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Name: Cojan
Class: Wizard 15
Adventure: Spires of Xin-Shalast
Catalyst: Karzoug

During the final battle with Karzoug, Cojan was fighting with himself weather or not to take Karzoug up on his offer of joining him. Thoughts raced through his mind about his love interest, Bella, and weather or not she would accept what he had done. In the end it was his love for her that made his decision for him. He would fight along side his friends one last time to rid the world of his evil once and for all....

Cojan cast Spell Reflection on himself to protect himself from Karzoug's spells. Unknown to him that Karzoug had the same spell up. Cojan attacked the crystal at the center of the room and summoned Karzougs wrath. Finger of death was cast at Cojan which was reflected back at Karzoug and the spell effected both in the same way. With a epic fail on both their parts they both drop when the spell is completed. Karzoug was killed by his own spell and took the life of another powerful wizard with him.

Unlike Karzoug tho, Cojan would be raised from the dead by a cleric back in Fort Ranick when they left Xin-Shalast. When he awoke, he looked upon the face of his Bella and before he said anything she said "I will." She had accepted his marriage proposal.

I have a level 14 Barbarian with the Come and get me, Unexpected Strike rage powers and Combat Reflexes. Next level I'm planing on taking the lunge feat. Can I get 3 AoO by an enemy charging at me and going through my threatened square, using Unexpected Strike when he bases me, then getting the hit for Come and get me rage power?