
Wize Harlequin's page

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


The Concordance

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Looking to start or join a Pathfinder 2e game in the Dekalb IL area. I am an experienced GM but wouldn't mind being a PC for a change.

Little bit about me. I started playing 3.0/3.5 in high school. I found Pathfinder 1E after I graduated college and became the forever GM. Played through Kingmaker books 1 - 5. The campaign finally died in book six because life got in the way (family, work, etc).

Then Covid came and I was able to get the band back together for Starfinder. We played through a homebrew campaign that used the Year of the Scoured Star as a back drop. Played through half of the Year of the Scoured Star and brought the homebrew to a climatic finish!!!

But once again life has reared its ugly head and made off with my players. I think life getting in the way is beautiful. Careers, love, families growing and changing. I myself have a beautiful wife and two kids. But I am starting to feel like Tom Hanks in Cast Away. "WILLLSONNNN! Wilson I'm sorry!"

Long story short, I need to roll rigga roll for initiative!

The Concordance

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Looking to start or join a Pathfinder 2e game in the Dekalb IL area. I am an experienced GM but wouldn't mind being a PC for a change.

Little bit about me. I started playing 3.0/3.5 in high school. I found Pathfinder 1E after I graduated college and became the forever GM. Played through Kingmaker books 1 - 5. The campaign finally died in book six because life got in the way (family, work, etc).

Then Covid came and I was able to get the band back together for Starfinder. We played through a homebrew campaign that used the Year of the Scoured Star as a back drop. Played through half of the Year of the Scoured Star and brought the homebrew to a climatic finish!!!

But once again life has reared its ugly head and made off with my players. I think life getting in the way is beautiful. Careers, love, families growing and changing. I myself have a beautiful wife and two kids. But I am starting to feel like Tom Hanks in Cast Away. "WILLLSONNNN! Wilson I'm sorry!"

Long story short, I need to roll rigga roll for initiative!

The Concordance

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Atmospheric Friction is outlined in the Starship Operations Manual pg. 52.

What does it take to move between layers? Am I just missing it?

The Concordance

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hi, I need to cancel all of my subscriptions. I love the content and it is reasonably priced. I just can't afford it now.

The Concordance

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Please ship the Starfinder Starship Operations Manual that is in my side cart.

The Concordance

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Please move the Starfinder Starship Operations Manual out of my side cart and ship it as soon as possible.

Thank you!!!!

The Concordance

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

How did the convention go?
Will it be held next year?

The Concordance

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Please cancel my side card order for

Pathfinder Adventure Path #145: Hellknight Hill (Age of Ashes 1 of 6)

Thank you!

The Concordance

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Will non-subscription people be able to pick up at GenCon?

The Concordance

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:
Joe Van Ginkel wrote:

They seem to be looking into non-subscription pickups, but they have so far made no formal announcements one way or the other about that.

Any update on the non-subscription pickups?