
WorsT's page

Organized Play Member. 208 posts (824 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


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I just wanted to update you all. I am going to try to post the new up-to-date map tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience regarding lack of mapping. Hopefully, once it's done, I can get back to mapping for combats. Thanks, all, for your patience.

AinvarG wrote:
WorsT wrote:
It would seem that the file I've been using to complete the map has become corrupt and it's not letting me work with it. So, I basically have to start from scratch. Bear with me, I'll get it done.
DUDE! That sucks! I hope that's not as much work as it sounds like...

Let's just say I'm not happy about the fact that it needs to be redone. But, the computer gods, fickle as they are, obviously demanded a sacrifice. Que sera.

It would seem that the file I've been using to complete the map has become corrupt and it's not letting me work with it. So, I basically have to start from scratch. Bear with me, I'll get it done.

Black Tom wrote:
Am I losing it or is everybody just swamped? I'm going to assume the latter, at least for now.

School has officially finished until the middle of June for me now, so I expect that I will be able to get some map updates done for the group. I will probably forgo mapping the current battle and focus on whatever updates BT has sent to me on the big map. Thanks, all, for bearing with me. The end of this semester was a real bear.

Sorry about the map! I have been slammed at the end of this semester trying to get all the assignments that are due finished. Honestly, it's been all I can do to keep my head above water right now with school. I will get to it as soon as I can, which may be another week or so.

Thank you for your assistance and prompt attention.

Is there a possibility of combining these orders and having them shipped together?

May I just say that I'm glad we will no longer have to do the bob n weave everytime we pass this crazy underground lake?

Black Tom wrote:

Hey, let's wrap up the role-playing and go kill something.

Or as Orcus would have it: "Less chatter, more splatter". ;o)

And they say you're not a hack n slash DM. :p

Haun wrote:
Hey would anyone be okay with me chopping the halflings leg off I dont care which one just would anyone think that a little extreme?

Thrakhir wouldn't care, but his moral compass doesn't exactly point north.

Yeah, Zark, I saw AC/DC a few years ago in concert and it was pretty good. They can definately still rock.

I just want to add to what AinvarG said. This group is a lot of fun to play, especially with the much different dynamic than the other group has got. It'll be interesting to see how this group gels together.

Brock is great! Petra is also very intriguing. I am not surprised at all to see her glad at the death of the cleric of the moon after what she must have gone through as a slave. The exchange between her and Clark was nice considering they were held together in the temple.

Good stuff!

Keep the longsword, AinvarG.

I'm just glad that Thrakhir showed some usefulness after his horrendous rolls in the rat warren.

Levelled up Proteus.

Black Tom wrote:
I don't know whether you have noticed but these guys are: a despicable half-elf, a sadistic halfling, a priest obsessed with death and a human ugly enough to pass for half-orc. With the zombie Thorak they are the veritable Linear Guild of the original Agents of Orange.

Hey, that's pretty cool, BT! I like. You get a hero point. ;)

I don't know, Shisumo, I would have a tough time making a decision between the wizard/eldritch knight route or the duelist route. The high AC for duelist would be nice, but I wonder if you can compensate for the low AC on the wizard/eldritch knight path with spells.

Interesting dilemma.

Good luck. ;)

I can think of one reason, slowest move. Leading allows him to move into battle quicker.

Black Tom wrote:
WorsT wrote:
I guess I'll map for the group. ::shrug:: If you have a map for the road, BT, you can send it to me, otherwise, I'll throw something together.
This is embarrassing, but thanks. There is no map for the road.

No need to be embarrassed. I threw something together and placed the link in the game thread.

I guess I'll map for the group. ::shrug:: If you have a map for the road, BT, you can send it to me, otherwise, I'll throw something together.

Shisumo wrote:
Waiting to see what WorsT wants to do about the treasure split, since he's currently claiming more than his share - Kirwen would probably cheerfully front him the 30 gp out of his share to cover the axe, but he might look a little askance at the sapphire.

Thrakhir will (begrudgingly) give up the the sapphire (you can see the pain in his eyes) and take the handaxe, thanking Kirwen for the loan.

Welcome Zark!

We're glad to have you. If you're asking for opinions, I think a healer would best help out the party in our current makeup. Whether you pick up Raven or start your own character is up to you and Black Tom.

As far as how to post, typically, people create an alias and use it in the game thread (I play Thrakhir) and then discussion posts (this board) are made using whatever user you like.

Hope I've helped.

It is excellent to have you aboard. We, apparently, need all the help we can get. ;)

I am also still in and will work on getting Thrakhir to second level. If he survives in the wererat den and multitudes of ratmen don't trap him inside.

FYI, I'm unsure if I'll be able to get to the map until tomorrow, folks, so I hope you can make do without a current update.

Shisumo wrote:
Just for the record, I thought I'd toss something out here: as of this writing, this game is the 12th longest on the PbP forum (and is only 6 posts out of 10th place), but you have to go all the way to 20th place to find a game that was started after this one, and it has about about 60% of our post count. Go us!

I have been keeping tabs on this, and I'd just like to say we have achieved 10th place. Do we rock, or what?

Black Tom wrote:
Dark Arioch wrote:
I wouldn't bother with the butter up part as I think BT thrives on being cold and heartless ;)
Hush there, you're giving the game away. I thrive on being cold and heartless and buttered up. *evilgrin*

Well, they say a cat has nine lives. Here's to a dwarf having at least three (after the golem debacle).

xdahnx wrote:
I'm scared to Channel energy. The last thing I want is for any of those creeps to stand up again. A certain scenario involving an Orc, a dog, and a Proteus comes to mind...

Oh, the pain. I remember that too well. ;)

Yeah, that ability is all about positioning. Until, that is, you get the Selective Channeling feat.

That's pretty serious. Glad to hear your mom is doing better. I'm sure it was scary.

I just have to say...

I absolutely love the visual we got going on here as the group attempts to storm the Goblin King's lair. I sit and smile everytime I get on the boards at the mental image in my mind of Ka'kara and Proteus, with the portable ram, trying to tackle this door and the rest of the group poking at goblins through murder holes; all the while, we have missiles coming at us in every direction!

Shisumo wrote:
Just for the record, I thought I'd toss something out here: as of this writing, this game is the 12th longest on the PbP forum (and is only 6 posts out of 10th place), but you have to go all the way to 20th place to find a game that was started after this one, and it has about about 60% of our post count. Go us!

That is (as my girlfriend would say) wicked awesome.

I must say that I truly enjoy the post rate as well as party interaction that takes place in this forum. We have a fine group of players that all seem to work very well together. I, for one, enjoyed Ka'kara's little "escape" attempt, although Proteus is thoroughly distraught.

I'll post for Brock, if you give me the okay, BT.



Can you get in touch with me at the email address I have on the bottom of WorsT's profile?

Shisumo wrote:
No idea. I'm here, I'm just bleeding out. :(

Yeah, I'm trying to fix that, but have to wait til next round. ;)

Where is everyone?

Keep the masterwork arrows. What is the difference? Proteus will gladly give you the money as, more often than not, you are keeping him out of harms way. The masterwork arrows may come in handy.

Black Tom wrote:
That's all good, but with the ram and the masterwork rapier for Sandros (if you can afford it) I consider the shopping closed.

Proteus can donate some funds to the masterwork rapier if we are still short. Ainvarg, Proteus can go in on the furs for the ogre if you let me know how much that costs. BT, I will also subtract 25 gp for tithing to the church.

If we cannot afford the potions, that is fine. I can personally just stock up on curative scrolls. I just don't want everyone to have to rely on me being alive to heal them. If that's the course we take, Proteus will purchase the scrolls out of his share of wealth.

In order to streamline this process in the future, I am beginning to think that we should set some deadlines the next time we "go back to town" for people to claim what they want and then all items are sold and each person is given their share of gold and can buy what they want.

Happy New Year, everyone.

I say just split it evenly.

Stuff I see that the group may want to keep are:
masterwork daggers (already discussed)
rope (as I believe Sandros' is still in the caves)
grappling hook
mighty short bow (if someone can use it)

Other than that, I say we sell and split 6 ways.

Also BT said we received the funds for what Grond was carrying which included the masterwork dagger with the pearl in the pommel.

AinvarG wrote:
It's all good. If I was certain, I would have said as much. I wanted a consensus. And I'd rather have the extra money to divvy up, too. I will be working up the totals this evening.

It was just a friendly nudge. I realize you've had little time with all the information. Thanks in advance.

I had some thoughts this morning on our return to the caverns and I wanted to get them out here so I don't forget. There are two things that Proteus wants to do upon our return.

1. Transcribe the saying that was at the entrance to the first "orcish" magic red circle that we had found.

2. Attempt to remove that glyph that is inside that open grave we found on the level beneath the caverns.

Also, since we know that we are going against quite a host of goblins, perhaps we could ask our ogre friend to aid us in the seige. What do you all think?

Speaking of the ogre, perhaps it would be nice of us to purchase some "comforts" that he might appreciate, not to mention some food.

Shisumo wrote:

According to pg 107 of the Pathfinder Beta, masterwork weapons are 300 gp higher than regular versions, rather than 100 gp higher.

WorsT wrote:
mighty composite bow +1 = 75 gp/2 = 37.5 gp
Composite shortbows begin at 75 gold pieces, but every point of Str bonus adds an additional +75 gp to the cost, so that bow should be 150 gp to begin with.

I'm not sure how I read the masterwork weapons and I didn't really understand the composite bow description. That's okay, I'll be wrong and take the extra coin. ;)

When you get a chance, AinvarG, I'd like to figure out the split so Proteus can tithe before we leave.

AinvarG wrote:

My questions on WorsT's half:

Is the masterwork longsword 57.5 gp or 157.5 gp?
Is the masterwork dagger 51 gp or 151 gp?
Is the mighty composite shortbow (+1 STR) 37.5 gp or 75 gp?

Those items are the value of the item in the Pathfinder book divided by two since BT said we'd get 50 percent of the value.

masterwork longsword is worth 15 gp + 100 gp for masterwork = 115/2 = 57.5 gp
masterwork dagger is worth 2 gp + 100 gp for masterwork = 102/2 = 51 gp
mighty composite bow +1 = 75 gp/2 = 37.5 gp

That's my math unless BT rules different. If he decides differently on those items, then maybe he would reconsider the value of the everburning torches also as they are worth 110 gp in the book and I valued them at 55 gp.

Also, if it would make a difference, Proteus would attempt a diplomacy check (+7) to negotiate a higher resale. After all, the merchant would be doing a service to the poor as we would certainly use some of the added funds to help those in need.

Dark Arioch wrote:
Sorry, didn't mean it that way and your suggestion is a good one.

I didn't take it negatively at all, just stating my case against keeping them all. I have thick skin. No need to apologize. ;)

Dark Arioch wrote:
Ka'kara will keep two of the everburning torches as she has no other light source herself. I tend to think any character without darkvision (other than Proteus and Roylenna since thay both have at will light spells I beleive) should carry at least one everburning torch.

I'm not trying to talk anyone out of taking an everburning torch, but we can buy a healing potion with each one we sell, and Proteus is sure their value will be put to better use if we have potions. We also have a sunrod that can be used instead of the everburning torch as the resale is much lower (of course, it only lasts 6 hours).

And if Sandros takes a magic level, that should free one up. ;)

Royl, feel free to include any items that Proteus had in his possession to be appraised by Hella and placed in the common fund.

That brings our total up to 415 without the everburning torches and the pearl from Hella since she hasn't expressed an interest in selling.

BT, I have grezzo's bracelet, a gold symbol of a lightening bolt and a small pearl on my list that I need values for.

I have taken the items Rana requested and applied them to him on the list. The rest of the loot on my page looks to add up to about 355 gp without including any of the everburning torches. Those are worth 55 gp each, so I'd suggest we sell any that we don't want. I think we need to see if we can purchase some healing potions rather than running around with a bunch of everburning torches.

Also, if anybody wants anything, if they'll let me know and I can move it to them on the list.

BT, did you see Proteus' request to the priest on the bottom of page 39?

Dark Arioch wrote:
I think the only thing Ka'kara has taken for herself at the moment was the Masterwork Studded Leather Armor. She is carrying (and not above using if the need arises) the crazy fighters greatsword also (she doesn't intend to keep it at all, just until we drop him off). So, I don't think she has ended up with anything else (even any coins we have found - maybe she can stay in the inn if someone already split the coins). Oh, and she currently has the everburning torches (if anyone asks her she'll hand them one).

Thanks for the input, Arioch. I think you are right that benefits are probably worth it right now to stay cleric. I am sure that I will take a level of monk at some point since I like the sacred fist idea, but it will probably only be one level.

AinvarG wrote:

What page did you start on? I stopped at the bottom of page 20.

I started at the top of 21. I'll have page numbers tomorrow.

AinvarG wrote:
WorsT wrote:
I have added the loot to Proteus' page. If you would like to combine it with your list so it's all in one place, that would be fine.
Done. But I don't have any way of knowing where your loot was located, page-wise, so I don't know if there is overlap (doesn't look like it) or if we missed something completely. Thoughts?

I didn't realize you had done that when I started doing mine. I can probably go through it again tomorrow and list some page numbers. It really didn't take that long the first time.

Sacred fist would be great. Has Paizo published such a beast?

I have added the loot to Proteus' page. If you would like to combine it with your list so it's all in one place, that would be fine.

Also, I believe the pearl handled shortsword went with Grond to reequip us so that may not be with the group. Unless, of course, we find Grond.

As far as character's go, I'm happy with whatever you all decide. Both a fighter or another spell caster is fine with me. If Royl does want to go bard, then I think it would be entirely helpful for Sandros to jump in and go arcane spell caster. If she decides to stick with sorcerer then I think it best for Sandros to stick with fighter. But, again, I think you should go with whatever you feel fits with your character the best. Especially with Rana and Ka'kara front lining, I think we don't have to really worry about power in the group. The choices may make combats harder, but this group hasn't really been taking the strong arm approach (which I like and find very refreshing).

I will say that I am also having a conundrum with my decision for next level. I would really like to take a level of monk to give me more utility, but second level spells are awfully tempting. Any thoughts, any one?

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