Naidra |
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Naidra wrote:play the character in question with the society so asking the DM what they think is best is not possible.Well it is, but if you get too much variation it becomes something to avoid.
A polymorph form has the shape and appearance of one base creature within limitations
As a disguise, this change in appearance is perfect, granting the target a +10 bonus to Disguise checks (either to appear to be a typical version of a generic form or a specific individual when using a unique form
Source Alien Archive 2 pg. 144
The target’s features from classes, themes, and so on still work in its new form. However, its form could limit the usage of features it has. Rely on common sense and GM guidance in such situationsCommon sense is OP! But allowed
These would strongly suggest that if you turn into a ysoki you're down to two arms. I don't think many SFS dms would say, not let you disguise yourself with 2 arms. But i think a fair number would object to the idea of a 4 armed ysoki that no one notices still shooting 4 pistols.
Thank you! I have sent this to the DM.