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Organized Play Member. 14 posts (124 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.
Has anyone noticed that the logo for the Abomination Vaults AP bears a resemblance to the 2nd Edition AD&D logo? (The font and color scheme).
I have a feeling that's a clue to what will be in there.
I was hoping for something else, because I'm bored mindless of the Goblins. Blah blah we have low Int and are cookoo blah blah.
The last Free RPG Day mod for any characters other than Goblins was, what, Risen from the Sands? Wasn't that 2014?
I like this. The changes sound very appealing.
"My turn," Iolande mutters, as she's commanded to stop the running woman. She hustles closer to the door, the casting of a spell on her lips.
Color Spray, DC 14 Will