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Hey, just a quick question. Is there any chance that you'll be publishing an anniversary edition using the 1st ed rule set? I'm not going to lie, I will buy it only if it's first edition. I'm not currently interested in the second edition system. If anyone else is reading this, you can start your flame war below.
((This is a character bio that I've created and know no other place to try to get feedback. I'm trying to make something that would be in a personal journal. I'm looking for a couple things:
Thank you so very much!)) I was born in the City of Masks and am the epitome of its children, a true son. Both of my parents are citizens but they are not of the city. They housed, fed me, and clothed me. The city, however, took care of my education, informed me about the nature of people, and helped shaped my morals. The city held me close to its heart and in return I flourished. The harbor disgorges the faceless many; the curious, the hopeful, those seeking delights, and even some who would drink the water of Lethe. These strangers showed me how people treat one another, what our value is to one another. The lowliest of beggars should be revered. They are often richer in faith than any Hellknight bearing a longsword and wreathed in armor. Walk through the city with both eyes open, ignorance should be expunged from oneself. Our city is here to indulge in. Wait for a fair price. We honor all coin. No tariff or tax will greet you at the gate. We have no registers in which we record your name. We will welcome you no matter what mask you use to obfuscate yourself with. Your secrets are your own. We understand their value and want nothing more than for those confidences to be kept safe. My family runs an inn within the Vise where my siblings and I took care of the many. Every visitor, every person who darkens our doorstep comes seeking something. I learned over time it is a type of worship, a silent prayer as one wends their way through the crowd. One whisper can be lost but with so many voices it is instead a tumultuous roar. If any one person hears you over the ruckus, that person is worthy of adulation. As I worked for my parents, I learned to observe and to hold my tongue. A person who will keep the secrets of all those around him, someone who understands that closed doors should remain closed, is exalted. The proprietress of The Dancing Cat noticed me and hired me to protect her guest’s anonymity. She is the one who first set my feet upon the path that makes me the man I am today. Sometimes in our city people die due to indulgence. If we can send a traveler home, that is always our first choice, but some travelers have no home to return to. When this happens, The Blissful Abattoir comes into play. More than once have I run to bring about the Collectors to gather up the poor soul. They are always very respectful and never fail to invoke the name of Pharasma. Their distinctive orange robes and beaked masks are quite a somber affair, like the psychopomps that serve that goddess. Their Abbot is an educated fellow and has often gone out of his way to enlighten me, for which I am grateful. Without him I do not know if I would ever found my faith. Just last year, during midwinter, I brought my brother to help us celebrate Ascension Day. The Abbot says I show potential. One day I may join the Monastery of the Veil, where all take a vow of silence. Currently however, I learned that Queen Abrogail II is looking for people to assist her. Some foreign powers have invaded a small village in our nation and House Thrune has created a compact, calling all of the nation to aid in repelling the occupying force. While I do not agree with her religion, I do know that this is my mandate. I shall go and discover all I can. Do not look for me, I will ever be just another face in the crowd. Nemo
I was born in the City of Masks and am the epitome of its children, a true son. Both of my parents are citizens but they are not of the city. They housed, fed me, and clothed me. The city, however, took care of my education, informed me about the nature of people, and helped shaped my morals. The city held me close to its heart and in return I flourished. The harbor disgorges the faceless many; the curious, the hopeful, those seeking delights, and even some who would drink the water of Lethe. These strangers showed me how people treat one another, what our value is to one another. The lowliest of beggars should be revered. They are often richer in faith than any Hellknight bearing a longsword and wreathed in armor. Walk through the city with both eyes open, ignorance should be expunged from oneself. Our city is here to indulge in. Wait for a fair price. We honor all coin. No tariff or tax will greet you at the gate. We have no registers in which we record your name. We will welcome you no matter what mask you use to obfuscate yourself with. Your secrets are your own. We understand their value and want nothing more for those confidences to be kept safe. My family runs an inn within the Vise where my siblings and I took care of the many. Every visitor, every person who darkens our doorstep comes seeking something. I learned over time it is a type of worship, a silent prayer as one wends their way through the crowd. One whisper can be lost but with so many voices it is instead a tumultuous roar. If any one person hears you over the ruckus, that person is worthy of adulation. As I worked for my parents, I learned to observe and to hold my tongue. A person who will keep the secrets of all those around him, someone who understands that closed doors should remain closed, is exalted. The proprietress of The Dancing Cat noticed me and hired me to protect her guest’s anonymity. She is the one who first set my feet upon the path that makes me the man I am today. Sometimes in our city people die due to indulgence. If we can send a traveler home, that is always our first choice, but some travelers have no home to return to. When this happens, The Blissful Abattoir comes into play. More than once have I run to bring about the Collectors to gather up the poor soul. They are always very respectful and never fail to invoke the name of Pharasma. Their distinctive orange robes and beaked masks are quite a somber affair, like the psychopomps that serve that goddess. Their Abbot is an educated fellow and has often gone out of his way to enlighten me, for which I am grateful. Without him I do not know if I would ever found my faith. Just last year, during midwinter, I brought my brother to help us celebrate Ascension Day. The Abbot says I show potential. One day I may join the Monastery of the Veil, where all take a vow of silence. Currently however, I learned that Queen Abrogail II is looking for people to assist her. Some foreign powers have invaded a small village in our nation and House Thrune has created a compact, calling all of the nation to aid in repelling the occupying force. While I do not agree with her religion, I do know that this is my mandate. I shall go and discover all I can. Do not look for me, I will ever be just another face in the crowd. Nemo ((Feedback welcome and requested))
Hello, not sure who I should be bringing this up to, however, I am an audio visual professional by trade. My company is PSAV, a transnational audio visual provider. I am currently a video engineer but have also done sales and management roles within my company. I specialize in corporate events from 30-5000 people. Most of my work is in convention centers and hotels and so I understand all of the associated costs and problems. I help pitch events, put them into the order system, and negotiate pricing. From there I pull the equipment from our warehouse, deliver it, set it up, and then operate it. So, the meat of this post. I'd like to offer my assistance in a more professional capacity than running up to troubleshoot the issues. The audio system they gave you this year was 3 JBL single cabinets from a line array, put on sticks with subs. The subs were unnecessary, the speakers poorly placed and inadequate to cover the room. They didn't have the height to fill the room and instead blasted the people closest to them. Those people as a result rotated them to face the wall, creating slap back. The projectors were barely passable in their lumen output, it would have also helped to either ring the room or have delays set up. Finally, during the special, it might also help to have a couple headsets, either radios or ClearCom systems set up to facilitate communications. I'm willing to aid in the quote process, operation, execution, and if required, might be able to source the gear and do the show load in. Please contact me.
Does anyone know why this is banned? Is there a way to appeal? Honestly, I'm looking at all the pesh feats. Pesh Euphoria, Rejuvenation, Healing, and Sahir-Afiyun. I have a really cool concept and I can get it to work without this feat, however, the feat itself really makes the character much more interesting and convincing.
I don't know if this has already been addressed but I'd like either a FAQ or clarification if possible. Slashing grace has been clarified by the masses to only include weapons in the one-hand category due to how it is written. I'd love to find out if the developers meant for it to be this way or if they meant any weapon wielded in one hand.
I'm trying to look at a couple builds to "babysit" new players in PFS. I'm looking specifically at building a buffer/healer and was trying to find the FAQ on the Evangelist/Sensei and how they interact with certain feats. Can anyone please direct me to the FAQ? I've searched and my google-fu appears to be weak.
Dear campaign leadership, Is Lissala legal, or can you please make her legal? I know that this has been covered by a lot of people who spend a lot of time on the forums and they have come to a consensus. However, I have not seen leadership yet step in and say yay or nay one way or the other. Further muddling this is the fact that there is a blog post that specifically states that you can use the blog post as legality, however, without a source book listing her as valid... Please, will someone give us a simple yes or no. With all the activity of worshippers of Lissala that are rumored to be abounding, I'd really like to play a character who worships her. In all things, I obey.
I'll go first. A Mathematical Prodigy and a Bully - Dwarf Oracle
This waiting is so frustrating in a Christmas kind of way. It's like waiting for Christmas morning when people are still alseep, but they've given you a +/- 2 week window of when Christmas day *actually* is. You're waiting for people to wake up and tell you if it is even Christmas today. I love your product and I am looking forward to the fulfillment system, but even a hint of what is in the box under that shiny Blue Golem Wrapping Paper(when is the actual question)?
I play in society, both at game stores and conventions. My wife and a couple of my friends are intimidated by society play however. I asked them if we played at one of our houses if they'd be interested in finding out how society works. In preparation for this I'm asking them that we play a 3 slot chronicle for my birthday to kick things off and they've all agreed. I was planning something like First Steps. So my question is this. If you could only have one character in society but wanted to have a nice seamless story arc, what games would you play? Some adventures I have in mind are things that include everything leading up to the Ruby Phoenix tournament and maybe if they all find them selves agreeable and liking it, leading that into Blood Under Absalom as a table some con. Also, Shades of Ice, Hersey of Man and the Devil We Know all spring to mind. I'd like a nice multi-part story arc that really immerses my players and gives them a sense of being in the world as a whole and a pivotal role in the society. Also, can I get a hand of more experienced players and GM's mapping something like this out? Ideally, chronologically it should all fall in order. A couple adventures obviously can be broken up without damaging continuity, like Among the Living, Among the Dead and Among the Gods, but I'd like them to see the emergence of things like the Shadow lodge.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
A god requires followers is known and understood universally. The why is sometimes vague so a friend of mine and I sat down and had a theological/philosophical discussion. Here is the result.
A good god has a lot of followers and seems to gather this energy from them performing tasks in their name. Sometimes this takes the form of alms, prayers or other offerings. A good god will have a large church, giving this power in large numbers, or fanatics performing feats in the gods name from waging war to protecting and sheltering the innocent who then revere the god. An evil god generally has fewer followers, thus requires sacrifice among other forms of piety to unleash this energy. A "dead" god has no worshipers, thus no power. A priest or a paladin is another matter. The god actually invests a fragment of itself into either the devotee or into the holy symbol, requiring it to be present to manifest the power of the gods. Think of the holy symbol almost like a conduit to the god. They can see, hear and experience the divine casters experiences through it. This would make them omnipotent where the priest is concerned but would also explain the gaps in knowledge where the god doesn’t have a following, creating a blind spot in their knowledge. Undead would be a perversion of this power unless the god themselves are gods of undead. This explains why they resent lichdom and other intelligent undead. Unless it's a god of undead, then the perversion itself is an act of piety and grants this energy to the font the god pulls from. So in Golarion, the star stone actually allows humans to tap into this shared essence that followers generate, giving them the ability to harness the ability, elevating an individual to godhood. While very powerful, unless they have a large, devout following, they don’t have as much energy or experience with it as other gods might. The new young gods tend to attract a large following granting them great power but they still lack the experience and haven’t had it suffuse their essence. They further haven’t been able to move between spheres of influence, making them much easier to truly kill since you only need to destroy the god in a single location, unlike other gods who may have other aspects in other universes. (Pelor on Greyhawk is remarkably similar to Sarenrae; one might even say they are different aspects of the same god. So even if you challenge her, she might be able to do a balance transfer from another aspect in another universe while Aroden couldn’t accomplish this allowing him to be slain.) Irori was able to tap into this mass power by sheer personal understanding and exploration achieving one-ness with the universe and thus granting him access to this font of power. Having followers revere him has further granted him access to a larger pool. Using this analogy you might be able to further speculate that this divine energy is actually finite in quantity; each individual adding to the sum total that the gods then vie for by converting followers from other gods. Gorum might gain some by having individuals slain in their proper aspect like a great bloody war. Sarenrae and Asmodeus lose a share of energy that Gorum is granted. As he spends it, he must foment more wars to further increase his power. This explains the need for souls ending in their proper place and why holy wars might erupt. |