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Our Kingmaker pbp game is needing a few replacement players. We are still in the first book. If interested please contact me. Contact: Email gmwayne@personam.net ![]()
Hello everyone, I am looking to start an Pathfinder game via email using the new adventure path. Intro booklet advailable free here: Player's Guide If you are interested please send me a note at: email: wejarvis4@yahoo.com ![]()
I'm still looking for a few players to play a pathfinder game via email. Looking to play a a society based email game. Also have a spot open in the Second Darkness Campaign. Might be looking to start a Shadow Run 4th edition game. These are all done via email, and require you to do 1 post every few days. (If all players post faster we can of course move faster.) Thanks you personamgames@gmail.com http:\\www.personam.net/Board ![]()
Ya I would just like to support some of the things others are saying. Game worshop stuff sat around at the local store, but it sells big where someone who posted above lives, so you need to find out what people want. (And yes that 100 percent down on special orders is a must). Also the local store was run by someone who owned his own internet business. He rented the store cheap and all his costs were covered by the profit from his internet store. So is only expense was buying the products. However he ended up doing so poorly and having to discount things that he couldn't stay open, even with that the rent utilities and salaries paid by the other business (to my understanding his internet business was still doing well.) Here's some things to note: he bought so much "junk" that he couldn't buy the things that sold. He hardly ever had WOTC stuff in stock, but had plenty of 3rd party books from stuff no one heard of (it wasn't even d20... which could have helped some). the second thing was the staff was always playing things at the tables or the few networked computers. I understand if a tournament was going on but this was them just killing time. the third is linked to the second. I have never been a big in story game kinda person. I'd rather get together at home with some friends then play with strangers. But I know many people are the other way around. Just keep in mind people fall into both camps. If you're going to close at 7 or 8 and have games afterwards, try to make the store look closed. It would drive me nuts when I would leave Barnes and Noble (buying my kid a book or something) and drive to my local store to support them. Only to find after getting the kids out of the car and up to the door to find it locked, but the lights all all. (worse yet, when the door was unlocked and I was told join a game or leave.) your store isn't your dining room, so if you're going to be rude during gaming sessions, your customers are still going to see it as the game store's employee being a jerk, not the GM at the game being a jerk. Too many of the locals stores made me seriously question why I was paying more then Amazon. I was doing it to help them. To keep the business in the area. Just because your a store that sells rpgs and minis doesn't mean I the customer am your fellow table mate. Respect me, give me reason to come back, then I'll pay extra to support your business. I'll tell people about you. With all the complaits about places like Amazon, it's amazing how great customer service i've had from them. You want to stay in business? You need to convice me to want you to stay in business. **end of rant** Good luck if you choose to open your shop. ![]()
Vic Wertz wrote:
Thanks. I knew Paizo couldn't have been more difficult then others. Paizo seems like they want to work with others. Well thank you for explaining that. You just made our day. I started getting hate mail from those who want to work with me on this, after I said we might not be able to work with Paizo. ![]()
Thank you for the ideas. I was planning on doing PDF only was to advoid the overhead of printing and killing trees. It was more of a media thing then a quality thing. I'm hoping to put together some great products that are well done. I have a few "English Major" friends who could do editing (one literity was an english major). But the design / artist stuff is where i'm really lacking. I'm a good drawer, but not electroniclly. So I guess I should start gathering some people. Course then money gets into it. This could get messy. ![]()
Seldriss wrote:
Yeah, I was hoping there would be people out there. I left my email, so that if someone wanted to manifest themselves to only me, without having to worry about everyone reading this thread emailing them. I personally love the world and I think others would too. It's different then other ones I've seen. Of course, I might be bias to it. If there’s a published out there who is interested then I’d put a lot more into it. If no one is interested then, I would take my time making it. I’m starting work on a module that will be a good introduction to the world. ![]()
I'm not sure who to talk to about this. I've been playing my own homebrew game for about 15+ years now. It uses its own world and its own rule set. I've been wanting to put together a few "books" seeing if I could generate some interest in it. I was thinking of converting it over to use the Pathfinder rule set. I'm interested in making PDFs only, no print books. I was just curious about possibly distrubuting it through Paizo. I'm a far off from having anything done, but knowing the possibilities would help me plan. I have both campaign (fluff stuff with some feats, spell, and equipment) and adventures (which take place in my world but could be done in any world) If someone could help me with this it would be great. My email is wejarvis4@yahoo.com. Thanks. ![]()
Of course. I've been very careful to make sure only the players of a game can see the pictures/map/text or whatnot. And a whole pdf would never get shared, not even free ones. I put links to any free ones you might be offering. If I ever put something on the site outside the password area, I'll make sure it follows your rules. Thanks for your answers. Michael, I would be happy to work with you if you want to post some stuff to my site. As stated, you and your players would need to create accounts, but it might suit your needs while not infringing on Paizo's rights. Email me at personamgames@gmail.com if you want. ![]()
James Jacobs wrote: If you're basically building a website to host all of your Korvosa needs, what you'll want to do is go check out the Community Use Policy. It spells out what you can and can't do. So it doesn't appear that we can, for example, use a picture of a NPC from a book. Also, I have a log which included the past emails from the game (which would include some text from the books such as the decriptions gms are supposed to read. Like I've said, it's all behind a password system, but how would you suggest someone who runs email or post by post games handle this. If it was a table top game I could simply show them my copy of the map give them the "handout" or briefly show the picture from the book without letting them read text. But you can't do that online. If I was going to make my own maps, draw my own npcs, and make up all my own text, I'd just play homebrew games. Is that what you're saying we have to do? ![]()
Luke wrote:
I asked this same question about a year ago. I run games via email, which means I can't just show my players the pictures from the books. I was told by a paizo employee that I could crop stuff out of paizo books as long as: 1) I put them in a place where it required entering account/password to view them, so they wouldn't be openly advailable to just anyone on the internet. 2) Only those who are playing the game (i.e. 3-5 players max) had access to those. Now, I have my own website which I use, so I can make sure that this is followed. Could someone from paizo just verify this? Or is this a different situation seeing the maps and such are protected behind passwords that only my players can view? Also, for Michael's problem, if I posted the map on my site, and again only he and his players could view it, is that a possible solution? Thanks. ![]()
Wayne Jarvis wrote:
I have two open spots in our Second Darkness game. Right now I'm using modified versions of two of the pregenerated characters that come with it. If someone would like to take over one of these NPCs please let me know. My Email: Personamgames@gmail.com
Thanks ![]()
I have two open spots in our Second Darkness game. Right now I'm using modified versions of two of the pregenerated characters that come with it. If someone would like to take over one of these NPCs please let me know. My Email: Personamgames@gmail.com
Thanks ![]()
I would just like to point out that "legal pdfs" are stamped with the purchaser's name/email/account num or whatnot. You would have to be a moron to upload a stamped pdf on p2p. If someone does upload a pdf it's going to be an unstamped one (read: illegal). The only way I see it is that now some of the people who would have bought a legitamate pdf are now going to download it illegally feeling they have no other option now. The thing that has me annoyed is the older books. We're seeing more and more local stores closing and its being coming more and more difficult to find 3rd edition or 3.5 books. 4th edition books are everywhere. I want one I can get one in any bookstore. But pdfs allow WOTC to continue selling and making money with out the overhead of reprinting. I'm telling you one thing, I am not going to spend a monthly fee to view these books. I'm also not going to spend money on a book unless I can move it from my desktop to my laptop to my work pc, etc as I see fit. ![]()
I've seen alot of "Pathfinderizing" lately. I own my own website with it's own board (although it's very humble at this point). Is anyone interested in collecting all these conversions and such into a single unit. Perhaps making a pdf of it? Maybe Paizo would be interested in selling it. Profit would be kinda tricky due to multiple people working on it, but maybe we could have paizo donate the profit to cancer research or something. Just an idea. Let me know if you are interested. ![]()
Has anyone worked on a "master index" for pathfinder things. A list giving you topics and which product to look at for it? I have most of the pathfinder products in at least pdf format... but let's say there's a write up about a certain church in a book I don't have, it would be nice to see that. I'd get the book, even though I don't need it for it's normal purpose. Also it would help a lot when locating stuff. ![]()
Zdan wrote:
Centaurs are often shown as unfriendly and stand-off-ish as well. -2 cha might fit that. ![]()
F33b wrote:
Yeah, I was thinking the darkvision might be too much too. And the speed you're suggesting fits in line with the concept. ![]()
I've never played 4th edition, so maybe my post is worthless to you. Does 4th edition have anything like the leadership feat? It required level 6, which you guys might be close to. If you choose to not play the healer, perhaps someone could take on a cohort who heals. Not as good as a pc healer but still gives some healing. Again, I don't know if it's an option in 4th.. so it might not help. ![]()
I like the detailed Pathfinder Centaur presented above. My only issue is it basically states that the centaur is treated as a medium creature for weapons and unarmed damage, since a centaur's upper body is "human sized." I agree with this mostly, except that if I was a centaur and weaponless I would attack with my hooves not my hands. Manufactured weapons would be treated like a human, but unarmed attack should be more horse like. why punch when you can kick alot harder? Don't mean to cause trouble over this, I just picture a centaur swinging a sword at those in front of him, and slamming them with his powerful back feet if behind. Perhaps balancing this by increasing their unarmed attack damage but giving them a larger penalty. I live in the city, and don't see many horses, so maybe someone can help, but another option is only giving the extra damage bonus when useing back feet. This rear attack would suffer a to hit penalty do to the fact that centaur, unlike horses, have forward facing eyes and would not have as good aim when attack those behind them. I know it seems silly, but I believe the OP was looking to make the centaur more myth-like instead of other rpg-like, thus valuing the concept more weighty then the rule set. Other then that fantastic job. On a similar note, I've seen alot of "Pathfinderizing" lately. I own my own website with it's own board (although it's very humble at this point). Is anyone interested in collecting all these converstions and such into a single unit. Perhaps making a pdf of it? Maybe Paizo would be interested in selling it. Profit would be kinda tricky due to multiple people working on it, but maybe we could have paizo donate the profit to cancer research or something. Just an idea. Let me know if you are interested. ![]()
Vic Wertz wrote:
I know this post is over a year ago, so I was wondering if there was a solution since. My specific need is that I'm playing an online game and have requested that my players buy the Second Darkness guide ($6.99). One of my players is stuggling to pay the bills as it is, never mind spent 25 dollars on a visa gift card. I don't mind buying him a pdf so he can read it, but how could I do that? Any solutions for this besides me buying a visa card an emailing him the numbers off it? ![]()
Wayne Jarvis wrote:
I’ve gotten one request for a second darkness game, so we’re leaning that way so far. ![]()
yoda8myhead wrote: I don't remember seeing one on ninjas, though, and a search for this simply brings up topics about the never ending war with the pirates, Thanks. You know what's funny? My PCs are all pirates and not theres a ninja there. It didn't even click till I read you're post. Maybe we'll find out who's cooler. ![]()
Hey I'm sure there's already a thread on this, so if someone could just post a link, if thats the case. I'm wondering if anyone (from Paizo or maybe something one of you guys made) has a general convertion to bring things into Pathfinder. Maybe something about how things are balanced or is everyone just doing case by case. Specificlly, I'm looking to update some things from Lot5R d20 line. I'd be interested in anything else, but that's what got me thinking. We're playing in a homebrew world based loosly on the Pathfinder world. While most of the character are the normal base classes, we encountered some traverlers who I wanted to give the applicable classes (a ninja, and not just a rogue on paper but ninja in background) Any help? ![]()
Well, I'd have to say, one of the reasons that there is 3e vs 4e arguements is because people who like the older edition feel abandoned. It's a natural way of things that newer models come out. It seems like whenever I really get into a TV show it ends up getting canceled. Now I stuck with reruns. That's how I'm feeling with DnD. Sure Paizo is sticking with 3E, which is awesome, and they are doing a great job. But as a whole things are changing over to 4E. And sure those of us who don't like 4e can ignore it. But that also means publishers will be ignoring us. Honestly, I've really tried to like 4E. I've read it over and over. I have the books. But it my opinion it's pure sewage. I honestly can't say its better then that. But I also understand there are people out there who think it's the best thing that's ever been made. Knowing that they will see new books by different publishers and I'll be looking through the bargin bin for the same books I've seen over and over kinda does hurt. I think what made it worse was how the magazines died and the online thing was done so poorly. I understand why WOTC killed the magazines and wanted to go online. I get it. But their website was chaotic and lacked content. I think that just set the stage for people to get upset. Finally D&D has had such a bad name since it first came out. Those of us who played, were teased and labeled as geeks and nerds. But we stuck by our games. We knew our role playing stretched our mind's muscules, while they were loosing brain cells from each tackle. I like video games and stuff, but paper and pencil role playing games really help you to think better. It's all about problem solving. Even if you are just bashing monster after monster, you're still problem solving. It's not just hitting A over and over again. You're picking an enemy. Trying to explot their weaknesses while strengthing your strength. Adding all those bonus and penalties, might not be the hardest math, but you really are getting smarter for RPGs. The new edition removes alot of this to try and draw in those who enjoy button mashing. Overall, It might be a good business thing, but then again Role Players always look for more then that. And I think that is what is really pissing people off. ![]()
Beastman wrote:
That's odd. Well try wejarvis4@yahoo.com. ![]()
Szombulis wrote:
Still looking for another player. ![]()
I run a website where we do email games. It's at www.personamgames.com
Also, if you emailed me about playtesting me and I meantioned Pathfinder Email Game 1, that is a completely different thing. My email address is gmwayne@personamgames.com, so just email me and we can talk more. When we get something more concete, I will post it here. Aliases