Yela the Hunter's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Naidra.

"Advanced morphic skin offers the same options as the basic model, as well as the ability to change your apparent sex and age, alter your height by up to 1 foot, and gain features of another species of the same creature type (although you don’t gain or lose abilities as a result)."

"Four armed
Kasathas have four arms, which allows them to wield and hold up to four hands’ worth of weapons and equipment. While their multiple arms increase the number of items they can have at the ready, it doesn’t increase the number of attacks they can make during combat."

Since four armed is a racial ability of kasatha, do all disguises made with the morphic skin have to have four arms? Can i make the second pair of arms very small or hide them with a poncho? if for example a human takes the form of a kasatha do they have 2 arms or 4 but one pair of arms is unusable?

I play the character in question with the society so asking the DM what they think is best is not possible. Just appearing as another person is useful already i just want to know if i can use it to imitate other species

From "Meet the Iconics: Altronus":

"While Altronus did not excel at his studies the way his family had hoped, neither did he do poorly, and most people chalked his merely adequate results up to his relative youth. In truth, Altronus was indeed an excellent scholar, simply one who had trouble focusing on a single topic for long. Inevitably, some interesting fact in his studies would pique his interest and draw his research off into unrelated sidetracks. This broad, self-directed education made him adept at making connections between disparate fields, yet earned him little love from traditionalist teachers who saw his scattered studies as a failure to focus and a deliberate rejection of tried-and-true scholarly practices."

That kind of sounds familiar to me, rapidly changing interests and not doing well at things that don't currently interest you is bad for your grades I know that from experience

Do you have the same theory, have never thought about it or disagree?