Iron Dragon

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I am playing just now this combination to great effect:

Bloodrager, Draconic Bloodline (2 Primary Claw Attacks)
Dragon Disciple (1 Primary Bite Attack with (1.5)xStr damage)
Eldritch Heritage (Minotaur) (1 Primary Gore Attack); if Minotaur is not available, Abyssal or another that gran Inherent Strength at higher levels with Improved Eldritch Heritage

Primalist was allowed, so Beast Totem up to Pounce, if not, you can get it via Beast Shape at Lv14. Improved Arcane Heritage to get Strength bonuses with Minotaur Bloodline. Also by this level I got a Robe of Arcane Heritage, so Minotaur Bloodline counts as 5 levels higher to get Strength bonu+Strses earlier.

Beast Shape with a large Feline to get Rake (and Pounceif needed).
Tail Strike spell (Bloodrager Lv3) to add a Tail attack

By Lv14 I have Strength 44 in Rage and 7 Natural attacks

Strength: 15(base)+2(Race)+2(Granted by adventure)+3(Level)+2(Dragon Disciple) +6(Minotaur Bloodline) +4(Beast Shape) +4(Item)+6(Rage) = 44, and still have 2 more to increase with Dragon Disciple, 2 with a better enhancement with an Item, and 2 with leves :)

Natural Attacks (Large Beast Shape): 1 Bite (1d8 +1.5xStr, Dragon Disciple) +2 Claws (2d6+Str, Draconic Bloodline) +1 Gore (2d6+Str) +1 Tail (1d8+0.5xStr) +2 Rakes (1d8+0.5xStr); adding Power Attack (and Reckless if Primalist is enabled) adds quite a punch also.

When the bloodline enables Dragon Form, I can add 2 Wing Attacks to the routine - to get Rakes with Dragon Shape I looking for Boots of the Raptor, that grant Rake natural attacks (Claws in Feet) OR I can argument that Lesser Beast Totem with quadrupeds CAN be assigned to "feet" since all limbs of a dragon are "feet", and there is a FAQ where it states that if target has no "hands" the effect can go in any of its limbs. Also, I get a tail attack so I can ditch the Tail spell I've been using up to then...
Reference to the FAQ

There is no rule as to not being bale to take the same feat multiple times.

The only rule referencing multiple feasts in some way is in the "Benefit" description of feats (Core p.113):
(quote) Benefit: What the feat enables the character (“you” in the feat description) to do. If a character has the same feat more than once, its benefits do not stack unless indicated otherwise in the description. (end quote)

The definition of "stacking" here is a bit lacking, and prone to multiple interpretations - and it falls to each DM (or a FAQ) clarifying what does it cover. In my personal experience, I do think it implies feats with some kind of numerical advantage that can be stacked, since the only feats with a note on what these feats do when taken multiple times are feats with numerical advantakes, such as weapon focus and similar feats.

That said, feats like Eldritch Heritage that give different benefits that are not stackable (are not tied to a numerical value, such as uses per day, a numerical bonus, or similar) CAN be taken multiple times (no rule prohibits that), and since the benefits it gives has nothing to do with stacking, they work all right as intended.

Of course, your DM might disagree with my judgement and apply his own interpretation and rule; I've had players with multiple bloodlines using feats, and given the heavy toll in feats these bloodline take, they are not more overpowered than standard powergamers :).

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Polymorph any object is, essentially, a spell intended to transform and redefine something into something else. Stones gain intelligence and gain a personality of their own, people turn into stones and lose all traces of themselves.

When turning something sentient into another sentient creature, the best way to look at this spell is that everything you were is erased, and a new being that looks as the intented shape takes its place - and, yes, you could polymorph yourself into a dragon- but the dragon is not you - it is another being, with another personality, and probably with another goals not necessarily yours. You have chosen to erase youself and be transformed into a sentient dragon, that will think as dragons of the chosen color think - pillage treasure, kill cattle, eat damsels or maybe something else, but it would be a NPC controlled by the DM until the spell is dispelled.

I have no patience to read all the polymorph spells out there, but the simple intent of Polymorph any Object spell was always the same, and regardless of the way you read it to exploit abusive powerups, this is how it should be handled when not used to duplicate an existing lesser spell.

Spells that transform you and let you keep your memories, your personality (and your levels!) are are what you need to make yourself into another being and keep playing.