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No posts. Organized Play character for Farabor.


I saw the rules for having access to 2 ethnicities or 2 regions, but I couldn't find any clarity on whether it was okay to just have a character of an ethnicity that is not at all common from their region? The specific thing in mind I am looking at is to have a Nidalese ethnicity character with the Alkenstar region, story background being his parent were immigrants there so he was raised in Alkenstar.

The obvious mechanical benefit is the combination of access to Nidalese feats for low light/darkvision and firearms.

So I've only bought and read the first adventure, and it looks like there's only the initial show in the timeframe of the adventure. Several of my players are very interested in playing SimCircus, so I was just wondering how many actual performances can they expect to have? Is this something that I would just add more of in between the 6 adventures?

I'm just starting the first adventure in the arc and I have players who want to further build their backstories as part of growing up in the Celestial Menagerie. In the first part of the AP, it gives 3 members of that circus and says that more will be detailed in the second adventure. I'm not ready yet to buy that (I want to make sure my group finishes and wants to continue from the first).
Are there any notable performers and/or other circus-folk for people to hook their backstories in?

Couldn't find this answered elsewhere....in the affliction rules is the following:

"If a failure or critical failure would increase the stage beyond the highest listed stage, the affliction instead repeats the effects of the highest stage."

My question is, lets say the max level is 3 and you fail at 3 and would go to 4. Do you go to condition stage 4 that has the EFFECTS of stage 3 (So you still need to recover from a stage 4 affliction), or does your stage number stay at 3?

So, in PF1 (And 3.5/3.0), you took the worse of the two penalties from your encumbrance and your armor. So far, it seems like in PF2, they combine. Is this the case/supposed to be the case? Is a fighter in full plate who is also encumbered moving at the speed of a snail?

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I couldn't figure out the right sub-forum for this. Anyone have a clue on what the land speed of a laden camel should be? And no, I don't know if it's African or European!

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I couldn't figure out the right sub-forum for this. Anyone have a clue on what the land speed of a laden camel should be? And no, I don't know if it's African or European!

So, when a barbarian gets knocked unconscious while in a rage, then gets woken up by the friendly cleric later that round, how does that work?

Is his rage ended? If so, does he still suffer from the round of fatigue? IF not, can he immediately re-enter a rage next round?


So I just skimmed the 2.1 document (Yeah!), and I was wondering if a change log is available? I.E. a list of where the document has changes from 2.01 to 2.1?

So, finally got around to buying and flipping through a dead tree format of the Bestiary. First two questioned popped up on everyone's favorite pal, the Rust Monster.

1: Its antenna is listed as a primary attack, yet only has an attack bonus of +1, 5 less than its claws, as if it was a secondary. Err?

2: Its carapace is listed as having the rust effect, yet I don't see anything in the rules about applying the rust effect to metal weapons that strike it. Double Err?

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So, on page 96, there's a chart that says the escape artist check to escape an entangle spell is DC 20.

The entangle spell on p 278 says the strength or escape artist check to unentangle yourself is the DC of the original spell.

I'm inclined to believe it's the latter, and the former is an artifact of a cut and paste from 3.5 rules....especially considering how powerful a battlefield control spell Entangle is at level 1....however, it is a direct contradiction, so I figured I'd ask here/suggest it be added for whenever errata or future printings are made.

(Note, despite the 'now' part, this does not imply that its any different from older versions of the rules, which I haven't bothered to check)

So, I started a new level 1 conjurer for a game...and there I was, casting Grease. Looking up the spell, I saw that its material component...is Butter!

And of course, we all know our 5gp spell component pouch covers all material components that don't have a GP cost...


So, Summon Monster I allows you to summon a celestial/fiendish viper. Does this use the stats for Snake: Venemous? Couldn't find viper....

So, I couldn't find the rules for this in pathfinder.....say its a surprise round, and I'm not surprised. We get standard actions only. Can I still start a full round spell (Like summon monster?). If so, does completing it next round take a move action, a standard action, or what?

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So, pathfinder changed the rules on specialist wizards from _can't cast any spells at all_ from their 2 opposite schools, to 'can cast at the cost of two spell slots'.

The starting spell selection text however, seems to be directly copied from 3.5 SRD....

A wizard begins play with a spellbook containing all
0-level wizard spells (except those from his prohibited
schools, if any; see Arcane Schools) plus three 1st-level
spells of his choice.

Later on, we're told that a wizard can indeed cast cantrips from those opposite schools, for the standard 'cost' of 2 cantrip prepared spots.

So....was this an unintentional artifact from 3.5 being blocked from casting at all, and pathfinder wizards should get all cantrips in their book now....or was it intentional, and you don't start with those cantrips, but can later find them and copy them into your book?

So, everyone's been talking about the arcane bond: Bow action. So, you have a bow, which in order to be 'readied' needs two hands. Just about every wizard spell requires somatic actions, which require a free hand to cast. So....can you use the hand you're holding your bonded item in cast spells with?

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Couple questions on empower spell feat, healing spells, and healing domain power.

1: Cure spells do xD8+caster level, empower spell works only on spells with variable numeric effects, increasing effects by 50%. So....an empowered cure light wounds at caster level 5 will only multiple 1d8 part by 1.5, not the +5 part, correct?

2: If the answer to 1 is only the rolled part, what about the healing domain level 6 power? It says it works like empowered spells, and doesn't stack with powers, but just says the amount of damage healed is increased by 50%...is this just imprecise language?


Just like to post a general appreciation to Josh in particular and Paizo in general....the direct, and rapid response to your player base is (unfortunately), surprising and highly appreciated!

So, this situation came up in a recent game, with a massively opposing disagreement on what RAW said...and within the single situation comes a few sub-questions.

First: The situation: A harpy was using its Captivating Song (SU) ability. 4 of 6 party members failed, fortunately the Bard was not one of those people...unfortunately said bard had 0 ranks in any of the skills that provide countersong. The DM ruled that since the bard was providing a 'temporary, round by round' defense that he had to roll a different number for each round, that this protection would only last for rounds during which he made his roll..IE if he either failed his roll or stopped countersinging altogether, the original, ongoing effect would resume....or in other words, he was merely suppressing the effects of an ongoing ability.

Rules questions involved on this:

1: Does a bard's countersong ability in fact work this way, the new save only applying for that round? In my opinion, that didn't seem _clearly_ either true or false as RAW, but that I had thought it pretty clear to be wrong by RAI.

Now, for the stickler that kept me arguing for too long...

#2. Assuming the answer to question #1 is yes, the specific ability in question, Harpy's Captivating song includes the following phrase: "A creature that successfully saves is not subject to the same harpy's song for 24 hours". I strongly feel that that means, even if the new bard's saving throw (Which is the way bard's countersong is worded, as granting a new save) only works for that one round, that RAW would mean that a single success on that would trigger the harpy's "make a save and become immune for 24 hours." Again, the DM disagreed.

In ordinary situations, I'm 100% of the opinion that even if you think the DM is dead wrong on a RAW situation, you bring it up once then move on...this one just happened to both threaten an immediate TPK due to other circumstances....and have another circumstance that I'm not free to bring up on an open forum to lead me to care more than a 'normal' game.

Anyhow, thoughts/opinions? I'd of course _highly_ appreciate an official designer response, but even well reasoned, cogent discussions from the usual crew'll be useful to bring up to the group I play in. (Like I trust you folks usually provide!).

Thanks in advance.

SO, I've been noticing this feat a lot of late in various discussions, so I went to take a look at it...and an Idea (TM!) came over me. A large part of the feat comes in with the "Your opponent is flat footed when not wielding a weapon", that a lot of people said would rarely happen. So.....build this in with a rogue or fighter designed around improved/greater disarm! I pick up my barstool, knock your weapon away, and now your dex is gone for my followup attacks...yeah sneak attack on rogues, or for truly silliness on your combat superiority fighter, them being flatfooted drops their CMD even further....so you then use your second attack for your improved/grater trip! I laugh in your face, enemy humanoid!

So, as we all know and love, bursts require line of effect but not line of sight. Channeling is a burst. That pesky enemy put up an obscuring mist, so now I can't actually see him, but I know/suspect he's in by burst area. Can I select him to be ignored by my channel burst with Selective Channeling feat? Nothing in the feat actually seems to require line of sight.....

This actually came up in a game.

You might recognize what game it came up in.

Not going into more details, silly spoilers :)

So, I was looking over/thinking about the awesome "fighters getting to move full speed in full plate" thing in Pathfinder, when that nasty thought "Yeah, but it still weighs 50lbs" popped up into my head.
combine that with 15lbs or so worth of a big two handed weapon or a heavy shield and a weapon, and quite a few fighters are going to be tripping over medium encumbrance and thus go down to 20ft/-3ACP anyways!

More of a comment for thought than anything else


Alright...first, the spend 2 prestige award (off the left side of the /) for an up to 750GP purchase, once per session rule:

1: Does this still require you to have normal access to that item? IE Prestige total 4 or the item showing up on one of your last 3 campaign sheets if its 500gp or less (and not always purchasable), or PA 9 if its 500-750gp?

2: If yes to 1, can you spend 2 prestige at the end of a scenario that grants a 750GP item as accessible (Assuming you haven't used that option earlier in the scenario), or do you have to wait to your next table/opportunity to do so?


Loot/reward rules:

3: The party finds 5 cure light wounds potions, and uses 2 of them during the adventure. Am I supposed to take away 50/12=4.16gp from the total reward to indicate those were used instead of sold?


So I just ran my first PFS scenario, as a 'home game' style. I reported it, and I _think_ I got it right, and it assigned a report # of 1074. Unfortunately, I can't seem to go back in and make sure that the 6 people's info and prestige actually got saved properly....can someone with access peek and make sure there's 6 folks there to satisfy my paranoia?

Thanks in advance (And for the 6 people who'd be affected if I screwed up)

PS..GRR. I didn't report a "GM slot" for myself at half GP/1PA/1XP....can I go back in and edit that myself, and if so, is there a special way I should report that, or just as if I was at the table with the character in question?

Alright, this is something that Pathfinder has inherited from previous editions. It struck me as silly/stupid then, and it strikes me even more so now that I was looking at getting a neat scimitar made for my PFS char.

Mithril chain shirt: 25lbs of normal metal, converts to 12.5lbs (or 10lbs on old 3.5 DMG table, dunno if PF kept that extra reduction or not. Game benefits: Get to use 2 more dex to AC (Potential 10% extra miss chance on enemy), get to save 12.5-15lbs of encumbrance room, drops armor check penalty to 0. Cost: 1000gp.

Mithril breastplate: 30lbs of normal metal, converts to 15bs. Benefits: 2 higher max dex bonus (Much more likely to be useful), 3 less armor check penalty (all the way down to -1), 15 lbs extra encumbrance. cost: 4000gp

Mithril longsword: 4 lbs of normal metal, convers to 2. Benefits: Save 2lbs of encumbrance range, counts as alchemical silver for DR purposes without costing you a point of damage.cost _2,000_ GP.

Mithril Greataxe: 12 lbs of normal metal, converst to 6. Benefits: save 6lbs of encumbrance range, counts as alchemical silver for DR Purposes without costing you a point of damage. Cost: _6,000_ GP.

from a game benefit point of view, mithril armor is way more beneficial than mithril weaponry. From an in game world point of view: There's 10-12 times more metal going into that mithral shirt over the mithral longsword, het the shirt costs half as much.


Personally, I'd like to see a 'flat rate' cost for mithril weaponry, maybe modified by size of weapon, to keep it in line with other special materials.


Well, I just played in my first pathfinder mod, at a table with 4 other brand new level 1 characters. We hit the problem that a mod tuned to provide a challenge for level 1 characters with additional gear, or level 2 characters, can easily prove overwhelming to a table of pure new level 1 characters. Just as a loosely worded example, to hopefully not be a spoiler....a level 3 evil cleric in an enclosed space's channel energy feature can easily drop said party with a single AoE.

Now, I'm not sure if PFS has already done this, but I know Living Arcanis did..and if PFS hasn't, they should seriously think about it: An entry mod, that you can only play with a stock new level 1 character. That way the mod's difficulty can be specifically tuned to a table of brand new level 1 characters.


Well, I'm in Ft Lauderdale...is there anything going on down here, or any interest? I'm new to Pathfinder and would prefer to play, although I'd be up to a rotating DM system.


Well, I saw a discussion of this in the general rules thread, that said it should probably be erratted but wasn't yet, and nothing in the pathfinder society rules thread....so I'm making a new char. Do I include the weight of his explorer's outfit that he's wearing to my encumbrance level? Pathfinder seems to have erased that clause of '1 free worn clothing set' from 3.5.


So, I've noticed a lot of the traits seem to give you a skill as "Always a class skill". Is this legacy text from 3.5? I thought, from what I've read, is effectively 'always a class skill', as long as it's a class skill for one of your levels.....


My brief search fu is failing.....

So, I've bought the core rules, read the first half of them, skimmed the rest, read the campaign document for the organized play....and I can't seem to find a writeup at all on the deities other then the basic table of portfolio, alignment, favored weapon, and domains. Are there any available short of purchasing another supplement? I'm not prepared to do that without first at least trying the game..but I do like to know a _touch_ more about the deity of a cleric I'm making than those base details.

Rules wise, I'm currently leaning towards Sarenrae for domain access and alignment, but a bit more info for proper roleplaying would be nice!


I'm completely new to pathfinder and pathfinder society, and have been perusing what I presume to be the current rules set (2.01 guide to organized play, and the pdf of the core rules that I just bought a week ago online). I searched for an answer, and only found stuff from last year that seems out of date....

Table 7.02 (2.01 pathfinder society) lists gods with the Rune domain.
p47 of pathfinder core rules says Rune domain grants the scribe scroll feat. Step 5 of character generation (Feats) says Scribe Scroll is not available (And Wizard PCs select Spell Focus at 1st level instead). So....clerics with rune domain? Yeah/nay spell focus/something else/completely lose that benefit?

On a more general rules question, all the later on domain powers that let you put up an aura of an effect for several rounds a day...what kind of action is it to start/stop that aura? Free? Standard?

Xandrian has not participated in any online campaigns.