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Hey all! So I'm about to teach not only my main group, but our boardgame group, and some complete game noobs the rules. I just sat down the other day with one of the people who are completely new to the PF core concepts (ability scores, dungeon running, RPGs in general, etc) and found that teaching the game wasn't as smooth as I had hoped, even though I find it well designed to say the least. I'm now listening to Know Direction's excellent podcast coverage of the Gencon seminar with Lisa, Vic, and Mike and now I'm wondering if you guys could out the 4 page demo document up as a download in order to aid us teachers in the process of teaching the core concepts. I think it would be a great help. Thoughts? Vic? :)
This will be my second PFS play next week. I played one session with a paladin last year but since then have moved cross country and settled in. Anything strategic I should be aware of that is wizard specific? Tips? Warnings? I'm feeling a bit exposed due to the lack of armor and HP and don't want to be an instakill. Also, I recall a PFS "cheat sheet" for things all plays should be aware of and responsible for (I.e. buying a CLW wand ASAP, dealing with swarms, etc). Anyone have a link to those resources? Cheers!
Looking to make a spooky middle aged human conjurer for my second PFS character. Trying to keep my sources down as right now I only have Core, and Advanced Player's Guide (and a few others sources), but I'm willing to buy something if it's essential to my build. Will middle age screw me up or can it be worked around? I don't see him buff (STR as a dump), but I do still want to try and keep my DEX and CON respectable given PFS needs. Just looking for guidelines as I've never built a spellcasters for PFS, as my only other character is a paladin. Thank for any guidance in advance!
Was just watching the trailer for the new DnD iPhone/iPad game called Arena of War, and I wanting my Golarion fix in the same theme! I seem to recall the are some OGL issue with certain aspects of videogame license, or am I incorrect there? I know Paizo isn't in the market of making videogames (outside of Goblinworks upcoming Pathfinder Online) but I'm hoping with the brand exposure and growth upcoming with the MMO, comics, card game, etc, some decent developer will jump in and inquire about releasing some PF videogame goodness. I dream of a Action RPG ala the Lord of the Rings TTT/RotK series from EA, or Stormfront's Forgotten Realms Demon Stone, or even a full on Dragon Age Origins! But even a fun smartphone game would be a step in the right direction!
So I'm listening to Know Direction's podcast coverage of the "You are the Publisher" panel from PaizoCon, and in honor of that I thought I'd throw it out to the community here. What product would YOU release to best counter next year's (???) upcoming release of WoTC's DnD Next system which will assuredly garner some hype just by the nature of what it is? I know this community is not only tied in to Paizo, but also the industry in general, so I look forward to the amazing answers. It's something that I'm sure Paizo is taking seriously, and I'd LOVE to be a fly on the wall in those landing meetings!
I'm sure that no one really needs more on their plate, but have you all considered posting store down status updates via Twitter when you lose viability? I've noticed it down a few times lately, and it would be quite cool to know when I should pop back over to try and purchase something. Cheers either way! You continue to rock my world.
Is there an online resource showing release dates for Pathfinder products? I have a friend that is a great DM, but hyper organized in his way of thinking. For whatever reason, he works best with minutia at his fingertips. Specifically he asked me to pull together a list of all the Tian Xia resources, along with their release dates. I'm not sure why this assists his brainstorming and creative work, but it sure seems to. Thanks in advance, all!
I'm making my 2nd PFS character ever and was really leaning toward an Elven Sorcerer with the Wildblooded (Sage) bloodline so I could help out with dungeoneering and Knowledge skills more, after my spells are kaput. Plus the longbow proficiency is free, as well as the Arcane Bolt bloodline power for ranged capability after the boomboom runs out. I may even focus on ray spells to utilize the Dex I hope to raise a bit. My question, beside is this viable, is what are the downsides to switching to INT instead of CHA? I didn't want to be the face as much on this character, so the switch to INT gives me more skill points to spend everywhere. Decent for a skillmonkey support character? Anyone with some experience here point me in the right direction? Playing next Thursday 1/10/13. Cheers, all!
Very odd thing has happened to my relatively new Inner Sea World Guide. With very little usage, the pages folios (not sure how to call them) have come loose from the binding, almost as if there was no glue used to keep the folios in place. The stitching is still there, but without the glue, they folios just sort of hang there. Anyone have a fix for this? I'd hate to have to replace it.
So how does everyone feel about a non-optimal PC race for a selected class at a PFS table? Say a Dwarven Paladin (-2 CHA) or a Gnome Fighter (-2 STR). Too much of a liability, or does a couple points not really matter in the long run? I want to contribute the best I can, but I also was wondering about playing a concept that I would love to run with for 12+ levels. Thoughts? Bananas?
Ok, gotta say that I feel the dropping of the Beginner Box logo and link from the left hand side of the page is a really bad idea. In my opinion, the Beginner Box is the most important product you're brought out since the Core Rulebook, and has brought countless gamers into not only Pathfinder, but the Tabletop hobby overall. I'd hope that the website gurus would reconsider this move, and please bring back the Beginner Box to it's rightful place as a main menu logo/link. Thanks, all.
While I'm not new to tabletop play, I am completely new to PFS play, specifically at large conventions, ala Gencon. Can anyone who is an old pro at this give us newbies some suggestions of how to make a bit of an impact during our first couple PFS games at convention? Whether that's roleplaying tips, general build tips, or whatever. Not looking to be an attention hog, but rather someone that was more than a PFS number. :) How do you create a memorable experience at a Gencon PFS table?
Any way in the future you can make the product author & artist credits clickable so as to show what else they have done in the line? Sometimes I see a work by someone, and would love to be able to find and purchase more of their work. I can see it as a bit of work to compile past works, but it may be worth it interns of gained revenue from fans of the same mindset. Cheers!
Let this show every potential funding source and contributor that Paizo fans support with their wallets. Quote:
Hugely hyped for the upcoming Pathfinder Online, and my trust in the people behind the developing game is right up there too! Stick to your guns, and Make us proud!
Really loved this one. Pathfinder Tales has a long list of great stories, but this one really popped for me. Jendara, and Tam especially. I look forward to Wendy N. Wagner's future forays into Golarion; hopefully on one of the iconic's tales? My vote is for her take on Merisiel, or perhaps Feiya. Well done, and kudos to all involved. |