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When FRD started, it was 100% my intent that the event be specifically to introduce players to a new RPG that they had maybe never played. From that, some people feel that level 1 characters and adventures are the best way to do that. Some people feel that level *whatever* characters can accomplish the same feeling because in the end, you're getting to try the game before you buy. We have no hardened rule telling publishers that they have to do one type of offering or another. We do very much encourage existing game publishers (like Paizo) to do an adventure with pregenerated characters just to make it super simple if someone just wants to drop in to try. We also very much encourage new RPG publishers (or even less known ones) to do an offering that has quickstart rules, pregenerated characters and an adventure for the same reason. Again, in the end, it is the publishers choice. I do hope that everyone takes away one key thing --- these companies participating spent time and money making something that they are giving away for free. Yes, it is a marketing thing, and hopefully, it helps them, the retailer and the industry as a whole to continue doing well. Thanks to everyone in advance that supports FRD. Best,
pauljathome wrote:
Your participating FLGS should have their Free RPG Day kits by now and you should be able to get a copy from them to prep. That is definitely something we encourage the stores to do! Best,
Sniggevert wrote:
This is brought up every year about Guild of Blades in Michigan. It is definitely a fine line, but the requirement is that every store give any person that walks in ONE free item (though they can choose what it is). Now, the argument with the owner is that their Gamer Rewards program is free to sign up, thus, I did not find it that big of a deal...especially because there are always a lot of folks that just go out to find stores to grab what they can. The event is meant to reward the customers that have supported the store and/or support the store the day of the event. In the end, they pretty much follow the rule, but again, we've discussed it with them, and since the store pays money for these kits, I felt in this case their system was justified. At the same time, you, as a consumer, always have a choice where you shop or visit for FRD. Hope that helps. If anyone has questions or comments, please email me at aldo@impressionsadv.net. Best,
jreyst wrote:
Pravus wrote: I just called around and none of the game stores in my area are supporting Free RPG Day. Last year 2 out of the 5 stopped supporting it and now the rest have followed suit. Is this happening in other areas too? All of them said it was just to costly to participate in and didn't draw nearly the crowds to warrant the cost. So if I want this I have to order it. Pravus - Fortunately, the event sells out every year...with stores calling after it is sold out to participate. And unfortunately, the event does not work for every retailer. In the end, it is up to the store to choose to spend the $80 (the cost this year) associated with the kit. I truly believe that if enough consumers ask their FLGS to participate, they probably will. Best,
Monkeygod wrote: Sadly, there's no game shop near me :-( no free RPG day for me, cept what I get online I'm sorry to hear this...We get this a lot, but unfortunately, participating in FRD is the choice of the individual retailer as they do have to pay a few bucks to participate. I recommend you continuously bug them! Best,
Actually, no. Paizo raised the ante this year. Usually they are a Gold sponsor...this year they are at Platinum...the max!
Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Tambryn wrote:
Unfortunately, we only sell to authorized brick-and-mortar retailers. If you would like us to hound a couple of your local retailers, please email me their info at aldo@impressionsadv.net Best,
fray wrote:
Yes, and we send the kits out two weeks in advance to the stores for two reasons: 1) The below! (so GMs can get early to prep)
Last year I coordinated with my FLGS to run a demo using the Bonus Bestiary on Free-RPG Day, and they got me a copy of the book early so I had a chance to look it over and prepare. Sadly, mine was the only demo people were running and no one wanted to stick around to play it. They just got their free swag and left. But my suggestion would be to talk to your FLGS as soon as possible, see if they can start posting notices about the game that'll be run that day and also see if they'll get you a copy to prep with as soon as they receive their shipment.
Correct! Your FLGS *MUST* register with us and pay the minimum of $60 to participate. The charge pays for the shipping of the product, collating, boxes and promo material we put together for them for the event. Again, the key is that your FLGS has to be the one to sign up...we cannot force them to give us $60...but, we have found that stores sign up fast if even only a few of their known customers ask them to participate. Best,
NSpicer wrote:
It's not that the distributors do not want to support it...they do...but mostly on the backend by using it to get sales from retailers via the event. They just don't want to share their database info...and I can respect that. Best,
Doc_Outlands wrote:
Steve, I don't want to downplay or diminish what you are doing, but it would be great if you could not actually say "...joins Free RPG Day" because technically, you did not, and I don't want the retailers who spent money on the event thinking we are not supporting brick and mortar stores via the PDF market. Again, let me stress, I love the fact that you are doing this, but if you could say "like Free RPG Day" or "in the spirit of Free RPG Day", that would make my relationship with publisher participants and retailer participants better. Thanks,
Qwilion wrote:
Honestly, all these posts here are more feedback than I have gotten directly combined...you guys are intense here... =P Best,
FREE is FREE or it should be. And yes, I'd contact the folks at Free RPG Day if you had a problem. Be persistent, if this board is indicative of what's gone on in our small portion of the country, we can only wonder what happened elsewhere. They are probably getting a lot of emails, calls, etc.
Emperor...could be my spam filters...post it here or try aldo@impressionsadv.net. Best,
Emperor7 wrote:
OK, I know you said you were not going to check the thread again, but I have to note a few things...and no, you are not being a jerk... 1) We have to charge for the kits. The publishers pay us nothing to participate because they pay to print and ship the product. I noted the expenses to putting these together so we have to at minimum make up our cost-of-goods. You mention PDFs, and it was a thought right on year 1, but my company handles distributor sales for about 50 game companies so the point of the event has an agenda to help increase sales for our clients as well as our other industry friends like Paizo. 2) Our company does not have the ability to push this event big enough to get new people into RPGs. We have only ever claimed that the point of the event is to either a) get the hardcore RPG players even MORE into RPGs, and b) try to win back former players that don't play anymore. 3) Yes, the stores that gave away a freebie and then gave away more to participants in events had great days (from what I heard). 4) That $20 book actually is sold to distributors for $8. 5) Retailers mostly order from a distributor warehouse near them so paying for two day shipping is unlikely because UPS ground is naturally 1 or 2 days from the distributor to their store...and distributors and publishers have free shipping minimums and it is rare for someone to pay shipping in the industry (except the consumer me thinks). 6) Unfortunately, if PDFs become a part of it the day of the event, most folks would not go into their local retailer...and *that* is the core goal of the event. I wonder...why doesn't Free Comic Book Day do this?...or do they offer PDFs? Best,
tdewitt274 wrote:
If you could email me the store's info at aldo@impressionsadv.net, that would be great. Thanks,
Knightsfyre wrote: The other "participating" store (which I only visited because I wanted some new dice and my FLGS had none that appealed to me) had just tossed the FreeRPG product in a casual and teetering pile on the corner of the sales counter, in amongst any number of other random bits like invoices and an empty pop can. I had no idea they were even participating until one of the only other two patrons in the store (which was deathly quiet) asked about it. The owner just said, "Yeah, just grab something from there" and waved in the...
The cost is based on the number of giveaways inside. We charge about $0.50 a unit to come to the cost. Year one had 80 items and year two had about 160...year three about 120 items, but due to the number of stores overall decreasing, we added 20 more items per box and ate the shipping cost. Now, please note that we shipped USPS year 1 and a TON of stores never got their shipment and it cost me about $1000 to reship repeat kits 2 day UPS. For year 2 and 3, everything went UPS and we had only 2 problems this year (yippee!). The cost takes into consideration that we do some back-end marketing to promote the event, have to pay for custom boxes, pay folks (A LOT) to sort each box and then ship a 30lb box UPS. Honestly, there is not much money leftover to call profit vs. the time it takes to organize the event. And no, we cannot ship through Diamond, Alliance, ACD or any other distributor because the distributors refused from day 1 to give us the stores participating because they say they cannot give up their database contacts...and without a list of the stores participating, we had to handle it direct with the stores so we could actually tell you where to go. For FCBD, not true. Last I saw/heard, the charge is about $0.25 per comic and most stores spend ~$1000 to participate...obviously, this could vary per store, but unfortunately RPGs are not as mainstream as comics, so comparing the two events is almost like apples to oranges. I hope that helps. Best,
in the last two years, the price of the packages has more than tripled in price... my store did it the first year, when a box cost $30, but couldn't justify it @ 90+ for something that they give away for free.. especially when 1) The web page says "The cost for one shipment (set of sponsors) will cover the shipping and handling of new, never-before-seen RPG products to be given away at your store, in addition to a promotional packet of a poster and postcards" it doesn't cost $90 to ship that box USPS2)they ship it with the store's diamond or allience order which gets free shipping if they buy over $300 in product 3) Free comic book day, which the store gets over 10,000 books for, only costs them about $30. With the economy, I'm guessing many other stores though the same way.
I'm sorry to hear this. I do hope though that your thoughts are really, "I personally don't support my FLGS on Free RPG Day" because we cannot force stores to do anything in particuliar for the event. The idea behind it was like Free Comic Book Day --- let folks have 1 of whatever they want --- but the problem we have is 1) RPG publishers just cannot print 10K+ due to the economy of scales, and 2) Every game store is a different setup, consumer type and mix of product. In terms of "crap", I'm sure you can agree that RPG companies really cannot start making $20-$40 products to giveaway for free. And if there is something you want from a publisher, then I would say tell that publisher they should join in on the fun, and maybe they will make something for 2010. Best,
SirUrza wrote: I personally don't support FREE RPG Day. It's never free. You either have to buy a book, play in an event and not get what you want, or do something else and likely not get what you want. Why? Because most of the "free" stuff is crap. People only want certain things from certain publishers, everything else no one cares about. Thus, those items are premium and high in demand, and since they can satisfy everyone, they'll find a way to benefit from it.
A perfect example of the spirit of the event! I went to my local store, Black Diamond Games in Concord CA, and they had 5 tables full. They bought 2 kits and had it all on a table with "3 per person". And then I brought more freebies to give out to the GMs...AND bought pizza for everyone playing. Why? Because I knew Black Diamond would do the event right...and they did. Best,
Basilforth wrote: Wow, I am sorry to hear about the bad experiences that people had. My FLGS is Games, Comics and Stuff in Glen Burnie, Maryland. They had all the free stuff piled up at the front of the store and let us pick whatever we wanted. I also got there early and nabbed some of the dice. I bought stuff and took a buddy of mine with me who also bought stuff as well.
Yes, the number of stores participating this year was down...like 80 less. I have no idea why except that stores said overall their RPG sales were not a lot overall so they could not justify even $65 to participate. Again, in the end, the more you consumers push the stores to sign-up, the more will join...because they value your purchases (or, at minimum, they SHOULD value them!) =P Best,
Was non-participation up this year? Game Chest in Valley View didn't participate. (I would have rather driven to Gen X in Bedford, but Lone Star is so much more convenient, and my time is at a premium right now.) If so, I wonder what might be behind it? The selection at Lone Star was not impressive, and neither was the supply (unless they were keeping more behind the counter.) Of course, with a one per customer policy, the selection didn't need to be wide for me.
Vagrant, Please email me at aldo@impressionsadv.net to let me know the store so I can contact them to correct this. Best,
VagrantWhisper wrote:
Andrew, That sounds like a mis-pack on our part...Several stores had this issue, but most called us when they got their boxes 2 weeks prior to the event...we could have done something about it. Best,
Andrew Betts wrote: I got to my local store doing Free RPG Day. Their box had no bestiaries ... double the amount of something else. The only thing I wanted and drove over 2 hours round trip and left with nothing ... I nearly cried.
Unfortunately, we cannot control who joins in on the event...It was only $65 this year, but I have heard that many stores did not join in because they said all their RPG sales were down and they did not think it was a good investment. I laugh with that because I think, "OK, $65 to help boost sales of something." Best,
zylphryx wrote:
Kurt, Could you please email who the store was...I will call them and talk to them about that...that is NOT in the spirit of the event. aldo@impressionsadv.net. Thanks,
Kurt Wasiluk wrote: That sucks... The store I went to let us pick what we wanted, but to get the "free" Beastiary, I was required to buy at least $20 of other stuff. I'm very happy I got the product I was looking for, but feel a bit taken.
Sorry about the trouble. Unfortunately, we cannot control how the stores handle the event. I know the owner of Compleat quite well and he says that in the NY store so many people show up that it is the best way for him...he also said that so many folks are hanging out that there is a lot of trading after the rolls. In the end, we cannot force a store to do things a certain way. I have known some publishers that make their giveaways for the day available to ship and/or available as a free PDF. I hope that helps. Best,
Bladesinger wrote:
knightnday wrote:
Again, please let me know the store privately at aldo@impressionsadv.net and I can give them a shout. Best,
Dire Bare wrote: And I was right. NONE of the stores in my area bothered with Free RPG Day this year. The one store I bothered to visit anyway on Saturday, told me that they "didn't even know" about Free RPG Day. Which can only mean they simply didn't pay attention to the materials they get from their distributor (Alliance). We ask all the distributors to encourage stores to sign up, but none of the distributors sign up retailers...they need to sign up through us directly. Best,
PsychoticWarrior wrote: It is really crappy that your store decided to fleece people for $10 to get a "free" RPG book. If I were you I would see about contacting the poeple behind FreeRPG Day and have them give the store a talking to. We welcome consumers whole-heartedly to let us know which stores they had a good and bad experience with. Best,
Erik Mona wrote:
Thanks for the kind words Erik...It is nice to hear vs. the complaints that started rolling in Saturday and still continue today (Monday)! =P I just want to make a big note to all the consumers here that they need to know that the really heroes here are the publishers like Paizo because they are the ones spending their hard-earned money to print these to give out for free. We don't pay the publishers, but it does cost us money to collate the boxes, create promo materials and get stores on-board. Best,
Zootcat wrote: Bull-s&@!!! Free means free. If you are expecting people to spend money, then don't use the word "free." Again, please note that Impressions (our company that organizes the event) encourages stores to give away the product for free to encourage more RPG gaming in the world...in the end, we cannot control what they do. Best,
Peter Hahn wrote:
We encourage all stores participating (paying) for the event to be a part of the spirit of the event...which is to give away the freebies with the hopes that it influences consumers to buy more RPG products. Again, the most we can do is encourage stores to do this. Best,
Mactaka wrote: the Goodman Games Gazeeter (Interestingly, they say on the inside back cover that their 4e game adventures are coming out in August...guess this was printed before they new about the moratorium until oct 1 or they have a separate non-GSL deal already) That is not a mis-print...The product solicitation information for Goodman's 4E products is offically out there so I can tell you that they will be launching 4E product at Gen Con...yes, at Gen Con...go to www.goodmangames.com to find out more. Best,
SirUrza wrote:
Wow...that's the meanest thing I've heard about the event. :P Someone emailed me saying we "scammed" them, but then I explained it is all up to the store. And in terms of Free RPG Day vs. Free Comic Book Day, ask your local comic book store about the $500-$1500 they need to spend to participate in that event (farbeit comics are much more mass market than RPGs). Best,
Kelvar Silvermace wrote:
Woohoo! Great to hear! If you can, let me know the store so I can thank them for truly being in the spirit of the event! Best,
Krome wrote: So, while I managed to get my copy of RotKK- and may have a convert for PfRPG, I still think it is totally unfair to call it "FREE" RPG Day when we have to buy stuff to get anything. It is misleading in a way. But I am naive that way. Krome, Sorry to hear about that...I heard several stores were asking for a purchase for the freebies. This is not what we envision for the event, but this is why we encouraged consumers to call their participating store in case they were doing something different/special because we cannot control what the retailer does once they purchase the kits from us. Please understand though that many stores who have Free Comic Book Day and/or Free RPG Day are not thrilled at the droves of people that walk into the store, ask for the freebies, then leave. It sounds like a measure to try and encourage consumers to support their FLGS...which is what we want from the event. Best,
Actually, Heirs to Olympia from Countess Games was full color throughout too. =) Best,
Brent wrote: Just picked up free game day stuff at Patch and Crow's nest here in Manhattan KS. I have to say that Revenge of the Kobold King was THE best product of any of the others. Even the D&D 4e product was underwhelming though the free mini was a nice touch. RotKK was also the only full color product available in the freebees. I just want to say that no matter what you guys do whether it is making adventures, putting together sourcebooks, pewter minis, or just a free 16 page adventure for Free Game day, you consistently set the bar and lead the pack. Well done!!!!
Unfortunately, we cannot control what the stores do with the freebies. In terms of that store's experience last year...the giveaways were a lot less than this year as 2007 was year one (unproven to anyone). In 2008, the stores that had the most success were the ones that had gaming during the day of the event and spiced things up in the store...like some stores had a 10% off all RPGs all day...another gave food and drink to attendees. Best,
Bray Abbitt wrote:
Bray, I'm sorry to hear this...again...if there is a store you want to participate, just let us know and we will contact them. Best,
Bray Abbitt wrote: I'm a little bummed. There are some nice selections but not a single store in Metro Atlanta (9th largest metro area in the US) is participating this year. With current gas prices it is much cheaper just to order the things I know I want. Which means I won't be getting samples of new things to try out.
I heard this from several stores...the one thing those stores either didn't notice or did not realize was that the price tripled but the quantity of giveaways and promotion backing the event quadrupled. We always tell consumers...if they want a store to participate, let us know and we will contact them. Best,
Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Hierophantasm wrote: Regrettably, no nearby shops were participating for me, either. Still, let's hope it catches on, and is bigger next year. I'd be interested in finding out how I could help to encourage local shops to participate, if anyone could enlighten me. I can! I would say that the biggest push to get stores to sign up was consumers calling and emailing us directly. Every consumer suggestion that came to us got a phone call and/or email from me telling them about the event in detail and letting them know there was a consumer interested. Let me know for next year! Best,
Fatespinner wrote:
This is frustrating to me as we announced the event in January...Please email the store info privately if you don't mind... aldo@impressionsadv.net Best,
shamgar wrote:
I am really sorry you went through this. Can you send me details about the stores you went to and visited so I can tally up the good and bad stores for the event? aldo@impressionsadv.net Best,
Tensor wrote:
Why boycott WotC? Is it because they were not a sponsor of the event? If so, they wanted to, but we didn't give them enough time to create something for the event. Best,