
Winter_Born's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 575 posts (576 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Silver Crusade

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When we get a ton of LGBT representation then I'll understand. Until then just let us be happy that we finally get some characters that look and love like us.

I don't begrudge you the other 99% of straight characters in RPG products.

Silver Crusade

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Daethor wrote:
The black raven wrote:

I just received the book and did not recognize Kyra at first.

I do not like that she threw her veil out of the window and let her hair loose. Because I liked the idea that a muslim-looking female Cleric could go out adventuring with the best of them. I get a vibe of "No Islam here, not even a fantasy lookalike" that I did not expect from Paizo.

While I like the non-mythic version of Kyra better as well, I don't think the intent was to say "no Islam here" because if that were so, why would they have included that element in the first place? If I had to guess, it would be to show that, as a heirophant, she is, as the book says, "more of a patron of divine power than a mere devotee." Removing the garb associated with Sarenrae combined with her dropping the holy symbol shows that she is becoming a source of divine power in her own right.

Exactly. But then I always prefer not to jump to negative conclusions.

Silver Crusade

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RDewsbery wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
For one thing, we never want WizKids to do exactly-as-they-were-reprints of minis from previous sets, as that messes with people's value propositions. For example, if you spent a bunch of money or time tracking down a rare fig, and then WizKids dropped it as-is into a set where you can easily get it for a couple bucks, you might well be annoyed. So when we let WizKids reuse a sculpt, we always make them give it a very different paint app. Unfortunately, you can't really repaint the iconics in a way that they're visibly distinct from the original, yet are still clearly the iconics. Give Seoni a blue dress instead of red, for example, and she's no longer "iconic Seoni"; she automatically becomes "wacky variant Seoni."
One option - instead of making the *figure* different, make the *base* unique to the PACG set. Hence you retain the uniqueness of the original figure for collectors of that line, while being able to deliver the iconics to PACG players. It depends on how the figures are moulded to the bases of course, but I'm betting that a new tool for a base is a lot easier (and cheaper) to make than a whole new sculpt for the figure.

This is a good option, because honestly the Iconics shouldn't be behind a rarity wall, or subject to people's value proposition, as they being Iconics should be available easily and readily.

Silver Crusade

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Congrats, Perram! I laugh every time I can hear Tink on your Know Direction podcast!

Silver Crusade

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DaveMage wrote:
I would like to see "Copyright 2025, Paizo Publishing".

This. So hard.

I love this thread so people can vent and suggest, but I have ZERO interst in a new edition when there is so much yet to explore in Golarion. If I need to buy new books for a new edition, I'd rather just invest in a totally new game altogether and keep what I have with Pathfinder. No thank you, dear Paizo.

Silver Crusade

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So.....New Wayne Reynolds Iconics for the ten new classes then?

Silver Crusade

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Very enthused for the AP after reading the Player's Guide. I'm of the mind set that APs are by their very nature "railroady" and tend to play better that way. I'm certain not everyone agrees with this, but nevertheless I'm quite happy with the traits and how they will resolve themselves later on. Fortunately, I share tables with others that trust in the story, and do not mind a fair bit of assumption and GM guidance. I feel every style deserves equal play and support.

I will say that there are more and more posters lately in this community that are not representing themselves well at all. Overall I'm very proud of this set of forums, but I'm of a mind to give some folks who cannot post with respect some time off to think about how Paizo boards should read.

Silver Crusade

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Backstreet's back, alright!

Silver Crusade

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Vudra Vudra Vudra!!!!!

Silver Crusade

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YES! All my begging has born a novel!

Silver Crusade

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Jim Groves, you magnificent bastard!

Congrats! I cannot believe how excited I am for this whole AP storyline.

Silver Crusade

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Michael Brock wrote:
The five new adventures should hopefully be available shortly after Gen Con.

An early thank you to the whole PFS team for this!

Silver Crusade

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blackbloodtroll wrote:

Sometimes, even the most mature of folks can act childish when flustered.

I highly doubt this player is some kind of foot-stomping, self-righteous man-child.

From what I can gather(I could be wrong), this is uncommon behavior.

I know what gaming with a Man-Child is like, and this does not appear to be one.

Just some bad behavior.

I have zero tolerance for lack of respect. There is no in game or out of game excuse for calling your fellow players f*cking retarded. The end.

Silver Crusade

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25 and acting like this? I'm not sure how you'll fix that his parents couldn't.

He lacks respect for his fellow players out of game. He'd not last at my table for long.

Silver Crusade

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I'm not willing to suspend my disbelief enough to accept that a melee fighter, no matter how heroic, could even come close to one who bends reality with words and gestures. It's a common genre trope to have the arcane more powerful than the fighting class, with a few exceptions. Ars Magica was based on it, and I'd make the claim that early DnD was as well. That didn't make all players want to play a wizard, or feel useless as a fighter type. It wasn't until PVP type games, where this was even a discussion point in tabletop gaming.

Even in ODnD or 1st edition where this was most true, I rarely played a Mage, and I was never jealous of the power differential, rather I loved my place in the scheme of things protecting the wizards. It felt like a correct representation of what I'd read growing up.

Silver Crusade

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In my estimation, class combat balance is what ruined 4E for me. It's a terrible goal, unless you're making a video game with PVP.

Party role balance is a noble goal overall, and one that I find that Pathfinder does well.

Say no to combat balance. It's unrealistic, and makes a game bland in my eyes.

Silver Crusade

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Cory Stafford 29 wrote:
Samnell wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

What is it about the mere mention of a non-hetero attraction between two consenting adults that somehow crosses the line into being harmful to impressionable players/readers? Yeah, it's your home game, do what you want... but why are LGBT people automatically censored in it?

I believe it's to do with our very existence being objectionable, a regrettable fact that they prefer not to be reminded of in their fun time reading. Of course calling it an agenda is a way to stigmatize and vilify: We act from carefully-considered principles; They have the agenda.

There are certainly things I don't want in my fun time reading, but I can't say that I always want it purged of, say, homophobes. A setting where nobody ever objects to LGBT people is very nearly as bizarre and impossible to relate to (if in a more positive way) than one where LGBT people simply don't exist. It's nice for an occasional break, of course.

But really I think Paizo did a great job way back in the original Sandpoint write-up. There's a closeted gay couple that everyone in town knows about and nobody cares except one guy that has an E in his abbreviated alignment. It strains my credulity a lot that a somewhat isolated small town (like the one I live in) is that broad-minded, but I'm willing to spot that as Sandpoint is meant to endear itself to the players and it comes from a world that does not have the same obsessive sexual hangups that ours has so often suffered.

Exactly, I don't need sexuality mucking up my D&D or Pathfinder fun. It's not supposed to be part of the game. I must say that I am extremely disturbed about this little tidbit about Sandpoint. They make the one guy that isn't okay with the homosexual couple evil? That truly is bigoted. Yes, let's villify everyone that has moral objections to homosexuality. That sort of thing definitely has no place in Pathfinder.

Just stop. You've been told multiple times to knock off your hate on these forums. Go out, experience more life, and grow up. The western world is steadily getting more progressive, and inclusionary and you'll find that you're going to be on the wrong site of history, just like the bigots were during the civil rights struggles in the US during the 60s saying many of the same things you're saying now.

Paizo, thank you for simply recognizing that us gay folks aren't anything more or less than straight folks.

Silver Crusade

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Plus playing more than one chara get robs a new player from a really unique part of roleplaying games: experiencing the world from the POV of a single character.

Playing an entire party becomes more boardgame, than fantasy experience. Avoid this.

Silver Crusade

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This entire "treat Paladins differently" trend on the boards really needs to end. It's a bad meme at this point, and unnecessary.

Silver Crusade

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Neil Spicer wrote:
Any chance of getting this cover art as a single standalone high-definition image? This needs to be my new wallpaper/background.

Check out Wayne Reynolds Artwork FB page. Wayne put it up in his photos without trade dress.

Silver Crusade

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Wow. This is a trend I'd like to see continue as support for the setting neutral books. What a fantastic idea.

Silver Crusade

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Paizo's CustServe is ridiculously amazing. :D

Silver Crusade

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James Sutter wrote:
Winter_Born wrote:
Have I mentioned Wendy N. Wagner and her Mother Bears crew lately? ;)
It's your lucky day, WB! As of today, Wendy Wagner has officially signed a contract for a new novel starring Jendara from "Mother Bears"!

James, I love you!

Silver Crusade

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Have I mentioned Wendy N. Wagner and her Mother Bears crew lately? ;)

Silver Crusade

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Heads up, True Believers!

The Bullman posted this today on his Facebook page:

"For any who might be interested.. the Mythic Playtest document got turned over to the editors yesterday. Its going to take a bit to get it ready for release, but it should be quite soon..."


Silver Crusade

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Vexous wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Yo dawg I herd you like playtests

Wherever that facebook link went to its currently unavailable. I think this rates a


I'll rehost.

From Jason Bulmahn, Game Designer FB page:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/krypt0nian/junk/194161_4755800424622 60_1850311669_o.jpg

Silver Crusade

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My ideal is and has been a full novel featuring the excellent characters from Mother Bears
by Wendy N. Wagner. Still my favorite Pathfinder Tales web fiction, not starring Count Jeggare and Radovan.

Silver Crusade

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F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Winter_Born wrote:

Thanks for the extensive heads up, Wes.

Have you considered posting the far future rules updates (I.e. those you would still have the time to alter, if needed) to the boards as a sort of informal playtest process? That way you may be able to head some of the potential difficulties off at the pass, so to speak.

Given all the time and development staff in the world... maybe? With the demands of a monthly line's development, though, it's just not feasible. I also really wouldn't want to disappoint folks by promising X and delivering Y, as so, so, so much changes from outlining to what an author writes and then from an author's work through development (you might be shocked). Sometimes we're tinkering literally up to the day things go to print.

But you know, we're not above revision and evolving our designs and rules sets.

For example, I really like how the squires in Knights turned out, so much so that we're going to take an upcoming opportunity to do something related for another book in this line (hint, it's the Dungeoneer's Handbook). But you can bet we're going to take what we learned here and use it that next thing.

Monthly product lines can totally be killers and lock us into an endless "Go, go, go!" pace, but they also mean that the next thing comes fast. It makes it easy--especially with a line as flexible as the Player Companion--to experiment. Things folks like can make it into upcoming outlines speedily, while things folks don't can be excised even faster.

So keep talking, folks. We're listening and it's our job to make these even better every time.

Totally understandable, and when I asked I knew it was a bit Iike grabbing smoke.

But a question unasked, is an opportunity stillborn. :)

Silver Crusade

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Gotta add my opinion and say that I much prefer the new format. It's far more useful for the way I play.

Still digging into this one... :)

Silver Crusade

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These blogs have been like mini-Christmases over and over.

Paizo is a special company, and now I know the details that made is so.

Silver Crusade

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Chief Cook and Bottlewasher wrote:
Half (or even most of) the fun was the module 'We Be Goblins', though. So please will there be a kobold module to go with this?

Would be an excellent Free RPG Day candidate!

Silver Crusade

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Just google up Perram's Spellbook and enjoy. A print compendium would be worthless after a few new spells hit, while a web based service like Perram's is always viable.

Plus Perram supports the community via Know Direction podcast, and is a great guy.


Silver Crusade

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Paizo taught me that when game products are being made by actual gamers, everyone wins.

Cheers, Paizo.

Silver Crusade

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Listen to the sack. He is wise indeed.

Silver Crusade

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After reading Dave Gross' amazing Prince of Wolves, I find myself hoping for a Blood of the Moon next with some were-options, specifically Sczarni options!

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Numenera and 13th Age are far more exciting than WoTC's Frankestein monster 5th edition.

Silver Crusade

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I have an idea. Let's take the Paladin out of this special category that he's somehow been put into, and treat him like any other character with motivations.

A code is no different than how any other character should see his/her motivations. Every character is living by their own codes, they just don't name them.

Silver Crusade

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I read the OP's post and can only ask myself "what the hell if wrong with people?" Reading an AP in advance to game the system?

Right out on his ass.

Silver Crusade

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Walk away from this group. Guy's nuts.

Even if he were correct, his punishment is heavy handed and mean spirited.

Silver Crusade

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Cheapy wrote:
Stat consolidation to make them less dependent on many attributes.

As is often the case, Cheapy wraps up a thread in one post.

Silver Crusade

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None of these are flaws to me. Class balance is nothing to strive for IMO. Back in the day, Wizards were the most powerful by far. My groups were never affected by this fact, and played what they liked.

In life, some things are inherently better than others and that's ok.

Silver Crusade

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Numerian wrote:
is there a list of the prestige classes?


Arclord of Nex
Blackfire Adept
Magaambyan Arcanist
Razmiran Priest
Tattooed Mystic
Veiled Illusionist
Winter Witch

Champion of Irori
Dawnflower Dissident
Green Faith Acolyte
Hellknight Signifer
Prophet of Kalistrade
Storm Kindler
Umbral Court Agent

Aldori Swordlord
Brother of the Seal
Golden Legionnaire
Knight of Ozem
Lantern Bearer
Mammoth Rider
Pit Fighter

Aspis Agent
Bellflower Tiller
Daggermark Poisoner
Gray Gardener
Noble Scion
Sleepless Detective

Silver Crusade

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magnuskn wrote:

The artwork looks like something out of a third tier 90's Marvel comic. Sorry, but, ugh. I hate the heavily distorted faces, they look like they melted.

Totally disagree. It's not trying to be superhero art, but a stylized fantasy and it works great. One of our best artists, Frank Quietly has "distorted faces".

The storytelling/layouts are inventive and clear, and the backgrounds detailed. I'd say they got quite a catch as far as the art.

I know the writing is top notch as Skullkickers rocks.

Silver Crusade

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Heaven's Agent wrote:
There's no point in attempting to correct perceived imbalances unless you already recognize them yourself. They are all matters of opinion and circumstance; the most you could accomplish is create variants that you, personally, feel are balanced, because it is impossible to appease everyone's complaints. All those complaints are different, and as such asking the general community for things that should be addressed is futile.

First poster nailed it. Lists of perceived imbalances belong on the WOW boards.

Silver Crusade

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blackbloodtroll wrote:
Cpt. Caboodle wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:
By the way, wizards do not need staves at all.
Yes, they do. It's a secret wizard-flavor-thingy.
Nicholas Cage disagrees with you.

Cage disagreeing actually proves the point.

Silver Crusade

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Zero issues in 30 years with Paladins. I fear it's now some sort of continuing meme that really shouldn't exist.

Silver Crusade

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Outside of that, I'd say interview Ryan Costello. He's been getting more and more 3PP work, and is a hell of a guy.

Silver Crusade

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Yup, going to need tshirts with this baby on it!

Silver Crusade

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Reading back I'm getting a lot of usage out of the list of expectations. I also have to thank Jiggy, et al for being as cool as you were to me when I first came to the boards and posted my thoughts on this topic without considering the fact that PFS charas are trained Pathfinder agents, and would have foreknowledge of these situations.

Cheers for being a great community.

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