
William Easlick's page

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cwslyclgh wrote:

Mystarra was the name that the "Known World" setting of basic,expert, companion, masters, immortals sets D&D was given when it was released as an AD&D setting durring 2e.

the 2e stuff advanced the timeline a few years, but basicaly not alot had changed.

Exactly. Thru the Gazetteer series, this world became a very detailed and complex place, yet due to it's size and regions was always fun to play (ex. The Northern Reaches had a viking culture, The Kingdon if Irendi had a Caribbean flavor)

I've got to lol @ your rationale Erik, regarding theft of IoD. I mean I've got a "complex relationship" with my father..
Why not just say "yep, we snagged it, It was that cool!" We've all used dungeons and adventures in Dungeon to "plug n play" into our worlds. Who cares where they came from.

Does anyone still use this world? Could anyone reference some older issues that had memorable adventures in this setting?

It was one of my favorite settings and I still use it.

Great thread Otter.

I agree. It seems that too much attention is spent creating a template, when in editions before was simply just how you played the character.

ex. creating some complex archer based paladin- ranger hybrid.. when they used to just play a fighter who was played with style.

D&D is many thing to many types of people. the role players the min maxers, the rules lawywers, the older genration, the new guys & gals..

just play the game how you want.

Robert Hradek wrote:

Also I think the module Gargoyle had some location maps of the sterich area.


Bob! please email an old friend. william_easlick@hotmail.com