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Does anyone have the map Chains Of Silver Below? The one I have cuts off at the top of the page.

I can't seem to find any rules concerning the effect of weather conditions would have on overland movement rates. Surely, if you're out on the trail and it's been raining for a few hours, the ground is going to be muddy and slow movement, right? Anyone have the rules for this?

breithauptclan wrote:

No 'trump'ing happens.

I am assuming you are meaning Dwarven Weapon Familiarity. That drops the weapon tier of weapons with the Dwarf trait by one. So

For the purpose of determining your proficiency, martial dwarf weapons are simple weapons

Now that battleaxe is only a simple weapon in the hands of this dwarf.

For a Wizard you get weapon training in


Trained in the club, crossbow, dagger, heavy crossbow, and staff

Trained in unarmed attacks

But not all simple weapons.

So, so far you would not be trained in that battleaxe.

However, the Dwarven Weapon Familiarity feat comes in for the win.

You are trained with the battle axe, pick, and warhammer.
So now you have trained proficiency in that battleaxe.

Thank you

I can't seem to find a concrete ruling on this. A dwarven wizard with dwarven weapon proficiency uses a battleaxe. But!! The battleaxe is a martial weapon, which a wizard is not proficient with. Does race trump class or vice versa?

Assuming the party of PCs I'm DM'ing wins out over Karzoug, what happens next? The adventure path isn't really clear on the subject.

Is it possible to cast instantaneous spells (like Fireball) during round 1 of a 4 round Time Stop effect?

The Sihedron rings the PCs are wearing make them immune to the occluding field. Does this mean they can teleport themselves within the Piinacle Of Avarice? Also, would a Maze spell (which is a teleportation spell) work on a creature without a Sihedron ring/rune (and what if they're marked with the Sihedron symbol on their body)?

My players have just started exploring the Lower City of Xin Shalast. They are searching random buildings as they go. Does anyone know of a generator to determine what type of building they are searching?

On roll20, the northeast Varisia map has no scale measurement. I've found two conflicting maps online. One says 1 inch = 1 mile. The other says 1 inch = 8 miles. According to the pdf of ROtR, the map for Xin Shalast is 1 square = 750 feet. If you compare that measurement to the Varisia map, neither Varisia measuerment is correct. Does anyone know the exact scale measurement of the northeast Varisia map?
Also, the Xin Shalast map scale I think is wrong. In the adventure, it says the Golden Road is 100 feet wide but the map scale says 1 square = 750 feet. The map clearly shows the Golden Road, and it is way more than 100 feet wide.
Could someone please tell me the correct scales for these maps?

On roll20, the northeast Varisia map has no distance measure. I've found two conflicting maps online. One says 1 inch = 1 mile. The other says 1 inch = 8 miles. According to the pdf of ROtR, the map for Xin Shalast is 1 square = 750 feet. If you compare that measurement to the varisia map, neither varisia measuerment is correct. Does anyone know the exact size measurement of the northeast Varisia map?