Wen Histani

Wen Chen's page

2 posts. Alias of ScrubKai.

Due to some real life issues, our group very sadly finds ourselves in need of a new GM for our Curse of the Crimson Throne Campaign.

Simply put we are five committed players who have been very constant over the past 2+ years as we worked our way through the first book and a half of the AP.

We are very much a group that enjoys Role Play and have been enjoying the story and how all the characters interact with each other. All of us are mature and don’t shy away from the characters reacting to what we see. We have had romance, self destructive behavior and routinely do sub-optimal things like spending our precious resources helping NPCs not for a reward but because it’s the right thing to do.
This is not a group that will try to power game ourselves to the next encounter.

If you are interested in trying to help us continue this story we are excited to hear from you!

For your perusal here is the link to our Gameplay thread:
https://paizo.com/campaigns/DMDoctorEvilsCurseOfTheCrimsonThrone/gameplay&a mp;page=1

Please cancel my adventure path subscription, and if possible my pending order.
Thank you. I just have no desire to have an evil adventure path...

Subject says it all.

Now that I have the full RotRL set, it's time to cancel my adventure Card Game subscription. That game is going to easily provide my kids and I plenty of enjoyment for the rest of the year.


Hi all,

Just picked up the base game today as an option to play on gaming night when our DM is too stressed from work to play that night.

But as I read the rules of the game, I realized my 9 year old would probably love to play this with me. It seems simple enough to understand and quick enough moving that he wouldn't get bored. Then I looked at the recommended age on the box and saw 13+.

My question is does anyone know why that is the recomended age? Is it complexity, subject matter, something else?

I remember parts of the RotRL AP dealing with mature subject matters when I played (although that may have been that's DMs take on this AP) but it looks like most of that kind of "fluff" has been stripped out of the card game, and we stopped playing the AP about 1/3 of the way in, so I don't know if it gets way more mature later...

I think he can handle the complexity of the game, so if that's the only reason, then I'll move forward with playing with him. However if it's the subject matter that gets over his head, then I'll probably have to look very closely before I introduce him to the game.

Any one who can enlighten me here?