Roy Greenhilt

Zeus's page

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Fairly simple question, can I cast ward shield on the invisible shield generated by the shield spell? As a force effect it is a solid.

And is there a FAQ on force effects that anyone can point me toward?

I moved to Waterville Maine, or as I like to think of it the ass end of the universe, about six months ago. So adding two months of pre-transition crap I haven't gamed in about eight months. I've about hit the breaking point. How long after you haven't gamed are you no longer a gamer?

There's one little hole-in-the-wall shop that sells card games. The nearest decent comic/game shop is an hour away. Not to mention the movie theatres here are about 10+ years out of date, sorry different subject.

I've been gaming for since I was 12 years old, I'm now 32. I don't have any odious habits, no lisp, I shower regularly, I'm married, no kids and not living in anyone's mother basement. I'm a firm believer in contributing to the pop and munchies.

I've played with one group for a little over twelve years. Been with other groups off and on. I don't deal well with immature players or mooches. I like good indepth roleplaying. I'm not big on hack and slash or pointless dungeon crawling. I believe in cooperative storytelling.

I'm beginning to believe that I just might be past the point where I'll be able to find a new group. I very much doubt I'll be able to find one that fits any of my expectations. So do I just give in and quit?