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Ok you guys are missing the true best build for sunder and damage in general

Level 17 Barbarian

Feats: Vital Strike, Imp Vital Strike, Greater Vital Strike, Furious Finish, Imp Sunder, Greater Sunder, Power Attack.

Weapon: Maul of the Titans
Get the rage power that lets you bypass hardness 1/rage.
Polymorf any object cast on yourself to make you huge. Your weapon now deals 3d8. Greater vital strike them for 12d8 plus strength. Furious Finish to maxamize dmg dice but end rage. You are now dealing 96 plus around 25 str cuz power attack. So 121 dmg to there weapon but a Maul of the Titans states that it is times three. So thats 363 to their weapon and is bypassing hardness. The highest weapon health in the game is like 15 and because greater sunder says left over damage goes the wielder they take 348 damage flat out. You can do this every round because you are immune to fatigue.