
Xisifer's page

Organized Play Member. 38 posts (159 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 4 aliases.

Hello, Paizo community!

Recently, I came across an interesting story on Reddit and it really inspired me to see if that kind of character can be replicated in Pathfinder: an unarmed fighter who can knock people's lights out with sheer badassery. He doesn't need any fancy tricks, just the ability to deal a LOT of unarmed damage with huge haymaker punches. Think like Balrog or Zangeif and you're about 75% there.


The actual game mechanics of Pathfinder don't seem to support this concept very well.

The Monk has a lot of supernatural Eastern martial arts flavor to them, which doesn't quite fit.

The Unarmed Fighter [Fighter archetype] improves the Fighter's durability somewhat, but doesn't do anything to give better unarmed damage or Combat Maneuver bonuses.

The Brawler [Fighter archetype] receives bonuses when using close-range weapons, but doesn't actually get anything for being unarmed.

Is there something I'm missing? Any help would be appreciated!

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Hey, folks. I have a friend who is has a specific character concept in mind that he thinks the rules support, but I think it's a grey area.

He wants to play a character who uses a Greataxe (a Two-Handed weapon), but uses Two-Weapon Fighting via Improved Unarmed Strike (head-butts, kicks and so on). He argues that IUS allows him to consider himself as armed even when he's not, and therefore he can use TWF even when both hands are holding his Greataxe. He's also thinking it might be possible (in the middle of a full-round attack) to take one hand off his Greataxe and make an unarmed strike with that.

I'm not 100% convinced, but I told him that if anyone knew, it would be the collective nerd hive-mind of The Internet. What do you guys think? Is that possible?

One of my players is wanting to play a Druid more like a nature-oriented Gandalf than an Animorph, and so he's looking for an archetype that replaces Wild Shape. Unfortunately, I can't find anything in the APG or UM.

Any ideas?

I'm thinking of building a guardsman to join a party in their adventures as sort of a parole officer, taking a number of cues from Sam Vimes of Discworld. He's an officer of the law who's not afraid to fight dirty if it helps him do his job.

Since he starts at level 1, I thought a straight Fighter would work initially, but are there any archetypes out there that would fit? The only one that comes to mind is the Investigator (Rogue) archetype from APG, but beyond that I'm not super sure about where to take him.