War_Piglet's page

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Bobson wrote:
War_Piglet wrote:
DEFCON.Clown wrote:
What is the penalty for wielding a two handed weapon in one hand? The best I can figure is -2 since a Two Handed Weapon is one size category larger then a typical one handed weapon.

Never say no, assign difficulty.

What difficulty would you assign to a reduce personed halfling (Tiny) picking up a Titan's hammer (colossal-sized 2H weapon) and smashing something with it?

That would be fun, but, off the top of my head, I would take the weight of the hammer multiply it by the size of the hammer then have the tiny person make a strength check with a DC of the result, or something outrageous. And in the event that the person actually makes the roll, yeah right, I would start adding in other difficulties, like how are you maintaining any kind of control utilizing more strength checks, dex checks and some int checks, how smart an idea is it to actually attempt to pick that thing up. Not to mention a few attack rolls to see if while flailing around trying to do anything while looking dumb, the person might actually hit someone with the thing, including companions,and when they drop it, how much damage they take when it lands on them. Not to mention the internal organ or muscle damage. :D

Gswabby wrote:

I was attempting to make a character that had a good balance of both offense and defense and I saw that heavy shields are one-handed weapons. I'm assuming that you can then wield it in 2 hands to gain the additional damage and with improved shield bash you can maintain the ac bonus.

Odd mental picture but this could be a really good option. A balance of both offense and defense.

So does this work? and also would it work with shield of swings?

if so, full plate+heavy shield+shield of swings+shield spec+fighting defensively would be a nice 29 ac at lvl 1 :)

I would say sure, you can use it two-handed, as an improvised weapon or something else silly that would make is completely irrelevant. I mean, sure you can use that long sword two-handed by holding onto the blade and bashing them with the pommel, but, it is not designed to be used that way.

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DEFCON.Clown wrote:
What is the penalty for wielding a two handed weapon in one hand? The best I can figure is -2 since a Two Handed Weapon is one size category larger then a typical one handed weapon.

Never say no, assign difficulty.

Wolfsnap wrote:
This class gets all kinds of hate. Is it just the fact that a straight rogue can fill the same archetype better? Is it that there's no real gameplay need for the class, or that it makes for boring gameplay, or what? Is it any good as a strictly NPC class?

Personally, I think the "study a target for 3 rounds" is a waste. It would make more sense, at least to me, to do the following:

1) Make approaching the non-combat target a Disguise and Sleight of Hand checks for 3 rounds to see if the target is alerted to the Assassin's either by the target itself or anyone else in the area. If Assassin succeeds in approaching the target and making the attack, then target gets a fort save of DC10 + Assassin level + Base Class Level, (most likely Rogue) + Int Modifier.

2) For a combat situation, make it so that the 2nd or 3rd round after a target has been damaged by the Assassin, a Death Attack is possible, with the Target getting a Fort save at DC 10 + Assassin Level + base class level (most likely Rogue) + Int modifier.

My reasoning for the addition of the base class level to the DC is because if you are attacking something at level 10+, chances are it is going to have a pretty high Fort save. I guess you could make it 1/2 the base class level if it seems a too whacked out.

Just my opinion.
