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So I wanted to combine the tinker and Bard into a single class...what immediately comes to mind when you mix music and tech?


...or dubstep or some s#@~. Whatever. Either way, I want some advice on my homebrew class. Have at it, guys and girls!

In societies where technology progresses heavily, sometimes the young develop music to match. Technos are a mixed bag, using their technological skills and musical savvy to produce awe inspiring performances. Savvy with the ways of the world, Technos charm and beguile when they cannot fight, and use their odd appearance to their advantage.

Role: Technos assail opponents with their massive array of sounds, producing more harmful effects than that of ordinary instruments. They can support allies, inspiring them to either rage or calm, egging them on or helping to regenerate their injuries. Technos rely on their technology for many things, and over time, their mobile stages can be used to support their endeavors. Technos use magic where they can, to support their music and their allies.

Alignment: Any Chaotic

Hit Die: D6

Starting wealth: 1D6x10

Class skills: Acrobatics (Dex) Appraise (Int) Bluff (Cha) Craft (Int) Diplomacy (Cha) Disable device (Dex) Disguise (Cha) Escape Artist (Dex) Intimidate (Cha) Knowledge: Arcana, Engineering, Geography, Local, Nobility (Int), Linguistics (Int) Perception (wis) Perform (Cha) Sleight of hand (Dex)
Skill points: 5+Int mod
Class features:
Level BAB Fort: Ref: Will: Special: Spells per day:0 1 2 3 4 5 6

(ok, how this works is the first four numbers are the BAB, then the saves. Then after that come the spells per day, arranged by level)

1st 0 2 0 2 Mobile stage, cantrips,
- 1 - - - - -
Subwoofer, riffs, Tech instrument

2nd 1 3 0 3 -
- 2 - - - - -

3rd 2 3 1 3 Subwoofer x2, Blast,
Stage AI -
- 3 - - - - -

4th 3 4 1 4 Pyrotechnics

- 3 1 - - - -

5th 3 4 1 4 Alliance with the deaf, Kind of a big deal
- - 4 2 - - - -

6th 4 4 2 4 Headphones -
- 4 3 1 - - -

7th 5 5 2 5 subwoofer x3, Enrage +4
- - 4 4 2 - - -

8th 6/1 5 2 5 Pyrotechnics x2 -
- 4 4 3 1 - -

9th 6/1 6 2 6 Strobe lights
- 4 4 3 2 - -

10th 7/2 6 3 6 Kind of a Big Deal
- 4 4 4 3 - -

11th 8/3 7 3 7 Subwoofer x4,
- - 4 4 4 3 - -

12th 9/4 8 4 8 Adrenaline beat -
- 4 4 4 3 1

13th 10/5 8 4 8
- 4 4 4 4 2

14th 10/5 9 4 9 Frightful Racket -
- 4 4 4 4 3

15th 11/6/1 9 5 9 Subwoofer x5, Kind of a big deal, Inspire painlessness, Enrage+6 -
- 4 4 4 4 3 1

16th 12/7/2 10 5 10 Pyrotechnicsx3 -
- 4 4 4 4 4 2

17th 13/8/3 10 5 10 Enrage+8
- 4 4 4 4 4 3

18th 13/8/3 11 6 11 Blood from your ears -
- 4 4 4 4 4 4

19th 14/9/4 11 6 11 Subwooferx6
- 4 4 4 4 4 4

20th 15/10/5 12 6 12 Kind of a big deal

- 4 4 4 4 4 4

Bonus Spells per day:
The Techno gets bonus spells per day according to his Charisma stat. See the chart Bonus spells per day on the D20pfsrd site for more.
Techno instrument: The Techno has a strange and weird instrument unlike any other. This can take the form of any modern day/futuristic instrument that can be held in one or two hands, or something else ( at GM's discretion)

Mobile stage: At level 1, the Techno gets a mobile stage. This stage can move on mechanical legs, under its' own power. The power source is chosen at first level and cannot be changed. It moves at 30 feet per round, and directing it is a move action. The stage is large, but can be folded to fit in a medium space. While folded up, it can move at 15 ft/round and can unfold as a standard action. It can carry the Techno and up to 300 lbs of gear when unfolded. The techno and his stage always move together.
At level 3, the mobile stage is capable of picking up all of your subwoofers with robotic arms or other such tech. Deploying subwoofers is a swift action for the rocker, and a move action for the stage.

at 4th level, the mobile stage is capable of producing and deploying pryotechnics.

Pyrotechnic barrage: Deal 1D6 fire damage/ 2 levels to two target squares within 60 feet. Applies the dazzled condition for 1D4 rounds. If target is dazzled, apply dazed. A reflex save (DC 10+CHA mod +1/2 techno level) halves damage and negates the status effect. Dazzled, dazed, stunned or facinated creatures don't get saving throws against this effect. Resetting pyrotechnics takes a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Creating pyrotechnics requires explosives worth 10gp and ten minutes of effort. Deploying pyrotechnics is a standard action.
At 8th level, the stage can hold two rounds of pyrotechnics. Both cannot be deployed at the same time, but that mean that two pyrotechnic displays can be used before reloading.
At 16th level, the pyrotechnic barrages can be used three times without reloading.

Subwoofers: Subwoofers are an integral part of your performance. Subwoofers can be programmed to perform a variety of functions. At 1st level, subwoofers need to be deployed by the techno, which is a full round action. Subwoofers need to be packed up when not in use. Subwoofers can follow one of many instructions:
Enhance: increase the radius of your performance by 10 ft,
increase the DC of your harmful sonic effects by 1 (Max 2)
Blast: Increase the damage of sonic spells/effects by 1D4. This includes the Blast Riff.
Echo: after the end of a riff, keep the effect around for 1 round. (does not apply to blast)
resetting a subwoofer for a different effect takes ten minutes of constant effort. Interruptions to this time render the subwoofer useless until fixed properly. Subwoofers count as attended objects if under control of the stage. Subwoofers have hardness 10 and 30 hitpoints. if broken, it takes 10gp/hp to repair and if destroyed, cost 100gp/level and eight hours to replace.

Alternatively, a mending spell works as well.

Techno Riffs: A techno can use his stage, tech and music to perform techno riffs: A techno can use his riffs for 4 rounds/day +his CHA modifier. Every level after level 1, the techno can use this for an additional 2 rounds per day.
Unless otherwise stated, Riffs are a standard action to start, a free action to continue.

List of Riffs:
Overwhelm: at first level, the Techno unlocks overwhelm. The Techno makes a perform (Tech) check. Any ally effected by a magic effect that relies on sound can use the check's result instead of their roll. Overwhelm also grants anybody within 5 feet deafness for 1D4 rounds. A DC 16 reflex check negates the deafness effect (Technos are always immune to their own negative effects).
At 5th level, if the opposing effect is one made by a bardic performance or similar effect relying on linguistics or similarly precise inflections, the Techno can instead target the opposing person within 60ft (more if using subwoofer's enhance effect). The enemy must make a DC 10+Cha mod +1/2 Techno level will save or be deafened for 1D4 rounds and lose the effects of their bardic performance.
At 17th level, this can be used to counterspell. Make a perform (tech) check, your enemy makes a concentration check. If the perform (tech) roll is higher, than the spell cannot be cast. Using Overwhelm in this manner uses up three rounds of Riffs/day
Attention grabber: At 1st level, a Techno can use his Riff to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the Techno, and capable of paying attention to him. The Techno must also be able to see the creatures affected. The Distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a Techno has attained beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with this ability.
Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the techno’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the techno cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the techno continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect.
Attention grabber is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. It relies on audible components in order to function.

Blast: At 3rd level Technos gain the Blast riff. All enemies in a 30 foot cone (from the subwoofers) take 1D4/level sonic damage (Max 15D4) and is sickened for 1D4 rounds. A successful reflex (10+CHA mod+1/2 techno level) save halves the damage and negates the debuff. Unlike most techno riffs, Using blast is a full round action each time, and uses up two rounds of riffs per use. Extra damage or range from the subwoofers are applied normally. Overlapping radii from the different subwoofers do not grant bonus damage or apply the damage twice.
Enrage: A 3rd level Techno can use the enrage riff. All allies within 30ft of any subwoofer gain a +2 to melee and ranged damage rolls. Every four levels after three, this bonus increases by +2
Screamo: A techno of 8th level can use his riff to rip at an enemy's emotions. His unearthly music causes enemies within 30 ft of a subwoofer to become shaken. To be affected, an enemy must be able to hear the Techno perform and be within 30 feet. Each enemy within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Techno’s level + the Techno’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect.
Frightful Racket (Sp): A Techno of 14th level or higher can use his riffs to cause fear in his enemies. To be affected, an enemy must be able to hear the Techno perform and be within 30 feet. Each enemy within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Techno’s level + the Techno’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If the save succeeds, the creature is immune to this ability for 24 hours. If the save fails, the target becomes frightened and flees for as long as the target can hear the techno's performance. Frightening tune relies on audible components.
Inspire Painlessness (Su): A Techno of 15th level or higher can inspire tremendous resiliance in himself or a single ally within 30 feet. For every three Techno levels the character attains beyond 15th, he can inspire heroics in one additional creature. To inspire painlessness, all of the targets must be able to hear the Techno. Inspired creatures gain DR 4/- and resistance 5 to all energy types. The effect lasts for as long as the targets are able to witness the performance. Inspire painlessness is a mind-affecting ability that relies on audible components.
Blood from your ears: At 18th level, as a free action, the Techno can crank up the volume of his speakers. This causes all people/monsters effected to make a Fort save (any ally not included in alliance with the deaf included). Those who fail take 1D8 bleed damage, and are deafened.
Stage AI: At 2nd level, the Techno's constant tinkering with the stage has produced a strange effect. The stage seems to have grown a slight personality, and follows your spoken directives. Directing the stage is a free action.
Place subwoofers: The stage will place your subwoofers for you. This is a move action for the stage. Subwoofers can be placed up to 10ft away from the stage.
Flee: will pack up all subwoofers, fold up and flee from an enemy, regardless of who or what is in the way. Anybody on the stage takes 1D8 crushing damage (Reflex save negates)
Stalk: Will keep within 30 ft of a given enemy, and ready actions if avaliable to keep within range. When moving more than once/round, a DC 15 acrobatics check is nessicary to remain on the stage.
Follow: Follow an ally at a set distance.

Headphones: One set of headphones can project your music directly into the ears of a willing teammate. These can be worn underneath armor. Headphones can only be deployed to one teammate at a time. Headphones provide one of several effects, as well as providing immunity to harmful sonic effects. Any ally wearing headphones can always hear your performance, as long as they are conscious:
a +1 bonus to melee attack and damage rolls
a +1 dodge bonus to AC
a +2 bonus to reflex saves

Alliance with the deaf: At 5th level, your Blast riff no longer effects your allies. Allies must have heard at least one riff to be immune to the effects.

Kind of a Big Deal: At 5th level, your riffs and music have somewhat gone to your head. You gain Sonic resistance 2 and take a -3 penalty on stealth checks, Handle animal checks and on sense motive checks.
At 10th level you live in your own little world: You gain a +2 bonus to resist all mind effecting effects, but take a further -2 penalty on stealth, handle animal and sense motive checks.
At 15th level, your ego has grown larger than life. Diplomacy checks automatically fail
At 20th level your ego is indestructable. Your mind is alien to most, filled with thoughts of grandiose displays and alien sounding music. Any negative mind effecting effect cast on you is reflected back to the caster, and you gain sonic immunity.

Technos draw from the Techno spell list: (As the bard spell list, but for a few custom spells)
Techno spell list
Strobed: (-5 on perception checks, -2 on saves against light based effects)
Create pyrotechnics: Creates 1D10 Pyrotechnics for use with your stage. These pyrotechnics are only useful for you, not for any other techno, and if given to another, will vanish

Summon bodyguard I: Summon a man with Str 17, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 14 Cha 8. He wields a wooden shield and a silver +1 longsword. He has a BAB of +4, an AC of 17 and a touch AC of 12. This spell lasts for 1 round/level. All equipment and units vanish when the spell ends. The bodyguard's attack is sword+7 (1D8+4)
Chord Blast: deal 1D4/level (max 20D4) damage to a single target. Make a combat maneuver check using your CHA modifier in place of your strength modifier. If successful, your target is knocked prone and away from you 5 feet.
Summon bodyguard II: Summon 1D4 bodyguards. lasts for 1 round/level.
Summon bodyguard III: 2D4 bodyguards and 1 tower shield wielding warrior. The tower shield wielding warrior has AC 20, touch AC 14 and will provide cover for the Techno.

...that's about it. Tell me what you think. Overpowered? Underpowered? (I kind of doubt underpowered, personally, but have at it)

Okay, so our party catman decided to stick his head in an arrow hole and got an arrow to the eye.

Point Blank.
To the Eye.
From a composite longbow (str +2).

So...the rules state that he gets some...extremely minor penalties and such, but he took a g~!@$~ned arrow to the eye!


okay, so my pathfinder group has decided to run an 'emerald spire' module. I am no longer the GM (Woohoo!) and wanted to play a pixie character. After a few arguments and discussions about the overpoweredness of the pixie race, my GM and I decided that I could play a pixie with a few stipulations.

1. The pixie racial stat bonuses are as follows: +4 DEX, -2 WIS, -2 INT, +2 CHA and NOT the outrageous 3.5 stat boosts

2. The pixie gets none of the SLAs but the invisibility, AND it goes away if I hit something as per normal invisibility (so no sneaky attack pixie.

3. I still get the racial bonuses to fly and the 60 ft fly speed, but otherwise don't get the bonuses to skills, the extra feat otherwise in 3.5, or anything else.

4. I cannot play a rogue, inspector or anything that gets sneak attack. In fact, I must play a druid, which is the class that I wanted anyways. (yes, a minus to WIS, which druids need, but...I'm playing a pixie, so I don't care :D)

5. Usage of any voice sounding like Navi or Tinkerbell will get my character vetoed.

and 6. I am NOT a relation to said characters. (I suggested that as a joke, and my GM took that seriously. That was legit one of his conditions. No complaints here. A good character doesn't need constant references to other characters to make it come to life).

The resulting character (after a 4D6 take away the lowest stat roll) ended up with a tiny character with 6 STR, 14 CON, 26 DEX, 11 INT, 16 WIS and 16 CHA (after size bonuses/penalties). She took weapon finesse as her feat at 1st level, and does 1D2+8 damage with a dagger. She has 10 HP, 22 AC, 20 Touch AC, a whopping +10 to Init, and her animal companion (Bouncy AKA the 'elephant of surprise') is obviously an elephant. (it's also interesting that the only 2 skills that rely on STR (swim and climb) are the ones that she can bypass by flying.

Although she can turn invisible at will, her invis doesn't help her in combat, as the invis wears off after one hit. The invis is useful for stealth, esp since her stealth (her traits are sneaky and reactionary) is +13 normally. (+8 DEX, +1 rank, +4 bonus since it counts as class skill and sneaky's +1 bonus). She's got high stealth, so she is the perfect scout, but as far as combat goes, she's good for first level, but will likely wane as levels go up and other chars come into their stuff.

Her current spells prepared are as follows: 0th. Light, prestidigitation, and I forget the other two, 1st: cure light wounds and entangle.

Tell me what you think. Is this character overpowered for combat? will she remain overpowered? How annoying would you find this character as a GM or as a player?

Yours in Neverland, Wildfire heart

...Okay, so our pathfinder group is on a new module, and (thank goodness) I'm out of the GMing spot. Our GM is running us through the 'emerald spire' campaign, and I wanted to play a pixie (with modifications to make it balanced).

so we scrapped the arrow mod ability, changed the greater invisibility at will into a normal invisibility (stops if you take aggressive action), AND made the stipulation that my character was not allowed to play a rogue, because sneak attack. I decided to play a druid...who's primary stat is WIS...and now I have an elephant as a pet. His name is bouncy, and he is awesome.

and made the racial modifiers to stats as follows.

+4 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 CHA, -2 INT (with the size mods, my pixie being tiny).

anywho, how much does it cost to have weapons/armor made for my char? because it's a tiny character I will need customized weaponry, but what does that cost?

EDIT: The invisibility is the ONLY ability I get out of being a pixie, other than flight.

Okay, so I GM a new pathfinder group, and I'm also new to the game myself. As a GM, I've noticed that I tend to go more for hard monster fights and strange locations and situations than anything else.

So one of my players called me on skype. We talked for about a half an hour, but the jist of his complaint was that he's a bard, next to useless in combat, and I'm currently running the party through an underground city filled with automatons. (no mind effecting stuff for him to manipulate). For some reason, his bard is a one trick pony, and his lack of usefulness is aggravating him.

Our party is...amusing, but by no means optimized. We've got a monk (our primary damager) a dwarf drunk fighter (tank) a tinker with a dual flail wielding automaton, an elf ranger (secondary damager), a fairly well optimized magus, and my GMNPCs. One is an Aasimar cleric (because nobody in our group is a healer) and the other is a robot we ran into last session which can make potions and otherwise serves no purpose. We've been fighting CR 6-9 encounters at level 6, and to be honest, most party members aren't up to the fight. Against one clockwork wizard, we almost lost both our ranger and our monk, despite the fact that the monk was really minmaxy(my fault, I made the character for him).

What I'm trying to get at here is this: How do I explain to my buddies that sometimes (as a GM) I'm going to throw curveballs at them? I'm going to throw encounters at them that they cannot overcome by 'zerg rushing', and campaigns where cities are hard to come by?

My bardic friend's complaint was twofold: One, that he's basically useless right now, and two: That I didn't give them time to shop in the new city before I had an enemy organization take it over.

(I mean, the Dark summoners weren't LOOKING for them, so they could've just ignored the whole thing, but they're good chars, and so they took the paladin's advice and ran away with the NPCs.

Yours in wonderland
Wildfire heart

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Okay, so as a new group to pathfinder, a bunch of guys decided to make a pathfinder group, GMed by my buddy bioboygamer. Well, most people made some pretty generic characters. We had our elf ranger, our drunken dwarf fighter, our gnome wizard, and...me.

Being me, I couldn't have a generic character. I dislike anything to do with generics, so I decided to make a character with a killer backstory, pulling out everything I could.

So I made an Ifrit sorcerer with the elemental (primal fire) bloodline, with a high stealth and...a baby phoenix on his shoulder constantly.

My GM allowed this, as the only mechanical purpose that Nix (her name) served was the occasional bit of healing (1/day tears, 1D6) and sometimes lighting the occasional arrow on fire. We worked out that Nix would level up at half the normal party rate, and would gain some small abilities like phoenii as she did so...

What my GM didn't realize at the time was that while the Ifrit didn't appear particularly powerful on paper, he quickly became our party's rough equiv of a "send in the deus ex machina". He burned through encounters like nothing (although that WAS partially our GMs fault), had an ungodly initiative, and largely was overshadowing everyone. After a few hours of tinkering, we realized that I'd goofed during creation, breaking the rules accidentally more than once, but even after the rebuild, he still blasted through everything.

Eventually our GM stepped aside because he felt he wasn't doing a good job, especially when people did things he wasn't expecting, and I took over for a campaign. After that campaign, Daijhunna (by popular request) was retired as a character.

Anyways, tell me about your outrageous characters that snuck past your GM. Preferably without breaking the rules like I inadvertently did, but all are welcome. Tell me about your broken characters, the ones that made your GMs cry.

The tears taste so sweet


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Okay, so I just came up with an idea for a character, not sure if it'd work, who is a tinker who specializes in light siege weaponry. My idea for his "kill move" is thus:

Tinker has microphone in Alpha's compartment, Alpha can be a siege engine with a modification designed to throw small boxes...

but when he yells a word twice into the mic, that small box turns into a massive honkin' ship that then falls and crushes whatever's beneath it.

The tinker just launched a freakin' folding boat at you...from a seige engine...

That's gravity bow on steroids! I'd like to see the (non deific) enemy stand up to that!

In the description, it doesn't specify what happens when the ship hits something hard, so...technically speaking I could just say the command word again and have it fold up??

enough about MY weird ideas, let's here YOURS! tell me if mine was feasable, please. I GM a pathfinder group right now, but when someone else GMs, I want to see the look on the GMs face when I drop a 2000 lb ship onto the enemy's face.

Submit strange kill ideas to me please!

So okay...me, bioboygamer and a few other guys have made our pathfinder game, and things seem to be going fairly well. I'm GMing now, because apparently I'm pretty darn good at coming up with story lines and such. Because I also don't want to miss out on the fun of playing/creating/roleplaying a character, I am still using my character from when my friend Bioboygamer was GMing, and after a number of sessions, we've all agreed on two things:

1. I am good at GMing, and we've mostly been enjoying ourselves...but...

2. Through the liberal use of the Efreeti sorcerer alt and a feat that boosts ECL, my char is doing substantially more damage than anyone else. While most people in the game have builds that are as far from optimized as possible, I apparently stumbled upon a REALLY good build and am effectively dominating the encounters... I also apparently have ungodly luck with d20 rolls, to the point that Daijhunna (my char) rolls a crit at least once a session.

Now I know that there's a problem here, but I'm not sure how to solve it. My char does 8D6+8 for scorching ray at level 5, and can do it 6 times/day due to his 20 CHA. We went with the 4D6 take away the lowest for our stats, and my char has unusually high stats for his level, with his lowest at 10 (str) and his second highest at 18 (Dex) again, this is partially due to his efreeti blood (+2 CHA, DEX, -2 WIS) but even that (WIS) is at a 12! Most chars have only one negative stat (8 or 9), or don't at all, so the stats aren't that different, but where his power really pulls away is with the primal bloodline arcana and the alt sorcerer thing (1/2 sorc lvl to ECL of bloodline power) Between that and his mage's tattoo, he has an ECL of 8 for scorching ray, which is the reason for his being so damn powerful.

(by comparison, our summoner has an eidolon that can barely fight due to him taking the mount and flight evolution so early and not having a lance or anything for mounted combat, our fighter has taken both catch off guard and throw anything, our previous GM has an inspector char who is NOT make for combat, and we have a decently optimized monk and another good tinker char. You can tell that we're new here, right??)

Is there any solution that you can tell me that doesn't involve either completely demolishing my char or rebuilding the party? because if so, now would be an amazing time to tell me. I don't want to have to redo a large chunk of the next campaign, (I make my campaigns from scratch), and either way, it's going to throw off CR estimates for sessions down the road.


Okay, so hear me out on this one: we all know that the ray 1st lvl abilities are basically useless. So what I propose is this: as either a second or third level spell that only sorcerers with the 1st level bloodline ability (ray) can take, is the spell

Elemental Barrage:
As a full round action, All of your uses of elemental ray for that day are fired. The range, etc for the spell is as normal, but if you target multiple enemies, they all must be within 30 feet of each other. Your bonus to damage due to level is halved.

So if you are a level four sorcerer taking this spell (assuming no CL+ or damage boost perks), you get 1D6 +1 per ray, with the option of splitting it over many enemies. Assuming that you have 20 CHA, that's a total of 8D6+8 damage, not bad at all for a 2nd level spell.

(the half level bonus and the full round action thing are optional, I just thought I'd make it less powerful. The damage otherwise would be 8D6+16 for a standard action in this case. Downside is, you can only use it once per day.

Either way, I'd like to hear what you guys think about this, because let's face it, as a sorcerer with those ray powers, you'd love to trade that first level ability in for just about anything else.

Ok, so Bioboygamer and a few other guys, and of course, me, have made a pathfinder group. Nobody has ever played pathfinder before, but with the exception of my character's accidental rule breaking Over-powered fiery rage, we proceeded with surprisingly little trouble. We completed a "Crypt of the Everflame" Segment as well as a standard dungeon crawl. We are now level four, and I took over for a campaign to do a city campaign. (murder mystery).

Considering that in four weeks or so (however long the campaign lasts) he'll be GMing again, how much should he know about the current circumstances?