
WaywardTroper's page

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The ideology of the "murder hobo" is as much out of apathy as it is poor role playing on the part of PCs. Using violence as an ends to a means is simply easier, more often then not, then entering into negotiations with sociopath entities intent on ending all intelligent life, or whatever there motivations may be.

Its also a shorthand for GMs. While most have the intent to develop overarching plot akin to Game of Thrones, with threads so thick it would an excellent topping on toast, or emphasizing immersion and actual character development beyond mere level acquisition and "looting", the point is it can be quicker to develop the generic "swing your sword at these other people who squat in dark, nasty places" crawl, particularly for inexperienced GMs unprepared for derailment or even experienced table toppers who need something on the fly.

Now I'm not saying murder hobo is a play style that should be emphasized, celebrated, or turned into a legitimate business venture. Killing everything in your path limits potential in a campaign and leaves only Nero playing his violin while Rome burns around him. But to completely excise the idea of killing things and looting there stuff is tantamount to removing one of the founding concepts of table topping itself.

That's why you have to strike a balance in different playstles

I've had some success with a dagger/finesse build. It is, again, a two weapon build, but if you did a couple level dip into duelist, i could be a viable melee build. To wit:
FEATS- snap shot, improved snap shot, combat reflexes: suddenly, a dagger thrower with threat range like a reach type build. Flanking from a comfortable distance FTW
TALENTS- snap shot, surprise attack, distracting attack: chain a series of sneak attacks in the surprise round for massive damage with only a slight hit to the first sneak attack
If anyone else has anymore input, feel free to add

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Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Vamptastic wrote:
Someone should make an Android Cavalier, and have its mount be a sentient Segway or motorcycle. cavalier/renegade Red Mantis Assassin.

With a scarf.

with punishing kick, aka JUSTICE KICK

By sheer coincidence, you have a party based on 4 famous classic authors. Which authors would they be, what classes would they be, and why each particular author?

-David Bowie has once again jumped genres in his renaissance style and become a minor deity in Golarion. What are his domains?

-Once Cosmo ascends from internet icon/shipping mastermind to full on godhood (I blame the starstone), will his cult be the most dangerous thing to all of Golarion?

-Favorite Hanna-Barbera cartoon?

More then a few, but I'll try to be succinct:
-Would you like to do a "At the Mountains of Madness" esque adventure path?
-Are you familiar with Mr. Welch and his ever expanding list of roleplaying misadventures?
-What classic movie monsters would you like to stat up? any chance of something like Harryhausen's Ymir, Carpenter's Thing, or anything Guillermo Del Toro?
-Are you Familiar with the HSQ? If so, at want point would you consider a session/ campaign has crossed it?
-Will there ever be a cephalopod spawn of Rovagug?
-Clockwork or Steampunk?
-Funniest TPK from your personal experience?
Thank you in advance