YmerejO42's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


duxfemina wrote:

So working with Crognus's simplified "Ruling Citadel Altaerein", I took the book stuff and his stuff and combined them to come up with this.


This is awesome! Is there any way I can download it as a .pdf?

duxfemina wrote:

I also created a "notice board" landing page, using a bunch of random resources and also the "bloody blades wanted poster" someone posted in this thread. So this greeted the players coming into town for the call of heroes and is what I am using for when folks log into Foundry and we are getting assembled for a session. I'm updating it with their character pictures now that they've been officially "hired".

https://drive.google.com/file/d/194Nj6rzcTdDLrkJDRFTKrOVzDxjZ80aI/view?usp= sharing

It's GIMP file can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-5K32k6UFf-bQ3wXyfubwQF2g5Q_oJ3-/view?usp= sharing and each thing is a separate layer so feel free to steal and modify for your own needs. I plan on having it change throughout the adventure.

This is awesome! I downloaded it and opened it in GIMP, my OCD was triggered though, and so I renamed the layers to make it clear what each one was. If anyone would like a copy (not a huge deal, I know, but makes things nicer in my opinion) let me know and I can upload it.

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tivadar27 wrote:
Sounds pretty solid, and some of the effects sound really interesting. That being said, I've gotten no preview on how Dexterity helps the rogue in combat. I think playtests have shown the party rogue applying Dexterity to their attack rolls, but how is that done? Just via Agile Weapons by default (as in 5e), with a Feat? I'd like to hear more about this, given that this is pretty much *the* iconic ability that almost every rogue swears by!

My question is, when did Backstab (or finding/removing traps, or just plain *stealing*) stop being the "iconic ability" for rogues? And when did Finesse (or whatever you want to call it) start?

I've been playing Rogues (or as they were originally called, Thieves) since first edition AD&D, and it wasn't until 3e that I even heard of using Dexterity for my melee attacks. It was the whole reason my thief characters would look for items to boost their strength as well as their dexterity. My thief/rogue characters have always focused on sneaking in/out of places, or removing someone's spine before they knew I was there.