Z-z-z's page

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Sissyl, thanks for an answer. Only thing that I found against timestop is 3pp dreamscarred press times of battle, riven hourglass discipline. One of granted meneuvers allow you act in timestop, you can get it on 17th level

How can you beat time stop? What can party do against evil wizard who cast time stop, except a dispel as redied action against it?

Have found this http://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/36043/how-does-the-multi-weapon-figh ting-feat-replace-the-two-weapon-fighting-feat

So, decision that we can treat Multiweapon Fighting as Two-weapon Fighting for the feat prerequisites is completely on me and my DM, rigth?

Hello, I have a question. I'm playing by summoner, and my eidolon has six arms, each of them are holding a weapon. With Multiweapon fighting I have redused penalities to -2 in all attacks I made. And in this feat stated this "Special: This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms." So, i asked my DM, and he let me treat Multiweapon Fighting as Two-Weapon Fighting. Now I gonna take Imroved Two-Weapon Fighting, and this is where trouble is: in multiweapon fighting feat stated that "(It has one primary hand, and all the others are off hands.)", and the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting says that "In addition to the standard single extra attack you get with an off-hand weapon, you get a second attack with it, albeit at a –5 penalty". Does it mean that my eidolon will have 12 attacks in one round by full attack?