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When FRD started, it was 100% my intent that the event be specifically to introduce players to a new RPG that they had maybe never played. From that, some people feel that level 1 characters and adventures are the best way to do that. Some people feel that level *whatever* characters can accomplish the same feeling because in the end, you're getting to try the game before you buy.

We have no hardened rule telling publishers that they have to do one type of offering or another. We do very much encourage existing game publishers (like Paizo) to do an adventure with pregenerated characters just to make it super simple if someone just wants to drop in to try. We also very much encourage new RPG publishers (or even less known ones) to do an offering that has quickstart rules, pregenerated characters and an adventure for the same reason. Again, in the end, it is the publishers choice.

I do hope that everyone takes away one key thing --- these companies participating spent time and money making something that they are giving away for free. Yes, it is a marketing thing, and hopefully, it helps them, the retailer and the industry as a whole to continue doing well.

Thanks to everyone in advance that supports FRD.

Aldo Ghiozzi
Organizers of Free RPG Day

pauljathome wrote:
John Francis wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

For a free RPG day run, I have every intention of ignoring the slam attack (and probably reducing the hardness, as suggested elsewhere).

Everything Matthew describes strikes me as making the reflex save to take less damage from the trample. Anything more than that is pretty much just ignoring pathfinder rules.

Ignoring the rules is pretty much what I'll probably do. I'm very likely to just treat this as an extended trap. It rolls forward and then stops.

Maybe local players are weird, but I've seen few who find it fun to die in the first 10 minutes to a pyramid.

And certainly locally we're running this scenario. Kinda seemed the point.

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Your participating FLGS should have their Free RPG Day kits by now and you should be able to get a copy from them to prep. That is definitely something we encourage the stores to do!

Aldo Ghiozzi
Organizers of Free RPG Day

Sniggevert wrote:
CigarPete wrote:
Mike, can I ask how you were able to get a copy ahead of time? I haven't checked in with the store where I am running, but when I asked my VC, he indicated they would not be available before that day. I had just planned on heading to the store a couple of hours before and doing some prep there, but i prefer a bit more lead time.
Talk to the store. They are the only ones (besides Paizo), who would have access to them at this time, as most stores should have their bundle (or be getting it very soon). I was able to get a copy to look over to get ready for our local day on Friday.

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Do folks think this is a cool idea? -sourcebook?ref=live
