
Yaga's page

8 posts. Alias of Mairkurion {tm}.


Zombie Pirate wrote:
Yaga wrote:
*Opens an island clothing store in the thread.*
*plunders Yaga's store, then eats his brain*

*Cackles as she watches in safety the pirate eating the brain that was a cursed item she placed in her Yaga decoy. Puts out a sign

"HIRING SECURITY" in the store window once the pirate is gone.*

*Opens an island clothing store in the thread.*

Am I a rasta clothing mon or a Russian babushka?

He mon, you got some cinnamon?

Your charms will no worka here, shadowman! [cackles maniacally as she lifts up the fetish composed of shrunken heads and begins to cast her spell.]

Mo' bettah post

Look me up, mon. I'm an American company.

Hey mon, me gonna sue your old grandmama ifn she don't change her name which I have undeh dee mo bettah legal protection, mon!