Wrathamon |

It's always been my understand that if a rogue moves in to attack a flat-footed foe and has the ability to make more than one attack, only the first will serve as a sneak attack. All other attacks are normal.
So. Just so I'm not delusional - aside from Majuba, please (no offense) - someone - am I wrong?
yes and no
a rogue gets to apply sneak damage as long as they meet the requirments for sneak... so if the target is denied their dexterity for each of the rogues attacks then ALL the attacks would get sneak damage.
one cases that sometimes is played wrong (any might be why you thought you only get 1 attack) is that if you attack when hidden after the first attack you are no longer hidden and the target is no longer denied their dex so only one of your attacks would be a sneak attack.