Safan Domvesia

Zhalail of the Lost House's page

21 posts. Alias of BluePigeon.


Zhalail twists and moves on the sheets of her bed as if in an erotic dream. Lost in the abyssal throes of matron, her breathing is deep then shallow in unrhythmic spasms. Her undraped body glistens with communion and perspiration. Her dark evil skin sparkles in the chamber's soft lantern light with no hint of betrayal as to the origin of her conversation.

Her eyes pop open and and she lurches forward scrambling in urgency to the foot of the bed. Donning a simple robe left on the bed post, she moves towards a secured chest and pulls forth a scrying mirror. Looking into it she sees An azure hued wizard moving with a young faire-haired boy. The fool was so busy battling canon fodder, he didn't seem the simple enchantment she placed on him.

She leans back and watches the events unfold without interference. As ordered by her Queen.

With her divinations secured and her physiology relaxed, Zhalail sends the messages. The pulse soon reach their destinations. Three more companions will join the Mistress of the Lost House soon.

Reclined in the comforts of her lair, Zhalail relaxes and lets her breathing deepen, slowly it gradually until she is in a state of deep meditation.

"You'll see. Soon, they will all see and know."

The Tunnels fade to back...


The two minotaurs clench the hilts of their axes.

"I know you failed to secure the boy. You've wasted valuable resources and time the last four weeks. My master grows tired of failures and shallow excuses. So I've called in several specialists and mercenaries to handle these heroes, and the boy. Most all, I want Tristan brought to me alive and unharmed."

"Close the door, you're letting in the stench, aside from yourself."

As the Dalesman is poised to strike, Zhalail caress the gemstone with her fingers, then a bright flash of crimson fills the moneylender's shop. When their vison comes clear, Zhalail and her two minotaur guards are gone. Save for vandalism, nothing of dark elf remains.

Allura wrote:

Disentangling herself from Lk, Allura steps in front of him and strikes with her ranseur as hard as she can at the minotaur guarding the priestess.

It's a +3 shocking burst thundering ranseur with an extra 4d6 of damage added by expending her psionic focus, and hitting against touch AC. So, you know, it should sting a bit. :)

The ranseur strikes its target true but comes in contact with an unseen field of arcane force. There is a loud clap of thunder followed by Allura falling backwards, but uninjured. Whatever the enchantments the weapon had, it obviously rendered the minotaurs mage-field inactive. The beast staggers and shakes his head, stunned by the unexpected energized attack. The dark elf behind the minotaur however seems unbothered by the deafening book. Her efforts pull a gold necklace with a fist-sized gemstone from the floor safe.

"Found it!"

The second minotaur raises his wicked flail and lets it come crashing down, but it misses Allura's head by mere inches.

"Moo-dred, Three-Horns, forget her, we have it! Let's go!" she barks.

She waves her hand and psionicly blows a hole in the side of the wall. However, she is unaware of the Dalesman and his allies.

The Dalesman wrote:

When Devlyn hears Alaina's voice (and more importantly, her incantation), he immediately closes his eyes and relies on his blindsight and scent to guide him through the next few seconds.

Question from your earlier post, BP:
** spoiler omitted **

With the time he's spent with Allura, he recognizes Zhalail's talents as psionic.

Alaina, the Fire Flower wrote:

Alaina grimaces as LK get pushed

That was your last mistake, ugly!

Alaina hurls a drow epithet at the strange dark elf:

Dos inbal l' t'zarreth d' natha yibin ilharess ilhar!

She then raises her arms and chants

Sunny Godhead
Hear your proxy's plea
Fill this place
with sunlight free!

The House of Muulsh and the surrounding area is filled with bright sunlight, as if on the hottest sunniest day of summer.

I figure that would discomfort her at the least

One monitaur turns and shields Zhalail from the outpouring of sunlight. His bulk blunts the flash of sunlight but leaves his backquarters exposed. The other shields his eyes with his thick forearm, trying to block as much photo-energy as he can. Distracted, the heroes have an opportunity, a slim one, to advance their attack.

Allura wrote:
Little Kiba wrote:

"Devlyn..." Lk rushes for the shop, pushing past any people that are in his way. He makes his way in, and launches himself at the priestess, shifting into his full wolf form in midair.

"Lk, no wait," Allura says, running in after him.

Zhalail gestures her hand towards the rushing wolfling and its stops in mid-air. Suspended, Little Kiba looks around surprised before he finds himself pushed back by some unseen, but very tangible force. This force pushes him back towards Allura. Both collide and hard.

... wrote:

The Bazaar Watch comes trotting out to the House of Muulsh. Backed by priests and arcane casters, they set up a perimeter around the building. The leader, a mail-clad knight bellows:

Drow witch! Come out of that building with your cowmen and surrender!

A deep moaning followed by a long grunt can be heard from the interior of the establishment, One of the minotaurs, an ivory white albino howls lustfully with the thoughts of battle.

"No! They will suffer!" The dark elf screams. "But first, we have a job to do."

A loud crash rolls through the establishment followed by a long scrapping sound of wrought iron against stone. It is followed ny a second heavy crash. A flash of heat can be seen from the interior. The smell of sulfur and acid burning metal waffers outward into the Bazaar.

The Dalesman wrote:
Db3's Narrator wrote:

"Ready for a fight Lil' Fire?"The name Aidan means 'little fire'

"Do you need to ask?"

Together, the brothers move to stop one of the minotaurs, starknives on fire and sword flashing.

When he sees the brothers coming in to square off against one of the minotaurs, Devlyn quickly activates his amulet of true sight to make sure the drow has no contingent surprises on her person, then closes the distance and goes to make a subdual-damage strike to break her spell (though he will still try to target her hands or windpipe to keep her from casting anything else, if he can).

Indeed, there are several profane blessings on the dark elf and the minotaurs, and an arcane signature that he sees, looks familiar

Allura wrote:

"Be careful, Lk. Minotaurs can be pretty nasty. Stick close, okay?"

"Hey, ugly," she yells out, taunting the minotaur from just outside the shop. "Let me guess, the reason you're attacking the furniture is because you can actually hit something that doesn't move."
She readies an attack, prepared to expend her psionic focus to make sure that her ranseur would take a significant chunk out of him when it did connect.

Allura sense something innate about the Dark Elf Priestess, something psionic

... wrote:
Zhalail of the Lost House wrote:

Flanked by two minotaurs wielding large spiked flails, the dark elf and her bovine mercenaries enter the establishment. The stench of pungent hay and unclean cattle-flesh begins to waffer through the establishment.

"Is the proprietor of the establishment here! Now!" she demands loudly with a voice of authority. "There is something here in this building he has in his possession. Something I want!"

Several large guards rush out and a harried counter person runs over

Please, I must ask your bodyguards to wait outside. If you wish to speak with Lord Muulsh directly you will need an appointemnt.

Zhalail stretches her fingers outward clawed raking the air. Suddenly the counter person and the guards kneel over, clutching their stomachs in agony.


She hisses at the armored minotaurs. "Tear the counters apart and find that gemstone! It's here, I can sense it."

The bovine mercenaries snort from their nostrils and their thick nose rings quiver. One advances forward and kicks one of the guards in the stomach. He slides across the floor like an limp pillow. Bloodied and half-conscious, he continues to clench his stomach. The minotaurs take their blunt weapons and thrash the store.

Muulsh the Merchant wrote:
Zhalail of the Lost House wrote:

A cloaked dark elf enters the Bazaar and proceeds swiftly, (with obvious magical assistance) towards the nearest bank and moneylender. An amulet of her faith can be seen dangling loosely from her neck.

The dark elf spies many houses of lending. One in particular, the House of Muulsh is extremely well apointed, with gold and jewels displayed in its window. The sign boasts of banking, lending and goldsmithing services. A huge chimney rises like a squat smokestack from the center of the building, belching an orange-tinged fire smoke. A crossed-hammers symbol is carved below the sign:

Flanked by two minotaurs wielding large spiked flails, the dark elf and her bovine mercenaries enter the establishment. The stench of pungent hay and unclean cattle-flesh begins to waffer through the establishment.

"Is the proprietor of the establishment here! Now!" she demands loudly with a voice of authority. "There is something here in this building he has in his possession. Something I want!"

A cloaked dark elf enters the Bazaar and proceeds swiftly, (with obvious magical assistance) towards the nearest bank and moneylender. An amulet of her faith can be seen dangling loosely from her neck.

Those skilled in Knowledge: Religion or Knowledge arcana recognize the holy symbol belonging to a Demon Queen. One Queen called Decca, Queen of Ruin and Misguided faith.

"Ladies, the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Feed him, poison him, steal all his worldly possessions."

Kelso wrote:
Just wanted to see which smurf I'd get...

Ugh! You got a happy smurf. I want a happy smurf.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Zhalail_of_the_Lost_House wrote:

A spider-goddess worshipping dark elf.

Give ya three guesses as to whom I worship.

Do yo not mean who you do not worship?

Well, let me think on it and I'll get back to you my kobold servant. Oh that's one guess KC, by the way...

A spider-goddess worshipping dark elf.

Give ya three guesses as to whom I worship.