Hi Everybody! Venture Captain Winnifred Hayley here, some friends of mine secured some prime real estate in Alkenstar for doing them a service, so we're turning it into a lodge. Got GM credit for that high-level module set in Alkenstar, and decided to build there. Got it almost a year ago but forgot to post it here.
Fred Hayley wrote:
That's Venture-Captain Mom to you! I took you from Round Mountain, and so help me I can put you back!
Fred Hayley wrote:
Fred Hayley! What have I told you about talking to people like that?
Hi! I just made Venture Captain a couple of weeks ago! I completed some fancy hush-hush mission for the Decemvirate. I partied with some other fancy types: a paladin of Ab'dar, a gnome that rode the fastest turtle in the Inner Sea, and some fancy Jarl that wielded one of those fancy Aldori swords. I got to be our parties arcane caster, it was fun! Rogue (Swashbuckler) 10 / Fighter (Lore Warden) 2 / Sleepless Detective 1
Ugh, did I take Zarta's sheets from her sex dungeon? I would have, but I didn't want to pay for the remove disease I would have needed afterwards. And whatever, those old ladies had it coming. But pillows, that's a good idea, I'm going to have to be on the.lookout for those as well. They're not as easy to get around with as sheets, but I'll endure the occasional odd look for the added comfort. Yes, I think it's time to branch out.
"Hi, I'm Winnifred, and I'm a rogue," Winnifred starts, seated in a circle of chairs with her fellow Pathfinders. She is dressed in a suit of darkleaf lamellar armor, with a delicate mithril rapier at her side. "My interests include taking long walks in the dark and stabbing the bad guys where it hurts the most. I kind of have a thing for sheets, only the nicest ones, though. I used to kind of have a thing for the law, but that turned out to be a passing infatuation." Winnifred looks around, adjusts her red hair, spots a gnome, and waves happily. "Brigid! Nice to see you again! Why're you here? Sheila caught me trying to steal her sheets again. But how could I resist that fine Osiriani cotton? The thread count was re-dic-u-lous!" Winnifred pushes her Spectacles of Understanding back up the bridge of her nose, and finishes, "Well, that's about it! Now let's get this show on the road!" |