Wargryph's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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I had a friend run a game where starting at level 6 and ending at 16, every character was allowed to do a minor gestalt of a single 10-level prestige class they qualified for. Basically you only took the class abilities of the prestige class (on top of the normal base class progression) and the HD of the better class, but otherwise maintained your base class progression.

I found it pretty enjoyable overall, though I have no doubt that some corner cases would make doing it again weird.

I've had a bit of a debate with a group over this, but I am curious to see if there is an official answer.

If I were to have mithral full plate armor (which counts as medium for all purposes except proficiency), would it be able to be enchanted with the Bloodthirsty enchantment? For anyone not familiar with bloodthirsty, it can only be put on light or medium armor.

To me, at least RAW, it would be able to...

But at the same time it feels wrong to put that enchant on what is undoubtedly heavy armor base.