
Worm Gremlin's page

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Our of Curiosity and to establish a Time-frame. which weekend this month are you thinking of starting the campaign?

I said "Former Resident" he was never a full time Citizen as I'm going with a Hispanic character, his Homeland is Taldor. I thought it be kinda odd someone born and raised in Cheliax would jump to the Jihad and drinking when their government does what it's always done.

It would be like someone in North Korea one day deciding "DOWN WITH THE MAN *Tosses Molotov Cocktail* " even though growing up they know "You don't mess with the man"

P.S Sylverthorne I forgot to mention in my E-mail I do have my own character artwork I'll send when you respond to it.

Name: (Still deciding between a British Gentlemen character or a Spainard Character whichever sounds more fitting I'll pick,) Either Charles Emerson Winchester the 3rd or Tulio Montague.
Class: Alchemist
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Traits: Accelerated Drinker, Outlander Exile.
Brief Backstory:
Former resident of Kintargo (Cheliax Region) until a recent rebellious outburst towards the oppressive Goverment and their Diabolism. Resulting in heavy drinking, a few unorthodox explosions, then needing to flee the county ending up in Sandpoint.

P.S If there is an alternative way I'm unaware of (besides sending it via Skype) to send in the full sheet without needing to type it all, please and thank you.

The thing with the Craft:Skill rules I get the feeling they were intended for projects that would take weeks like Weapons,Armor,ships ect. Well if you wanna keep the Crafting DC rolls. You could do something similar to what the GM in my other group house-ruled on Craft:Skill.

How he did it was depending on what rank your Craft:Skill was it Decreased your "Crafting Time" as it were and how fast you crafted items by beating the DC and how much SP you progress on the cost, if you managed to beat the items cost by Double or so you crafted the item faster.

Example: With that house-rule and my current craft time as 8 hours I roll a 35 to craft a DC 30 Fungal Stun Vial 75gp Base, 25gp Crafting. 35x30 = 1050sp, so if we're going by the Crafting cost you could make 4 Fungal Stun Vials 2 hours each or 1 in 7-8 hours base price.

Well if you're still Looking I would be Interested.

I would be thinking of playing as an Alchemist or a Gunslinger, maybe even a mix of both. Really depends on what "Characters" I have in mind would not be shot down.

A Gunslinger would be a first, an Alchemist I know pretty well to end up with a Melee-Fighter/Medic/Beserker Bomb tossing Maniac. Depending how you handle Pathfinders redonkulas Craft:Skill system, in-game time and he lived long enough. He could start cranking out Acid, Flash-bangs ect and Magic Items.

I feel as though somehow I offended some RP gods of some sort with a complete lack of response...

If there is something wrong with my preferences I have plenty of wiggle room if its something you don't really have/do in you're campaign.

If Maptools is the issue, I've been the man behind the curtain per-se in my other groups game as I run the Maptools server (So I can pretty much take care of getting that setup if need be,) Twitch Streaming and Music through skype. If you use a different program, I guess I can give it a try?

Hello, I'm looking for a Pathfinder Group as the one I'm currently in has recently needed to downsize its playtime to once every other week.

I'm looking for a recently started campaign or still forming to begin (I don't wanna jump half way into a grand story arc not knowing whats happening,) that is being played using Maptools (prefer B87 as that's which version all my Macros work in but if your using b89 thats ok,) and voice chatted via skype, teamspeak or ect.

As for what kind of DM/campaign type I'm looking for. DMs not afraid to kill PCs or even a TPK (In my group our DM threw a dragon at us out in the middle of the ocean in our first adventure whom we bravely ran away from.) Campaign mood... Medium serious? I'm not saying I don't want s&@@ to get real, I just would like to have a few good laughs along the way.

I will probably be playing an Alchemist Character (Probably Neutral-Good or Chaotic-Good) who is part battle medic, part Magic Item craftsmen, part bomb hurling maniac. I have several "Characters" in mind to which I probably would need to discuss with the DM if their ok and fair warning I aim to make the deadliest Alchemist possible, probably not the best in diplomacy and ect. In Addition in my current group we use the D20pfsrd website as reference so I would be basing most if not all my character decisions on that site (Not 3rd party materials unless specified.)

I'm Pacific Standard Time and Available almost all weekends except from 9 AM to 3 PM PST on Saturdays (that's the time for my other groups game.)

I Eagerly await to run bravely away from dragons if we're dumb enough to fight it in an open field...