Zalheralucavi's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Hmm, very good information, thanks all. I agree it's in the spirit of the rule to allow it, but I could not find anything specific about it either, and in those cases I tend to assume it's a no go.

Now, it's not a total loss; Magus has UMD as a class skill and one of the traits I took was Pragmatic Activator from Ultimate Campaign allowing me to use Int instead of Cha for UMD checks, so while it wouldn't be reliable in combat, out of combat healing with the wand would still be possible. I would prefer Infernal Healing, indeed, or perhaps Shield, but the CLW wand isn't garbage in any case.

Also, while I know I'll eventually make a new character, I kind of really wanted to convert this one to Magus since it's 1 session away from level up, and I have a completed Haunting of Harrowshire chronicle sheet to apply to a character as soon as it hits level 2, which would help me skip some of the squishier Magus levels and step right up to getting my Dervish Dance feat and first Arcana.

Still, though, it's not like I dislike the pally and I think I still want to multi him into Warpriest after level 4. I might just keep him and make the Magus a reroll.

At any rate, good data think think over, thanks folks!

Ok, so a few months ago I made my first PFS character, a Paladin. I played two sessions at a convention and haven't had the chance to play since. After the second session I spent 2 PP to buy a wand of Cure Light Wounds. The wand still has all 50 charges.

I'm now looking into getting with a PFS group that meets weekly, but I've retrained the character entirely into a level 1 Magus, as I prefer its playstyle. CLW isn't on the Magus spell list; is there a way to change my [as of yet unused] wand of CLW for another wand that I can use without UMD checks? Thanks in advance.