Uncle Knives

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Nothing to write home about


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Mixed bag


Evolutionist - I find it boring thematically, clunky mechanically, and painful in several of its design choices.

The non-evolutionist class options: Mixed bag. Many are up to the usual Paizo standard, some are very bad/pointless in a "we barely developed the AP backmatter" way that is becoming depressingly common in that line but that I didn't expect to see in the core rulebook line. Although perhaps Galactic Magic wasn't that much better, now that I think about it.

Art - very good.

Species write ups - Most of these put me to sleep, but many players will find these short info drops helpful in establishing background on a new PC of the appropriate PC. Every single species seems to sit around in prayer circles singing kumbaya all the time, which is pretty tedious. Glad no one is struggling or having to make hard choices out there, I guess.

Species mechanical inserts - I did mostly like these.

NPC stat blocks - These will be useful to plenty of GMs for quick drop ins or inspirations when building/modifying their own NPCs. The Alien Archive 1 rules were already fine on this, but I think plenty of new GMs lack inspiration to get started on things like this and having these templates will help them a lot.

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Overpriced, under delivered


You don't need this book.

The mechanics take up too much space, and are not very good. Wait for them to be free (a fair price) online.

The campaign stuff that is the meat of the book is surprisingly sparse and is just an avoidable update to the cheaper and longer products that came before. Buy the APs that will give you the context you need, this big picture stuff at a too big price isn't necessary.

The art is...fine. Much is good, some is bad, some is recycled.

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At least the art is nice


While much of the content in this book is usable, it continues the late stage Pathfinder sins of rewarmed reprints, mostly useless feats, too many laughably bad archetypes, and extra systems and rules that you thought you wanted but won't actually see much use as printed.

The shifter itself is probably worth -2 stars alone for being so uninspired and poorly marketed, but I can't give it half a star and it wouldn't be fair if I could.

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One of the best


Strong archetypes, great changeling material, cool new spells and rituals. Even the magic items section is creative, useful, and even pretty funny.