Wild Elf

Xicotencatl's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts (86 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


As I enter the tavern, I can see already a couple of groups chatting around. Hi I say in general to all. I sit on a table and look around for a barmaid. As I spot one I call A Beer lassie, please

I have finished and updated my character. His name is Axcayacatl. Do I start posting with "his" alias? Do you still have space for a newbie?

Thanks Jacob. I will try to have a character going and participating by 9pmEST. and if not, then latter, when you have an oppening. I use HeroLab. Will HL statblock work for pasting in the alias page? I have searched for a edit procedure to enter the statblock, but have not found it. Is there something I am missing?

I am a first time PFS participant and have never tried pbp. How often are you expecting posts? How can I learn more on the mechanics of pbp so that I can be a fruitful participant?
Until now I have only played on tabletop, both as a GM and as a player of D&D 3.5.