
Harbinger One's page

25 posts. Alias of Tark the Ork.


N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

I think it has a lot to do with ability synergies more than anything. Being MAD is no fun.

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

H1 seeing the practical armory of weapons being drawn looks about her impassively. Then addressing the man she states in that ever present calm.

"Pardon me, I have an event to attend."

Woth that she simply steps past him and through the heavily armed crowd.

Later H1 remains silent throughout the exchange merely observing. Yet strange feelings of affection crept up. Unfortunately appropriate reactiosn never really clicked into place. Rather than attempt some kind of awkwardly worded response H1 simply wrapped her arms carefully around them and shared the embrace.

She never thought of her "father" if such a word could be used for him. Designing her, doing most of the raw engineering and magical work, putting her together piece by piece. Then leaving her to her own devices to face some unknowable fate in the dark void of a cold and dark universe. By this definition would that not make him God?

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

Will post and update character tomorrow. Extra curicular activities and work have distracted me.

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N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

Silly flesh things and your constant preoccupation with reproduction.

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 Perception
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 Reflex

No deflect arrows. However...

Harbinger One catches the unskilled rock throw with no apparent effort on her part. Staring hard at the rock thrower Harbinger one simply crushes the stone into smaller chunks in her hand letting them fall back to the ground to join back with the ground where it belons. In the fraction of a second H1 calculates numerous different trajectories, movement patterns and exposed soft tissue within easy reach of her hands. It occurs to her quite briefly that she could easily incapacitate or kill her attackers in less time and with more guaranteed results than attempting a logical discussion. Rather than waste the time or risk a severe reprimand for excessive self defense H1 elects to combine the two. In a calm calculated voice with the slightest hint of edge H1 addresses the instigator. While doing so she continues walking forward towards her destination with all the care and inevitability of an oncoming avalanche.

"I am not Rhaelian. I am however designed to survive environments so harsh as to melt the flesh from the average Rhaelians bones and deadlift nearly 800lbs from myself while simultaneously solving K'van Atmatic Closed System Equations three at a time. Whether or not I'm an abomination is irrelevant. What should matter to you at this very instant is that you have attempted to harm this entity and it is heading straight through you regardless of what you believe Rhael is for."

Excessive self defense is now a thing. :)

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

H1 shrugged in an overly exagerrated manner.

"I will go. If I cannot survive civil unrest among an enligtened people than I cannot hope to deal with pure superstition from the primitive species we are likely to encounter."

Taking the cup from him she retrieves a simple hooded cloak that had been in style for the past month or so. At a distance she could still pass for a pale Kajiiatan and she still had other methods besides to blend further if necessary.

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver
Kieran Crane wrote:
[b]”I thought you would have learn your lesson after the first time, Private. Space Chlamydia is no laughing matter!

Adding space before it does not make it sci-fi!

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver
GM Tsuga canadensis wrote:

Harbinger One[b]

Nice post! I think you'll play an animus very well.

You ponder deeply to yourself as your hold the dress up to your body in front of the mirror. It's hard for you to judge by what you think might look good, as you have virtually no sexual tendencies; which is the basis for finding others attractive. Still, you enjoy "pretending". There are times where you really are certain of who you are and what you want, but then there are other times where those feels are just gone. There was a quick moment where you were staring at yourself in the mirror so intently, that you simply did not see "you", but your mind registered the being as a Kajiiatan. The moment breaks as you hear a knock on the door.

knock, knock, knock, knock...

(muffled)[b]"Prime? Are you in there? Ms. Prime? It's Alec."

Alec, a Rhaelian approximately in his mid 30's, a pupil of your creator, Zir Ysdir Jules. He's been with you from the start, and you've seen his body change throughout the years as yours only changes during periodic upgrades. Eventually you were taught to do them yourself, but organic life does not have nearly as much control over their aging process as you do. He has helped you in the past, and is always willing to answer your questions, despite times where the questions are relentless, as you do not tire. Organics have multiple biological queues their bodies produce to allow the organism to conserve it's energy. But Alec has endured your questions much longer than anyone you can think of. He is available 91.3% of the time, which is significantly reliable and can be considered what organics call, a friend.

(muffled)"You weren't in your room this morning. I know you like to wander. But I still get worried. Can I come in? Are you even there?"

You sense a subtle urgency in his voice. His frequent panting and fractioned inhales say he has probably been searching for you for a while.[/b][/b]...

"I am here." says Harbinger One. "You sound dehydrated. Shall I bring you a glass of water?"

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

Absentmindedly Animi Exploration and Diplomacy Unite Designation Harbinger One had spent the majority of her short life here on this street a few miles away from the Conduit Anchor where she first emerged a mere month into her existence, the first "being" to have traveled the harrowing and risky journey across the very folds of space and time to reach a distant star.

Harbinger One was a first in many respects. First of her kind, first to cross the anchor, and soon the first mate on the first vessel built to bend enormous amounts of raw atma to warp reality in such a way as to allow free travel between the stars.

"She" ,as close to a gender as anyone could giver her given her appearance, admitted privately that she would miss the Kajiiatan homeworld. Their appreciation of natural beauty, art, theatre, and life in general could keep her ravenous curiosity going for decades. It was never long before some new fashion or idea would occupy her for a while before she would grow bored and move on to the next new thing. Yet here she was not looking for anything new, but rather to invoke some spark of nostalgia in her as she saw the spring flowers start to stir in the early morning predawn. It was chilly a sensation she did not feel as much as register on the thousands of tiny detection enchantments woven into the white marble dermis of her frame. She could not shiver, nor in reality ever know what "cold" was beyond a unit of temperature measurement that Rhaelians would also describe as "uncomfortable". However she could still appreciate noise, and color, and smell. The flowers were magnificent this time of year, and she supposed only a creature that had no worry of basic body functions could appreciate the subtle and smooth movements of a flower slowly opening up to greet the sun, or the carefully disciplined movements of a tortoise as it navigated its way across a fallen log. She had tried, numerous times, with various individual scientists, artists, and at least one curious writer, to have them sit and watches as one or more plants made their slow but steady trek of the day as they watched the sun. But, as usual it was never long before some bodily function got in the way. Being organic and sentient must be some kind of psychological nightmare, she ultimately surmised. How anyone got anything accomplished with constant thoughts about sex, food, and bowel movements constantly interrupting their lives she could never guess.

As she found a rotting stump in a certain spot she earmarked she watched her current curiosity. A rare flower that bloomed only once every twenty cycles of this planet. Sitting perfectly still the constructed being watched, unblinking for two hours as the delicate flower, no larger than a fingertip meticulously opened each petal exposing its reproductive portions to the morning insects. Her curiosity sated, Harbinger one made her long trek back up towards the pathways that connected Illia.

Illia itself was another thing that she would miss. A colorful city more for artisans than scientists it was a stark contrast to the perfectly angled and mathematically sound engineering of the Rhaelian's that built here. For the progress was ever upward and frivolities such as theaters and restaraunts were rare and amusing distractions. For the Kajiiatans though it was a way of life. Her commanders and creators were stiff men of steel edges and pure numbers unaware that her likely failings as a diplomat were a design flaw that came from her lack of ability to experience things on the same level as they. She knew that in many ways she was lucky. The Kajiiatans embraced the new, saw things in ways others would not or could not. But what if she had met technophobic primitives? Or worse a species that subsisted on raw atma? She could see how her inability to effectively communicate with organic creatures might present a problem. Did her creators? Did it matter now?

There were many things to think about. She was the first of her kind. Built to explore the stars in the place of those beings bound by basic biological needs. With the building of the Avanestra would she be the last? She knew more than a few Rhaelians who still referred to her as a machine, as property, or worse as an obsolete tinker toy. She ignored these comments though despite her veneer of calm often spent extra time practicing her own martial arts that day.

Too much to think about. Never enough time. As she laid out the dress she planned to wear for the reception at her apartment she tried to push them aside for now and focus on the ugly task of trying to socialize on a level she doubt she would ever understand.

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

Also H1 is maroon. Because only the most interesting man in the world can get away with being a red shirt on star trek and surviving.

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

They're discussing the philosophy of jolly cooperation in the goal of kicking ass.

As for H1 she's a big HAMMER with a little anvil. I'll be dragging my initiative into rather high places in the very near future (10+ is very easy for her to obtain). She might make a bigger anvil later. It may be worth Mathesar to focus on bombs of the controlling type (smoke and such) since he'll be looking at soem decent dc's with his cognatogen. And he's only one or two bard spells away from things like grease which are also good things to ahve for that role. He can still function in his face/skill monkey role just fine without sacrificing much. Heck given your status as a scientist it might be worth just dumping weapon finnesse for something more suitable to the character. Lingering Performance maybe? Up to you. Just my thoughts. I just don't see you getting much use out of it between me and Raal running around ripping people to pieces.

Given the classes available to you though you can probably perform all three easily enough since much of your offense is focused on one or two scores no matter how you do it as long as you avoid melee.

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver


N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

As far as knowing I imagine most people would know of H1 based purely upon her existence. As to who she would know of most likely she would know of everyone based purely on her position.

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

What's the color for the bridge crew since I'm apparently a ship officer?

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

Oh im just going to be abusing the heck out of Alcemical Allocation/Enhance Potion/Extend Potion. All day long heroism? Yes please!

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

I take it Mathesar is doing the infusion thing?

N/A Animi Hexcrafter Magus 2/Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2, Perception +6, Initiative +2, AC16, FFAC 14, DR 5/Silver

Oh hey where was this post when I was looking for it earlier.

*raises hand*

I too am wondering who else got in as gameplay and OOC threads have not been posted just yet.

Kieran Crane wrote:
Tyrn Jade wrote:
DM Heterocephalus wrote:
Hi DM, gonna ask you an epic question. Any chance you can start a character level 3 campaign? As level 2 is great buuuttttt it's just lacking a little bit and level 3 would definitely give us more chance to flesh it out a bit. Just asking, I am.cool with level 2 too. ; P

Why you being a nimby-bimby?! ;) Nah guy. You'll be fine. I like starting you out young a fresh.....

::cough:: I lvl pretty quickly. You can fart in game and I'll give you xp.

Explains why all energy beings are so powerful. They're just raw XP.

Well that's the answer to my dillema. I just need to hit them with a bendy straw and consume them.

@Alpha: I'd like to avoid that collab for now until we know what the group is going to be exactly. It'd be a pity to tie backgrounds close and then come to nothing.

You could do what Shadow does and make your doberman run up and bite them in the crotch area. You know like the superior final fantasy.

I think H1's mouth is going to have to move a bit. If for nothign else in that she's supposed to look like her creators enough to be identified with them and not just another construct.

This being said since I have you here considering the alt. backstory we discussed earlier I would like a suggestion, based on H1's sheet. As to what position on the ship H1 is best suited for.

Alpha Animi wrote:
Tyrn Jade wrote:
DM Heterocephalus wrote:
Hi DM, gonna ask you an epic question. Any chance you can start a character level 3 campaign? As level 2 is great buuuttttt it's just lacking a little bit and level 3 would definitely give us more chance to flesh it out a bit. Just asking, I am.cool with level 2 too. ; P

Why you being a nimby-bimby?! ;) Nah guy. You'll be fine. I like starting you out young a fresh.....

::cough:: I lvl pretty quickly. You can fart in game and I'll give you xp.

That is highly unfair to those of us who have characters who can't pass gas, you know.

You can do what they do and pick your olfactory cavities instead. I don't really see the appeal myself but Ensign Bradley suddenly gained another level of expert for doing it for two hours straight.

Harbinger One's sheet's done. Working on an alternate possible backstory depending on who and what Tyrn picks.

So judging by what I've seen so far the Apps are.

Harbinger One : Animi Vivisectionist Beastmorph Alchemist 2:Hexcrafter MAgus 2

Ehren Karn Fighter2:Ranger2

Thak Val Zsing: ZenArcherMonk 2/ Infiltrator Inquisitor 2

Mathesar Leesma Alchemist: (Internal Alchemist, Mindchemist, Psychonaut) 2 // Bard (Archivist) 2

Alpha: Druid (Pack Lord)2/Ranger (Shapeshifter)2

Lazarus Warp Ghost: Male Rhaelian Monk/Vitalist 2

Thrak'el Raal'orn: Kajiiatan Ninja/Magus (myrmidarch) 2

Yasserian: Male Animus Fighter 2/ Xenogenic Cleric 2

Kieran Crane: Rhaelian Inquisitor//Monk (Ki Mystic) 2

Who am I missing?

So who do we have so far in terms of people making apps getting done?

I know im going Hexcrafter magus2/Vivisectionist beastmorph alchemist 2.

Going to try and get H1 finished today.

Think I'll be going Animi Hexcrafter Magus/Vivisectionist Alchemist. Throwing that background out there.

Harbinger One Background:
A unique experiment in the creation of magical constructs, Harbinger One is the culmination of two decades of magical and alchemical theory. Before the advances made in interstellar travel that allowed for the creation of the Avanestra Harbinger One was got be the first in a long line of Animi created to be the first explorers of the alliance durable enough to survive the rigors of long travel and intelligent enough to make informed decisions.

While the project was deemed a failure the original prototype remained. Programming it with as much accumulated biological, magical, and technological as the magic would allow the alliance decided to install Harbinger One into the Avanestra as a spare crew member to be activated should one or more vital crew members become disabled.

Harbinger One is capable of multiple functions necessary for the exploration of hostile environments. Including wilderness survival, self defense, emergency first aid, surgeon, hazardous materials specialist, and atma weapons specialist. Built with an encyclopedic knowledge on various subjects Harbinger One is built to share as well as gather and is programmed to recall various subjects at request in order to spread a mutual understanding across the stars. While not as desirable as a full crewmember trained in any of these functions it is doubtless that a crew in dire need of this knowledge and skill would appreciate the ready use of such a construct.

HArbinger one is built roughly in the shape of a Kajiaatan female adn given a similiarly serene and calm voice from the same. This was agreed upon by the original designers to be a sufficiently unintimidating form as to not alarm any sentient species that may come into contact with it. The image is ruined however by the armored plating broken up at points by sockets where alchemical augmentation flasks are inserted in order to enhance Habringer One's various functions.

Harbinger one is programmed to be amiable to suggestion and willing to listen though expected to have free will. Seeing as this function of Habriner One has yet to see testing its creators are eager to see the results should it come to pass that it requires being used.