Yeoldefog's page

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I noticed under the random magic generation, Table 5–6: Armor Special Materials in Gamemastery Guide, that there is a better % chance to get Adamantine than Mithral. Is Adamantine more common than Mithral? What is your view on this?


Me and a friend are currently trying to develop a treasure generator application.

I have long experience (20 years) of world-building and DM'ing, and he have equal experience in programming and user-friendly design.

It will be based on the system in Ultimate Equipment, but the structure will be different since that system is made for ease of use. We also plan on adding several new features not present in the current treasure generator, such as mundane equipment, poison, armor and weapons with all kind of materials and a more random art-object generator.

My question is, if we would like to make this a commercial application, with a small price such as $2 download or something, how does it work with the license? Are we free to use the tables and the treasure generator in Ultimate Equipment, make an app, and sell it?

Also, if there is interest - feel free to ask any question about the app itself.

Best regards