Ymrilix |
The way my group did it for years was:
We add up all the loot and the sale value of the magic items. Each character bets an equal share of the money, but it is not just liquidated and handed out. We divvy the magic items out to who needs them most, mainly based on party vote, but dice rolls determine in situations where the vote is split or it is minor and no one cares.
We often run across magic items that even sale value are too expensive for any one character. When that happens the party loans them the money, and they 'owe' each other character some amount of money. When the next chunk of loot comes in, the amount they owe comes out of their share and goes into the other character's shares.
It takes a little math and bookkeeping but as an accountant it is really simple and I don't mind. It ends up that all the good items stay in the party and loot gets balanced out in the end. The only debate is weather healing items get put into the general loot pile or handed out before it.
The cost to bring people back to life basically gets charged as an item to the character, they can pay it back over time if they need.
All in all, it is fair and even.