist)
  • Hand of the Apprentice (Su): You cause your melee weapon to fly from your grasp and strike a foe before instantly returning to you. As a standard action, you can make a single attack using a melee weapon at a range of 30 feet. This attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, except that you add your Intelligence modifier on the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier (damage still relies on Strength). This ability cannot be used to perform a combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Common set of clothing (worn)
Silver medallion bearing the symbol of Asmodeus.
Spell Component pouch.
Noble Outfit (stored)
Wand of Magic Missile, 1st level (49 charges)
Scroll of Magic Missile, Hideous Laughter
Scroll of Alarm, Hypnotism, Mount, Sleep
Scroll of Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Shield x2
Wizard's college class ring of gold set with diamonds (Arcane Bond).
Warden's Spellbook
Portable alchemist's lab
25 gp (125 gp used for Party Wand)

Warden's spellbook (current spellbook):

Made of fine cerulean leather embossed with gold leaf. Its edges are reinforced with brass fittings, and strange arcane symbols adorn its ocver. It bears the draconic rune of "R" in the center of its front cover. It has 62 blank pages and the following spells:
2nd level: Bull's Strength, Flaming Sphere, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility
1st Level: Alarm, Burning Hands, Charm Person, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Grease, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Mount, Shield, Sleep
All 0th level spells

Zinbah grew up in the city of Talingarde, the second eldest of 7 children, 1 older brother, and 5 younger siblings. Growing up was difficult for him since there were questions about his birth, rumors floated around that he was not the true son of his father, and his true father was a Varisian trader. However he did look like his father, somewhat, and most of these rumors were dismissed out of hand.

However, not long after his birth, the family fortunes suffered from some bad investments, and also some of the shipments were lost due to banditry and other natural occurrences. There seemed no logical explanation.

Debts started piling up, and so in order to handle some of the debts, his father "sold" him to one of the upcoming wizard schools. Apparently this school had been keeping an eye on Zinbah and offered to take on some of the debts of the family business in exchange for Zinbah. Seeing the loan sharks gathering at his doorstep, it was not a difficult decision.

So, without his consent, he was given over to the school for his training. To the surprise of Zinbah, he proved quite adept in the magical arts. He started the training when he was 14 years and it had progressed well.

Until fate intervened. A message arrived saying his brother had died in an accident and his tenure at the school was over, as he was to return home to take up the mantle of running the family business. Normally he might have accepted but Zinbah was starting to master the magical arts. The presence of Naomi, a fellow student who he was attracted to and believed he was in love with, also played a role in his reluctance to return back to his boring life.

Growing more desperate to stay with Naomi, he began looking for solution in the various books and scrolls in the ancient library. Soon his search led to forbidden lore, lore dealing with conjuring devils and other blasphemous acts. He talked with Naomi about this who encouraged him to follow down this dark path.

Unfortunately, Naomi was not as faithful as he had believed. When he confided in her his plans to summon a being who promised him a way to solve the problems with his family (and with Naomi) she agreed wholeheartedly with his idea. 'What harm could come of this?' She must have turned him into the authorities for delving into those secrets. Just as he finished summoning his first otherworldly creature, he heard voices calling him to stop this blasphemy! He had been betrayed by the woman he loved, a woman who lacked the courage to stand with him as he followed down a dark path.

Now he waits to be executed...thoughts of bringing this long forgotten magic back to the society, to help better it and to bring a new period of enlightenment to this backward culture sustaining him.

He plans on building a new trade empire, using his wizardly magic to gain the competitive edge against his competitors. He will start by taking over his own family business. He wants no part of ruling the throne, held King Markadian V, but rather establishing an economic stranglehold in Talingarde.

Zinbah's level-up plan is to stick with wizard all the way through, although a couple of prestige classes are quite interesting, namely the Diabolist and Mage of the Third Eye.