Telandia Edasseril

Yahoel's page

1 post. Alias of Minas Dyrendal.

So I am thinking of GMing a game of Kingmaker on here. I dont have a ton of experience with pathfinder play by post. Ive been on the site for a while and Im finally a part of an ongoing game on the website. I play a good bit in person and I think that pbp for a dice roll based game can be hard. Slowing things down makes it harder to stay action focused and interested. I think a good way to balance that out is to have a lot of good opportunity for roleplaying and non-combat situations. Kingmaker seems like an AP that does that very well to me. I've unfortunately never gotten to play all the way through Kingmaker but it was the second set of books that I bought after falling in love with the idea. Kingmaker has the potential for a lot of in depth, political roleplay while also maintaining a sense of getting out there and adventuring. But what gave me the idea for this campaign in particular is basically blatantly stolen from another game I saw on here recruiting witches for a coven themed kingmaker. So basically here is what Im looking for in this thread:

Advice: Have you ever run a themed game? If so how did it go? What were the up and downsides of having everyone be X or play Y? Did you put in especially harsh limitations or just lenient ones? What were your reasons for running a game with a particular theme in mind?

Interest Check: Would people be interested? The coven game got a lot of applications and I saw an all dwarves game that sounded great which also got a number of neat submissions. But Id still like to hear from people whether there is more interest to sustain another in depth ap.

Whats the Theme? I dont know yet. I haven't chosen one. Racial themes were the first thing that came to mind. Altering Kingmaker itself wouldn't be a problem for me if we need a reason a group of particularly odd creatures or heroes [or villains?] were going out to reclaim the Stolen Lands. Just to spit ball some ideas things that I might be interested in doing: Evil Empire, Shoanti Tribesman, Dhampir/Undead, Goblins. And Im open to hearing what other people might be interested in. If I see a lot of one thing or another its more likely ill consider it for the final campaign.

Questions, comments, concerns and various out-of-character rambling is welcome here.
