Xarex's page

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Great suggestions everyone! Thanks for your help.

They have the journal but I am not sure that they have been feed enough info to ask the right questions. It's probably my fault. I don't feel like I have explained enough of the story. Sometimes it can be hard to tell how much to divulge to the PCs.

I really like the Shalelu idea as a spark since I didn't introduce her before. Having her talk about the goblins in the area and the trouble at Thistletop or having the Sheriff involved are excellent suggestions.

I have been running the Anniversary Edition of RotRL and we are having a great time. I'm a bit stuck.

Moving On:

The group has finished the Glassworks, went to the Catacombs, fought the quasit and returned to town.

Tsuto escaped and they rescued Ameiko.

I must have missed something, because I can't find the connection of how to get them to Thistletop now that they are back. They didn't explore all of the Catacombs, but was there some clue as to how urgent getting to Thistletop would be?

They have the diary from Tsuto that talks about Thistletop and an impending attack, but the only two mentions of Thistletop are "Thistletop Goblins" and how Nualia used the "Thistletop shrine" to begin her transformation.

How did you all guide your players to Thistletop?