Gaston Cromarchy

Wetbeard's page

56 posts. Organized Play character for CuriousTrout.


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Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

We tend to play long-term (we've ran an online campaign of another system for 3 years) and the module setup offers a good way of going on many adventures. Scenarios are almost TOO short for my liking.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Considering the caliber of players/GM here, it seems a good place to ask.

I want to GM for Paizo, but want to be ready before joining Paizo PbP. I have a group of friends I've played with online before who should be more than willing to help me practice and get used to it.

What would be a handful of good early modules to start with? I've GM'd in person plenty of times so I'm not necessarily looking for a module to familiarize myself with rules and mechanics so much as I am looking for one that just really "works" for PbP.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

That Sprout post was phenomenal.

After Sprout finishes, Wetbeard moves over to the trunk of Red, gently placing his hand across its trunk. To him it just felt like a tree and nothing more; he was thankful for the leshy. Even a tree shouldn't 'ave to suffer like that.

Wetbeard turns to the group, breaking off bread from his pack and tossing it to Sprout when Kragrak isn't looking. He whispers to Sprout with a grin, "That was good work, but don't get telling Krag 'bout the treats!"

When Pricknettle's is mentioned, Wetbeard tosses the jar of bile up and down in his hands, looking at the way it moves inside. "Aye, I think that be the best idea. Don't like carryin' this thing around. Makes Wanda anxious.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard watched the priest's work, observing the man with a quiet admiration. While there's little help he can do for banishing the bile, he does grab the jar and take a hefty sample before the Father begins cleansing the orchard.

"That should be enough for ol' Pricknettle."

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard grabs a piece of food off the nearest plate and turns to the door, meeting the Father as he walks. "Have any o' the kids been talking about anything like this? If they been in the orchard but never saw it, it must still be fairly young. Good to nip it in the bud while it be young."

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard chimes in from the back, doing his best to hide his offensive appearance from the good father. "One o' our boys hit the stuff with some cold iron, it didn't seem to like that much. Ya got anything like that we might be able to use?"

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard looks deep into the forest, his eye looking for anything of note. Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

"I got a bad feeling 'bout this. Don't feel right walking away... What if they be in there now?" He walks forward a little, looking again and straining to see if there's any signs of the children in the orchard. Never forgive meself if they turn up dead here while we be gone...
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Assuming he doesn't see anything, Wetbeard lets out a sigh and joins the rest of the group, giving Sprout a pat on the head as he walks by. "Temple it be then. Best we be careful 'bout what we say though, don't need the locals thinkin' the kids infected the orchard with demons. Wouldn't be much safer here then, what with the witch hunts."

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

I'm doing my best alright. You guys are all great play partners and I can tell I really lucked out with who I got, both as players and the GM. You're all great!

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

"Aye now, little Sprout is right. These trees be a part of this town, wouldn't much do right to destroy it. Besides..." Wetbeard looks wistfully into the forest. "The lads might be in there. Ain't gonna risk burning some young'uns."

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

It's been an intense move. I expected some easy days afterwords but they've got me hitting 10-12 hour shifts again to bust me in.

Go figure once I start PbP my life gets crazy. I'm doing my best to keep up though!

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1
Knowledge Planes: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4

Guess when you look like a squid you don't go to much school.

Wetbeard howls with excitement when the bugs emerge, feelers twisting and writhing rapidly with glee. "Aye, now this be what Wetbeard came for!" He rushes into combat, following the mighty sir Kibble and drawing his Falchion as he runs. "Yer gonna 'ave more bug tonight than you know what to do with Prince!" Wetbeard jumps up, slamming the Falchion down in a vicious overhead swing strong enough to send grass, dirt, and hopefully bug parts flying through the air.

Falchion Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Falchion Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 = 9

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Hot damn 15 new Gameplay posts, gotta pop in and see what's new. I just got settled into my new place and will be regularly posting again. I apologize for the absence!

I hope you have an amazing vacation Hmm, enjoy it!

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Wetbeard steps into the bakery and inhales deeply, his feelers coiling up when he does. From underneath his armor Wanda rumbles, the lump of flesh is getting excited at the smells, eager to see if she'll get any treats.

Having grown used to the routine of gathering information at this point, Wetbeard knows better than to try and be the one to talk for information and instead tries loosening up the baker.

"I can 'ardly believe anyone in town be managin' to stay away with the smells that be comin' outta 'ere. Ya got some delicious treats 'ere, how much for one o' them?" Wetbeard looks over the pastries and treats, seeing if any of them have the masterful work that Noemi was known for.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Diplomacy, Aid Another: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1

Yeesh, the dice really don't want me aiding anyone today.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard listens, letting the others speak. When the group departs, he speaks up. "Ol' Petrello mentioned that the baker was 'earing insects. I still ain't sure 'bout the connection, but it's worth notin'. I'll let ye lead the way."

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

I'm going to be moving across the country via car over the next 4 days. My posts will be sparse, if at all, and Botting is encouraged. Sorry for the inconvenience.

When I get the chance though, I'll throw my hat in for this exercise!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard gives the old man a reassuring pat on the back, asking him a final Al question after the rest of the group has headed across the street. "I don't think it 'ave much to do with the missing lads, but 'ave ye heard any rumblings 'bout insects 'round town? Anyone come in needin' new clothes after any incidents? Ye might be surprised, the smallest clue can 'elp." After the man answers, Wetbeard joins his companions across the way.

. . .

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Wetbeard joins in on the tail end of Drummady's speech, catching immediately to her distress. "Aye miss, take a wee breath. I understan' ye be worried sick. I know what it be like to fear for someone ye love." Wetbeard pauses a moment, admiring the shoes. "Ye do beautiful work here. I been to some o' the finest ports around the world, and ne'er seen craftsmanship like this." Wetbeard's voice is cool and calm, and it's clear he's making an effort to calm the woman down, giving her a comfortable space to breathe.

Diplomacy Aid Another: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (7) - 2 = 5

So much for that.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

I'm trying my best to keep chemistry with others, I know group interaction is what moves a good campaign to a great campaign. It's hard to tell the quality of my posts though, sometimes I feel like I'm playing Wetbeard in a vacuum, not interacting with the other members enough.

Hard to judge your own writing, so they say.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard whispers back to Castiel. "Aye, but I'll need something to work with. Best to settle the man down first."

Wetbeard enters the room, eyeing up the sobbing man. With a sigh he approaches, beginning to pick up some of the fabric and move it to the counter. "Ye must be Petrello." Wetbeard continues cleaning the shop as he speaks, organizing the fabric and buttons into neat little piles. "And that means ye be the one who Betrona needs to come home to. Now listen lad." Wetbeard pauses his routine to kneel in front of the man, looking him at eye level. The poor fellow looks ready to die from grief. "Ye must know why we're here. We're here to get the lads and lasses back, and that means any help ye can offer, be help to Betrona." Wetbeard stands and offers his hand down to the man. "Come on now, up and at 'em. What say we make a difference, eh?"

Diplomacy, Aid Another: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (19) - 2 = 17

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

"Aye!!" Wetbeard's voice bellows out as he waves at Alcie. "A good burnin' in the belly can be good for an adventurer." When the drink is offered he takes long gulps, chugging the beverage down.

Fortitude: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

He slams the tankard down with a satisfied sigh, leaning back in his seat. "Ya ale tastes different in these parts, goes down smooth and bites ya in the gut." He grins and passes her the empty mug. "I like it."

He moves quickly to his food, tearing into it like he hasn't eaten in days. He occasionally slips some into his tentacles to Wanda, or passes a piece to Sprout. When Fizzlebotham isn't watching he flicks a few pieces of food at Kibbles, chuckling when the bread bounces off the pup's nose.

After all his food and drink is finished, he passes his dishes to Alcie, giving a nod of thanks. "Miss Alcie, to get down to business, 'ave ya heard anything 'bout missing apprentices? They say a tavern is the 'eart of any town, and if there's information it must be here, eh?" He reaches into the pockets of his stained coat, retrieving the letter from Mayor Trinelli. "Ol' Sandra has assigned us to 'elping out some o' those poor lads, and I intend to see it through. She's offerin' rewards to anyone that'll pitch in." He passes the letter to Alcie, letting her look over it. "Any information, or advice on what folks be having information, is what we need."
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (12) - 2 = 10

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard gives the Aasimar a nod in agreement. "Aye, I think you're right. Don't feel right bein' in they room anyhow. It's violating." Wetbeard joins Castiel, moving downstairs to find the rest of his allies.

When he approaches the counter he leans over to Alcie with a smile. "Tell me then miss Alcie, you 'eard much word about these big ol' bugs? Try'na make a good name in town and solving yer little beastie problem seems a fine way to start."

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Apologies if my posts seems bland or sparse today and yesterday, doing some grueling 14 hour shifts.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard curiously follows Wanda's directions, giving the patrons small nods as he walks by.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard scans around the room, thinking better of going and talking with locals. Instead he as nonchalantly as possible, holds the sock in his hands, lets Wanda moves to his hand and sniff it, and lets her form guide his finger to follow a scent should she smell one.

Perception Scent: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

"Oi, Maj." Wetbeard gives the anxious gnome a reassuring nod. "We'll find your Gelly, rest easy. I'm sure he's alright." Wetbeard holds down his hand, letting Wanda remerge with his body and pocketing the sock. "And if gods forbid he ain't, he will be soon. Not letting any young'uns die on my watch."

With that Wetbeard moves to the door, waiting for the rest of the group to move out.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

"On me honor, Miss Pricknettle. Perhaps a demonstration is in order." Wetbeard holds an arm to the floor and in a strange (and slightly sickening) display, the lump of flesh travels down his arm, forms a fleshy ball in his hand, then rolls onto the floor. Tiny legs sprout out from the mass, creating a cannonball sized lump of flesh that's curiously chittering about.

"Whatcha smell girlie?" While Maj is distracted he plucks one of her hairs, laughing as he does. He passes it down to Wanda, offering it to the lump. "Show 'er what a good nose ya got, find another hair around here." He waves a hand at the gnome woman. "Besides the ones on her head lass."
Perception (Scent): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard chortles and leans forward, feelers twisting in the air before the gnome. "Not a chance, lass. Wanda here is natural, as part of me as me own legs. It's a taint in me blood."

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision
GM Hmm wrote:

Hey Wetbeard,

I just caught a problem with your character, though it looks like an easy fix. I noticed you have the Primalist archetype for Bloodragers. Alas, that one has never been allowed in PFS play. However, regular Bloodragers are still plenty strong, so the rest of your build (including Wanda) should be still plenty viable.


Oops! Thanks for the spot Hmm, I appreciate it!

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision
GM Hmm wrote:

Hey Wetbeard,

I just caught a problem with your character, though it looks like an easy fix. I noticed you have the Primalist archetype for Bloodragers. Alas, that one has never been allowed in PFS play. However, regular Bloodragers are still plenty strong, so the rest of your build (including Wanda) should be still plenty viable.

Oops! Thanks for the spot Hmm, I appreciate it!


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard chuckles, a motion that causes his feelers to bounce happily. "Ye wound me Maj, I'm more refined than that." Wetbeard lifts his hands up, pulling his feelers apart to reveal the face that lies beneath, its eyes snapping open to look around. "She's a might treat to look at eh? Her name's Wanda." He closes his tentacles, hiding her from sight again.

"She's good a good nose on her, you'd be surprised how well she can track. Something to go off could make tracking ol' Gelly much easier."

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard lets out an unceremonious snort and waves a hand. "Not our business her relationship Zarta, if Maj here loathes Zarta more power to her. I'm sure she has her reasons."

Wetbeard absently begins exploring the shop, a spark of fascination behind his eyes. "The only thing our little band of heroes here wants to do is find some missing lads. Any assistance you can offer, Miss Pricknettle?" After a moment of pause, he adds. "A scrap of clothing, or some other article of theirs, may be of help."

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

"Whatever they are, I'm sure a couple o' bugs aren't anything we can't handle." Wetbeard grins, his feelers dancing in excitement. "Sounds like it'll be fun. In the meantime, better go see what the masters have in store for us." Wetbeard gives the mayor a playful wink and guffaws, tentacles bouncing. "May they all be so beautiful as you, Miss Mayor."

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Affirmative Hmm!

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Assuming this will end up in a Diplomacy check from someone, consider this to whomever attempts it. If there isn't one, just consider it conversation.

Wetbeard takes a step forward, doing his best to appear official.

"Aye, we might seem like a ragtag bunch but we're here to help some people in trouble. They don't have the fat cats do any of the hard work, now do they? That falls on the hard-working men," Wetbeard motions back at the group, then up at the guards. "Like us, and you."

Aid Another, Diplomacy: 1d20 - 7 ⇒ (9) - 7 = 2

Dang it.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard looks up at the men, then back at his group. "Ain't the best with words, and these sods seem spooked already. Don't need the squidman scaring them more."

Wetbeard steps back, making room for the more diplomatically inclined to speak with the guards.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

As Knowledge checks can't be made untrained, I would ignore those, correct?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision
GM Hmm wrote:

Been dealing with some family matters that have hit my S.O. Will be catching up with you and sending you all off to Saringallow soon. Thanks for your patience.


Real life always comes first, I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we understand.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision


I was thinking along the lines of "Wanda, do you smell any enemies nearby?" Thanks for the help!

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision
GM Hmm wrote:

So, I had to reread the rules on Tumor Familiars. Here's how I will be handling it in this game.

1) Can it aid another?

Yes, but as a diminutive or tiny creature it will garner an attack of opportunity every time it does so, because it has to enter the enemy's square when it does so.

My bard, Cup, has a tiny mascot familiar named Longjing that has a delusion that it is a dragon. It rushes into battle (mainly so that I can write dice rolls with comment "Parrot to the Face!") Longjing fights defensively and is mage-armored, but he gets knocked unconscious at least once an adventure as bad guys finally hit on their attacks of opportunity.

Does your familiar have any special archetypes I need to know about? I know that Protector is popular with tumor familiars because of the Fast Healing. I've also seen a lot of Valet familiars because they will share teamwork feats with you, and a couple of maulers because, well, mauling.

2) Can it make perception checks?

Absolutely. It can make checks on any skill you have ranks in, but since it cannot talk it won't be able to communicate the results of knowledge rolls well.

If it is going to be an active player with its own personality, consider making a separate avatar for it. I'm not requiring this because it doesn't talk, but still would not mind seeing it.



That would be a Standard Action to remove him, so that's probably out the window. It is the Protector archetype. The Empathic Link Ability of familiars reads that while we can't speak, we can share emotions. I suppose that would allow yes or no questions, with it giving feedback that way? Approval and Frustration, respectively.

I've tossed the idea around of giving it an avatar, but as of now it seems to be strictly an extension of Wetbeard and nothing more.

Thanks for the clarification!

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

How will my familiar be handled? I admit I'm a little foggy on their rules.

On its turn, could it perform the Aid Another action to boost Wetbeard's next attack roll? When I make a Perception check, can my familiar make one as well?

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard adjusts his coat, doing a once over on his gear. "If you believe that there's something more to it, that's enough for me." He takes a deep breath, then exhales sharply and shakes his head, tentacles swinging. "Best to get out of here before too long then, don't want the poor kiddos dying of fright before we save 'em." Wetbeard gives Zarta a final grin. "Anything else for us before we go?"

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard grins in approval, feelers twitching. "The little onion has some sass to 'er, I like it!" He laughs and slaps a hand to the leshy's back, nearly bowling the small plant over.

"A better question might be what types of beasties to prepare for. Any clues on what the dangers may be?"

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Was Paizo down this morning? There were a few hours I was unable to get on.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Wetbeard lets out a boisterous laugh when Kragrak finishes, then walks over beside the small Grippli. "Speaking of the cursing wench, what's the story about the she-beastie out there?" He leans closer to the frog, whispering quietly behind a mischievous grin.

"She's a beauty that one, don't suppose she's looking for a he-beastie?"

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

I have to admit I'm a little nervous, I didn't expect my first play to be amongst such esteemed members of the Paizo community.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

"And what of me, Miss Dralneen? Don't I just look scrumptious?" Choosing to stand rather than soil her pristine velvet chairs, a beast of a Half-Orc grins at Zarta from across the room. The skin of his powerful frame is gray and rubbery like an eel's, and his heavy boots plod with loud *THUDS* when he crosses the room to admire her collection of literature. Beneath his chin a squirming, writhing mass of small tentacles swings with each step, creating a beard of twisting flesh. "A lecherous collection of books fit only for depraved souls." He smiles, his feelers curling slightly in tandem. "Perfect for ol' Wetbeard."

His cerulean hide armor is adorned with various bits and bobs collected throughout his travels, mostly small colored stones, feathers, shells, and pieces of dyed metal. Over his armor he wears an outfit similar to those of sailors, with heavy azure pants tucked into tall beige boots and a long, olive, open-faced coat around his body. Completing the ensemble is a brown, weathered tricorn hat sitting atop his head like a crown jewel. Across his back a wickedly sharp Falchion rests, and strapped to his side a large quiver housing a handful of small, thin spears gently sways.

The pirate walks over to the table where the tea is offered, picking up the small cup with tender care. "Ya thirsty girl?" His question at first seems directed at no one, but from underneath his armor a bulging, melon-sized growth of flesh travels from inside his clothes and up to his exposed chest. As the bulbous tumor comes to a stop, a pair of sickly yellow eyes opens up from it, darting wildly around the room. Wetbeard grumbles out, "C'mon lass, open up," and on command the lump opens up, revealing rows of small, gnarled teeth. Wetbeard empties the contents of his teacup into her mouth before giving her a loving pat and shooing her back into his armor."Alright now Wanda, back to bed. Don't want to scare our new friends too bad now."

After the bizarre display, Wetbeard returns to his spot in the room, still grinning at Zarta. "The name's Wetbeard, Miss Dralneen. The pleasure is mine."

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Two Paizo employees and GM Hmm. Talk about learning from the best! Here's hoping it's a smooth start!

Grand Lodge

Just found Gloves of Improvised Might. That certainly makes things easier!

Grand Lodge

Heyo, I'm currently making a Breaker/Flesheater Barbarian who uses a Frying Pan to fight. Here's the idea so far at level 1

Female Human Barbarian
Str: 20
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 7
Wis: 11
Cha: 7

Humble Beginnings (Frying Pan)
Surprise Weapon
Additional Traits:
Tattooed Focus (Profession Cook)
Patient Calm

Additional Traits
Power Attack

At first level, Additional Traits is taken because I needed Profession(Cook) as a class skill, for flavor reasons. With 1 rank, a +3 from class skill, +2 from Tattooed Focus, +2 Masterwork Cooking Tools (fancy spices), and Patient Calm, I'll be taking 12+8 to consistently cook delicious food.

For combat, the Frying Pan deals 1d4 20/x2 damage. With STR of 20, BAB+1, Power Attack, and holding it with both hands, a standard attack would be


That's decent enough damage, and it only gets boosted further when raging. There's a major hurdle to jump though, overcoming DR. One solution is a Mithral Frying Pan to overcome DR/silver, as unlike Cold Iron or Adamantine it doesn't need to be Armor or Weapons, and Quickmetal Bracers, which synergize extremely well with Improvised Weapons. Are there any other wondrous items or ideas in general that might help? It's worth noting that Bloodrager could use Arcane Strike to overcome DR/magic, but I'm passing that option as I'm wedded to my next idea:

Flesheater. An entire archetype based around eating food to gain abilities, and it even has one particularly notable caveat; it can gain Pounce at Level 8 without any rage powers. The idea would be that I cook a delicious meal at the start of the day, and prepare little "leftover bags" that I use to gain various rage powers by eating before/during a battle.

That said, does anyone have any ideas that might contribute to the character as a whole, or things I might not know about? One item I'm interested in is the Book of Marvelous Recipes, and due to the "odd" nature of the character, as well as saving on Gear Tax since I won't be spending money on my weapon, I imagine some wondrous items might come into play, and there's many wondrous items I'm unaware of.

It should be noted, unless any of these aren't legal, I DO want to use this in PFS. The character will hardly be optimized, but I think it's a fun idea.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision
GM Hmm wrote:

You've done a nice job with your character sheet. I like that you have common dice rolls and a bot me spoiler.

That said... I know some GMs love having everything under its own neat spoiler, but I have to admit that it drives me crazy. If you want to put the whole statblock under a spoiler, that's okay. Just don't make me click 20 times to read your profile!

In headers I love to see things like current conditions, if there are spells or other effects on you that you want to keep track of. I am intrigued by your pirate persona. Can't wait to see what you do with it.


Ah, sorry about all the spoilers. I actually only use my phone, so when it's all in one it's messy on mobile. I'll see about merging a few of them together though.

Grand Lodge

M CN Half-Orc Bloodrager 1 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 17/Touch: 12/Flat: 15 | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +7, R: +4, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perception +8 (6 Without Sight), Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision

Hey Hmm (and anyone else I suppose) my character sheet is finally properly finished and squared away. As I haven't actually run a PbP yet, I'm not sure if all of my information is there.

If you or anyone else finds the time to just make sure it's okay, I'd really appreciate it!

I know you get really busy with everything here Hmm, so I appreciate you running this for some of the newer folks like myself.

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