
Zòila, or "Grandmother Time"'s page

73 posts. Organized Play character for rainzax.

Full Name

Zóila Juarez-Tempus


AC 16 or 18 w/ calculate threat | Fortitude (+3), Reflex (+6), Will (+7) | Perception (+5) | Speed 25


♥️ 12/12 | ☀️ (□□) | ☘️ □ | ✋✋ Staffsling | ⚕ none | ♠️ (☑□)


LG Halfling (Gutsy Othoban) Time Traveler Psychic (Precise Discipline by Infinite Eye) / Loremaster 1 | ◆◇↺ | Explore: Detect Magic

Special Abilities





Time Traveler

Homepage URL


Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

About Zòila, or "Grandmother Time"

REFLECTION HERITAGE? lump or two?..."


Horizon Hunter @ Spells Schooling

Perception (*) +5
Languages ➤ Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Hallit, Thassilonian, and Varisian

AC 16 (none), HP 12
Fortitude (*) +3, Reflex (*) +6, Will (**) +7
Gutsy Halfling (~) Success to save vs emotion effects become critical success

Bend Time (◇, 1/day) When your turn begins, you are quickened 1 to Stride
Staffsling (2h/1r/80-ft) +6 or +7 w/ time sense @ 1d10 B

Tea Party through Time's Table
Unleash Psyche (◇) At turn start, bonus +2 to damage w/ damaging spells, may use [psyche] actions; lasts 2 rounds, 2 round cooldown w/ stupified 1
Calculate Threats (◆, mental, psyche) +2 circumstance bonus to AC and Reflex saves for 1 round
Glimpse Weakness (V◆, 60-ft/1-min) First ally w/in duration to Strike target adds +2 (spell level plus one) precision damage

Amplification Focus Pool (□□)
Amped Glimpse Weakness (focus) stack +1d4 more precision damage
Amped Detect Magic (◆◆, focus) Gain +1 status vs magic detected from enemies / hazards for next 3 rounds
Amped Guidance (↺, focus) Retroactively cast Guidance to shift a failure or critical failure by one step if that +1 would have been the difference

Arcana (*) +7
Crafting (*) +7
Diplomacy (*) +3
Lore: Accounting (*) +7
Lore: Mathematics (*) +7
Lore: Tea (*) +7
Lore: Thassilon (*) +7
Medicine (*) +5
Nature (*) +5
Occultism (*) +7
Religion (*) +5
Society (*) +7
Survival (*) +5

Cantrips (□□□□□□/day): Daze (VS◆◆), Detect Magic (VS◆◆/amp), Glimpse Weakness (V◆/amp), Guidance (V◆/amp), Read Aura (VS◆◆), Time Sense (V◆)
First (□/day): Soothe (VS◆◆), True Strike (V◆)


Worn () @ Healer's Kit, Teapot, Tea
Held () @ Staffsling, Sling bullets
Stowed () @ Adventurer's Pack

Planned > Aeon Stone (Azure Briolette)


(Ancestry) Gutsy Halfling, Halfling Weapon Familiarity
(Background) Astronomy Lore, Tea Lore, Thassilon Lore, and Bend Time
(Class 1) Precise Discipline Unconscious Mind, Infinite Eye Conscious Mind
(Class 2, planned) Loremaster Dedication, Battle Medicine
(Class 3, planned) Society > Expert, General Feat
(Class 4, planned) Loremaster's Etude, Streetwise
(Class 5, planned) Halfling Weapon Trickster; School > Streetwise