
Xizoh Shadelock's page

467 posts. Alias of Hawksw0rd.

The letter had come in the mail shortly after you had finished your trainer exam.

Hello [Applicant]Each applicant's name is in the bracketed section.,

Congratulations! Due to your test results you’ve been selected for the Ever Grande League’s newest rookie assist program, Seafarer. The Seafarer program is intended to help new trainers with potential reach for the stars, and entails additional aid and responsibilities including a starting fund, assistance in training, and requiring participation in the Conference among other details.

If you agree, please sign and return this letter. A psychic will appear at the listed date below to transport you to Petalburg where orientation will occur on the 28th of April 28, 997.

Warmest Wishes,

Champion Wallace

It's now the 28th, and each of you await for the psychic to arrive and take you to Petalburg.

Hey everyone, glad to have you here. The first post should be up by Friday, but feel free to use this to experiment with how the Paizo board works.

Hey guys and girls, good to see everyone! I know you are all mostly a little confused as to the way Pathfinder works, so if you have any questions pm me or post them here.

Character Creation Outline:

Level 1-Any Paizo class
20 Point buy
Two Traits
Races can be core, or some uncommon, depending on reasoning.
Let's try to stay away from evil alignments, unless everyone is willing to go dark overlord.
Here is character sheets for everyone

General Board Knowledge:
Bold is used for speech, while italics is generally used for thoughts.

An example would be "Why won't you die?" Grunak roared as he slammed his greatsword into the lich's skeletal face. I hope someone has some magic left, he seems unfazed by my blade.

Most things here are done with brackets, so bolding is [b][/b with a bracket closing off the second section. There is also dice functions, that are done very similarly. [dice=Attack]1d20 + 6[/dice. The format button below can help explain it better than I.

Board Stuff:
Some great places to look for how to approach Play by Post (this type of Dnd) is here and here.

Recently I've been wanting to create a halfing cavalier specializing in tower shields and well, turtles. So, is there any rule legal way to get a turtle, snapping turtle, or their ilk as my mount? I'd like to avoid multi classing if at all possible.

Full Name
