Lizardfolk Stalker

ZenCloud's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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The Deluxe hardcover description starts with "Nearly 400..." while the regular bestiary has "More than 400..." so my question is which one is right?

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Absolutely love the attention paladins and wild order druids are receiving. I look forward to seeing what name is given to the Paladin, something that can encompass all 9 alignments and still stand firm.

kcasar wrote:

guy on reddit did the big parts, but i helped tweak the formulas that weren't working

here's a link to the thread if you wanna reach out the the original poster er_sheet_based_on_new_layout/

Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed :D Cheers!

Good day all,
Has anyone located or created an interactable sheet for the most recent character sheet? I'm one of those at a complete loss for printers and would love to get some work done with this newest 1.3 update. Thanks!

When reading a power (for example Dragon Claws pg. 218), how do you calculate when the power is heightened? Dragon Claws states:

"Heightened (3rd) The claws count as +1 magic, granting a +1 item
bonus to attack rolls and adding a damage die; you gain 7 resistance."

Does this mean the power is heightened when the caster reaches character level 3 OR when the caster is able to cast 3rd level spells? Thanks in advance @o@