The two city maps are great, very useful for my campaign and exactly what I wanted.
Like many in the comments, I am really gutted about the third map. It is beautiful and unique and I would love to print it for the players but the devils are just plain stupid. I have literally marked 3 stars down for the poor insight and art direction that decided these were a great idea. They stand out poorly against the map design and are pretty much spoilers.
Please update the map pack with a layer option to remove the devils. If that happens, it will be an easy 5 stars.
This book is an example of why I have converted to Pathfinder.
While I understand that a bit of the content has been recycled from numerous other books and I have read it before, the package as a whole comes across fresh and well written.
As someone who has the DMG from every edition of D&D and several other games and even Gary Gygax's Dungeon Mastering novel/handbook I was not expecting a lot despite Paizo's excellent track record.
As I start my new campaign, I am going for minimalism. I have three bookcases of RPG books and toolkits but with my Pathfinder Campaign, I want to have a small selection of books to reference. The stats, charts, NPCs and locations in this book replace many other sources I would have to use. Core Rules + Bestiary + Players Book 2 (when it comes out) + iPhone Rules App and this book will have me set up happily.
Worth every cent (despite very high Aussie prices). Get it!!