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![]() So I was looking for ways to better my necromancer and came upon the Sanguine-wild blooded for sorcerers. The change to arcana power looks great, but its very first ability looks how dare I say completely evil. I know right? Normally I am one of the first to defend the more darker side of the craft. This thing is a bit much it seems. The Blood Is the Life (Su): At 1st level, you can gain sustenance from the blood of the recently dead. As a standard action, you can drink the blood of a creature that died within the past minute. The creature must be corporeal, must be at least the same size as you, and must have blood. This ability heals you 1d6 hit points and nourishes you as if you’d had a full meal. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. Granted I absolutely love the idea of drinking the blood of others. It sounds delicious for my character. I could see my dear Moonstruck Rhythms crosslegged sidesaddle riding her tiger, all while holding a fine chelaxian goblet sipping on the sweetest frigid blood of the giants. It would definitely suit her personality. BUT I can not get past how this would be anything but evil if such things as blood transcription is evil. Can anyone enlighten me on why this does not make you evil? Why is this PFS legal? ![]()
![]() Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-08: The Sarkorian Prophecy A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th to 11th level characters (Tiers: 7–8 and 10–11). When a novice Pathfinder in the Grand Lodge of Absalom discovers an account of a long lost prophecy which may hold the key to defeating the Shadow Lodge, a team of brave agents heads into the heart of the Worldwound to recover the document. Not only do the forces of the Abyss and the demon-tainted environment stand in their way, but so does a rival team of Pathfinders set on recovering the Sarkorian Prophecy first. Written by Mark Moreland ![]()
![]() This will be experienced using Roll20 and Google Hangout. A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3–7. Agents of the Pathfinder Society have discovered the location of a back door into their private demiplane that puts the entire realm at risk of plunder and exploitation at the hands of the Aspis Consortium. Rather than close the access point into their adventuring paradise, however, the Decemvirate sends a crack team of Pathfinders to secure the gate for future Society use... at any cost. Written by Larry Wilhelm. Signups are located here: https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/593910/roll20-slash-g-plus-3-25-storming- the-diamond-gate-3-7-7pm-est-tues-jan-21-gmt-5/#post-593910 ![]()
![]() As per the subject, when you are running Pathfinder Society scenarios, how often do individuals die in your games? Would you say you average 1 per 4 games? 1 per 3 games? 1 per 2 games? 1 per game? This is all death, including that which players are able to spend resources to bring them back from the grave. ![]()
![]() A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3–7. The Pathfinder Society's conflict with the Aspis Consortium in the frontier region of Varisia has come to a head, and the time to secure dominance of the ancient land is now. But despite mounting victories on the Society's part, the Aspis Consortium still has a few tricks up its sleeves, including several powerful agents from the Pathfinders' past who could prove too challenging an obstacle to surmount. Can the PCs end the ongoing struggle for control of the flow of ancient Thassilonian artifacts out of Varisia's ports, or will the Aspis Consortium succeed in keeping the Pathfinder Society ever in its shadow as it profits on the exploitation of the millennia? Written by Ron Lundeen. -------------------------------------- ![]()
![]() Posting here for some cross-exposure. Please check out this thread at the google group to signup. Thanks,
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pathfinder-society-online-collectiv e/-xnlLepnVH4 ![]()
![]() Does the use of a wondrous item Sipping Jacket provoke an attack of opportunity. The text for it is as follows for the item: Absorbent fibers line this heavy canvas coat. Quote: Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can pour a potion onto this lining, suffusing it into the coat. If the potion has an instantaneous duration, the wearer can activate the coat as a swift action to consume the potion. If the potion’s duration is measured in rounds, the wearer can activate the coat as a swift action to gain the potion’s benefits for 1 round, repeating as desired each round until the potion’s entire duration has been used. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. The coat absorbs only potions with instantaneous or round-based durations, and only those which affect creatures (for example, it does not work on oils). Once the coat absorbs a potion, the potion cannot be retrieved from it, only used as described above. The absorbed potion loses its powers after 24 hours, even if unused. Normally when you activate a wondrous item you don't provoke, however since you are drinking some of a potion out of it, does it provoke? ![]()
![]() I am looking at building a lunar oracle, but really want to try to optimize having my animal companion (Tiger) to be the very best she can be. So far my thoughts are:
Does anyone have any other suggestions such as magical items, feats, traits, etc. that might help me get the most out of an animal companion. Any and all help would be greatly apprecriated. The idea of an optomized tiger through spells that brings her to gargantuan status seems very appealing. ![]()
![]() So I have contemplating a possible character concept, a lawful good pali of Ragathiel. My only issue though if I how can I stay a lawful good pali of Ragathiel and take his celestial obedience feat. Right now I see two major conflicts. The first being the conflict his followers who have taken the celestial obedience feat to remain good. One of the descriptors of good is:
The problem is the obedience to Ragathiel would seem to have me forgo mercy in general and slay the wrong-doer straight out. Quote:
So lets say we find some evil wrong doers that are humanoid like the Aspis Consortium. If the party I am in is able to bring one of the gentlemen or ladies down to incapacitated, the good side of the character seems to suggest mercy should be shown and the individual stabilized. However the faith side, which is suppose to be good also, seems to demand the execution of the individual. So any thoughts or suggestions on remaining good while being called to execute evil? Likewise any suggestions on how to deal with the lawful aspect of being lawful good here? Particularly since the land probably has established executioners to enforce the laws. I would love to pull this character concept off, but I am not exactly sure how I could be obedient to Ragathiel and remain lawful good in pfs. ![]()
![]() So after watching this trailer ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMMN2bU5ymQ ) a while back for another game I play, I have been contemplating what might a character look like in pathfinder who was struggling similarly inward. Thus the idea of Theodorkus was born. Similarly to the psycho bandit in the trailer, Theodorkus has been damaged. He is a half-orc paladin who quaffed the wrong experimental potion and is suffering being able to tame the inward beast within. The inward beast is dominating most of his speech and actions, but a raiment of Theodorkus old self is still present (just like in the trailer above) trying to influence desperately the actions of his present self that is manifesting. Obviously it looks like there is going to be damage to both intelligence and will. However which stat do you think would be the leading stat to be damaged to cause him to lose control of himself to his more bestial nature? I have debated intelligence due to not being able to properly function and I have debated will due to not being able to exert his will over himself. What are your thoughts? And has anyone played a similar character who is fighting to regain control of themsleves? ![]()
![]() A question for you all. I have never GM'ed an adventure path for PFS players/credit before, just played/gm'ed the RPG section of an AP. In the RPG section we cover the entirety of an adventure path. However I have noticed that for PFS you actually only play a portion of the AP for credit. How do you best handle telling your players they aren't going to see the rest of the adventure? Reign of Winter AP 1:
Specifically I am thinking of doing Reign of Winter: Snows of Summer. It looks like the AP for PFS players end at section P5 for where they go into the portal. Since the primary focus is to shut the portal down, how am I to handle the closing? Do I take some GM liberties and fabricate a story that oh, you see we had another team of Pathfinders at work in this country and well they assassinated you know who which is going to get this portal shutdown or offer some other excuse that the Riftwardens mysteriously pop in and close the portal. Anyhow my biggest concern is robbing them of feeling like heroes. Any suggestions? How do you handle the missing content in Adventure Paths for PFS play? ![]()
![]() Question: Is this Tier 01 or Tier 03? It is listed under the category of Tier 01 listing on pg 17 but the wording at the end of says it is Tier 03. Speedy Summons (Su): When you cast a summon monster
![]() So I was thinking of writing up something to give to my friends on demon hunting in Pathfinder. I have come up with a little bit (I"ll post what I have below), but what do you think are the necessities for demon hunting in pathfinder, and items that might compliment it very well. What I have so far is below. ------------------------------------------------------------- So you are looking at doing some demon hunting are you? Boy I tell you what; it’s not like hunting some ducks. Demon hunting is a hero’s job. It’s rough, it’s rugged, and it is plain ole righteous. Thing Every One Knows About Demons
1. Demons are a chaotic bunch of evil trash coming out of the abyss. 2. Is your grandma acting funny? She might have a demon in her! That’s called possession. Yes, demons are capable of jumping into people’s bodies. They sure do like to make campground out of some sweat piece of meat and setup home. That’s how they begin to wreak havoc on this material plane. 3. Demons spawn from the nastiest of people. The down right evil kind who don’t pay no mind to the laws at all. What’s worse is that whatever vices, you know that really good feeling stuff that is really bad, they indulge in the most directly relates to what type of demon they might become! Lucky for us that gives us some variety in the demon hunting field. 4. How do we get a such good hunting season on demons? Lucky for us there have been a whole bunch of cultist or some wack job wizards summoning them lately. These bad boy demons got summoned right up here on to old Golarion. You know that big bad hunting ground called the Worldwound? Yes sir, that place is the residue of some evil mojo demon summoning that went all sorts of wrong. Lucky for us that keeps demon hunting a year round sport. All I got to say is bag’em and tag’em. Its hunting time! 5. Finally when you go hunting demons, do make sure to keep plenty of cold iron, magic, silver and if possible good-aligned weapons on you. These bad boys got some nasty resistances that can only be overcome by having the right materials for the job. Some Recommended Gear: 1. Cold Iron Weapons – The most common resistance demons have to offer. Slash’em, shoot’em, pierce’em, whatever; just make sure to plug them full of cold iron. 2. Wand of Dimensional Anchor – Those pesky demons sure do like to jump around a lot, particularly them succubi. If you are looking at getting a kill, you best make sure them demons aren’t disappearing on your tail before you can stick it to them. The wand is nice if you ain’t got no wizard, sorcerer, cleric or oracle in your party; because the truth is unless you anchor them nasties they are going to go all *puff* *puff* on you tail. And if you can’t get one of these but got a ranger in your party, you might want to consider an Anchoring Trap (DHHB 7) which also imprisons the nasties for 1d4 rounds. 3. Abjurant Salt. Cost 600gp. The salt can be poured in a circle with a diameter of 5 feet or a straight line up to 15 feet long. While the line of salt remains unbroken and undisturbed, evil summoned or called creatures cannot physically cross it or interfere with it. These creatures can continue to make ranged or magical attacks over the line. Any other creature may disturb the line simply by scuffing it. The effects of the salt last as long as the line remains unbroken. Once laid, the salt cannot be recollected. 4. Cloak of Resistance : Those nasty old buggers like to get all up in your grill, in your mind, and however else they might make you dance. Having a good solid bonus to will, reflex, and fort saves will definitely come in handing in helping you not to fall prey to a demon. A must have item. 5. Exorcism Kit : 950g : It’s got Abjurant Salt, 3x Holy Water, Powdered Silver, and counts as an altar. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to cast a demon from some unlucky noble or your best bud, this is your go to item. (DHHB, 7) 6. Angel Quill Arrowheads. 10g (DHHB, 18) One of my personal favorite items when demon hunting. Those demons have all sorts of nasty damage resistance that will put a hurting on you hurting it. These bad boys strapped to your favorite arrows puts a hurting on the hurting. They regularly come in cold iron, but do also come for the save price in adamantine and silver. You fire one of these bad boys into those demonic bags of puss and now its damage resistance is reduced by 1 to whatever material you specifically used like cold iron for cold iron. You can have up to five of these bad boys sticking out of a demon at one time. The only downfall is the target can pull out a number of arrowheads equal to their dexterity bonus with a dc 15 heal check , but that’s a full round action or if it receives some sort of magical healing, these suckers will pop right out. 7. Azata’s Whimsy – Demons love to use confusion, heck sure do arcane spell casters. If you are afraid of killing your friends, particularly you guys with low will saves, this is a great item to get. Azata’s Whimsy redefines confusion effects upon you to a lesser degree. You will greatly reduce your chance of hurting your friends, you might deal non-lethal damage to yourself, and if you start babbling you might just inspire courage as a bard does to your friends. On a sidebar, if you ever needed to act like you’re a demon possessed to fool some poor fool, you can use this item up to 7 rounds each day to intentionally put yourself under the confused state. 8. Cold Iron Caltrop Beads. 80g Fire/throw one of these bad boys at them and they explode into a 10’ft radius field of cold iron caltrops. 9. Dagger of Repossession. 14,702g. Each day cut yourself and bleed a little bit into this dagger. Give it to a friend and if you become possessed they can restore you back to your right state mind with it. 10. Ring of Sustenance - One of the things the old vets in Mendev will tell you is when you go demon hunting is to don't eat, don't touch and don't even try to breathe in anything that has been around demons. You drink that funky water coming out from a demon pit, you are going to get all sorts of screwed up. Same thing goes for any game you might kill and try to eat that has been near demons. Don't do it. With a Ring of Sustenance you don't have to worry about starving so much and focus on killing these son of guns. Useful Spells (and yes demons have high spell resistance!) 1. Dimensional Anchor – Best way to make sure the enemy does not escape. And yes, demons love to teleport. 2. ANTI-SUMMONING SHIELD – demons like to summon demons This puts a hurting on that – Bard 2, Inquisitor 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 2, Summoner 3. Detect Demon –cleric 1, inquisitor 1, paladin 1 – Functions like Detect Evil but for demons. Great usage for when going out in public and demon hunting. There will be evil people and creatures, but if you are concern there might be a demon in the crowd; use this. 4. Align Weapon 5. Summoning Spells - Particularly the celestials. -------------------------------------------------------------- So what would you add to this list to help newbe folks in hunting and surviving demons? ![]()
![]() Good morning, Recently I started to GM some games for close family/friends and once for a mixture of online strangers. My question is when a person gamemasters are you required to place yourself under a captain (real life person, not the fictional ones)? If so how do you determine which captain do you fall under? Are we required to place ourselves under a division? If so how do you determine which one you should be under, especially when doing it both in person at a table and online? And finally, after determine which captain/division you should be under, what is the best way to get connected with them so you can gm and do you have to have their permission before gm'ing a game? ![]()
![]() Salutation Pathfinders! In my first attempt to GM a Pathfinder Society game, I will be attempting to GM Scenario #8: Slave Pits of Absalom. I am looking for players, with perhaps a little bit of patience and understanding, to help me successfully get through my first scenario as a gm. I have done my homework, got my notes, and feel fairly confident that I will be able to successfully run this scenario. We will be using Roll20 for the table and using Skype as our means of VoIP (please no video). So if you are interested in playing this scenario and willing to work with a fledgling game master, please send me a private message that includes your society number, class w/ level and their party role (damage, debilitate heals, etc.), and your characters initiative (to help speed things up, we will be using the auto-initiative API from Roll20 to roll for initiative). If you are selected as a player, I will be sending out links to the virtual table top and request your skype name at that time so we can connect at the time of game play. Please be ready at time of game play with your macros ready. his is a PFS game so all characters must be legal and I will report at the end of the session so you will be able to get your credit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date/Time: 07/30/2013, Tuesday, 8pm EST (GMT -5) Game Client: Skype and the Roll20.net VTT Description: A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 4–5) Someone kidnapped Lady Anilah Salhar—the Chelish wife of Dremdhet Salhar, one of Osirion's many Grand Ambassadors to Absalom—and sold her into slavery. With Salhar holding delve permits over the heads of the Decemvirute, the Pathfinders are sent to assist the Osirian Ambassador. Venturing into Absalom's darkest corners to save Lady Anilah, the Pathfinders must face the secrets of the Slave Pits to avoid becoming slaves themselves. Written by Lou Agresta Notes: Free Roll20.net account required: http://roll20.net/
Sign-ups: Please contact me via private message. ![]()
![]() Good afternoon, So I have been contemplating gm'ing some of the PFS modules I have played (all online) for soem of my close friends. I have been reading through the books, but there is one thing I am not quiet sure on. How does a GM get credit for running a scenario for others? I know the short answer is run it! But what about the paperwork. Do we fill out the same sheets for ourselves in the back of the modules we give to the players for ourselves? or are there seperate sheets that we are suppose to do it on? I just want to stay 100% within the rules. Oh and can I gm something more than once (obviously not for credit) in order for others to have a chance to play it and get credit? And if I gm a module I haven't played yet, am I allowed to play that same module later as long as I don't spoil the story for the other players and making sure to RP out my character as if I had no knowledge of it? Thank you for your help. ![]()
![]() Good morning, Is there a separate rule set for paizo staff in determining magic items cost provided by in their material which is different from the rule set we are given to determine making our own as players? The reason I am asking is because using the formulas they provide, very rarely do they matchup for what it would cost for a player to make the same item of equal power. Generally its in the players favor by costing less though at times it can cost more. I have been wondering this for a while and was hoping someone could answer. |